Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fringe Walking With Satan

I am typing this in the daylight on my deck.  I have wanted to type this information for years.  I am hopeful to speak to young people about it and I feel it is so very important.  I have talked to my children about it for years and years, raising them for 24 + years now.  They were not exactly receptive to it.  Society views words such as satan, demons, baptism as cuss words.  They make people shrink into their skin.  We don't live in the Bible Belt, you know.  But we sure can pay $9.00 a ticket to see satan and ghosts and worship them in the theatre. 

I also want to promise that in the future, I want to infuse scripture into my blogs.  I know that is important, and I am excited in my Bible journey to get to know that book so much better.  (Joyce Meyers states she wears one out every two years). 

I would gladly publicly speak on this, so keep that in mind.  I have experience with walking on the fringe with satan.  I was a silly girl who at one time or another, messed with the occult.  I don't know that to be that uncommon, it seemed like a few homes I visited in the 70's had Ouija boards.  Our neighbors did.  I think we did.  But the time I will never forget was during play rehearsal for You're A Good Man Charlie Brown, in Jesup Iowa. 

That was scary and real.  And I want our youth to know never to do that.  I hated when I would go to the Goodwill Store and see one there, later in life.  No wonder it was there.  It should have been burned, not recycled.   Not fair.  I believe it was Milton Bradley that manufactures these.  Shame on them. 

I won't go into detail because I don't like it to take my confidence away.  But, I will say one of our friends, Carla was very traumatized by it.(Ouija) I was, but it was evident she was really shook up.  I fear to say what really happened to her with that incident.  But, we never did it again. 

I did other things that were pushing Christ away.  I was a student at Hawkeye Tech and pregnant with Brittany.  It was Halloween and we had a Halloween party in the commons.  I had my Tarot Cards read.  And I worked with a nurse once who grabbed my hand to read my palm.  She seemed very interested to want to do that for me.  But, she didn't like what she saw and pushed my hand away. 

I used to contract mow cemeteries with my dad.  I had the key.  I was always respectful.  I enjoyed mowing there.  It was peaceful and I do like my time away from people (alive ones).  But, we did play hide and seek in the dark there.  I guess that wasn't so bad.  But, maybe we were flirting with evil a little. 

I think the deciding point for me with living on the edge with satan was also in my pregnancy with Brittany.  I was 18.  I watched Rosemary's Baby.  And I walked away from the TV in front of my in-laws and said "Enough.  I just can't do this and be comfortable".  I have not watched a horror movie since.

I had some exposure at home to some of this way before I was old enough to be in a high school play.  I think there was a lax time in the 60's and 70's and people were not being careful about playing around a little in this "hobby".  There were plenty of slumber party stories of seances and levitation.   I think that is exactly where all of this started.  A bad seed planted. 

I believe that certain spiritual people do seek out other spiritual people.  Remember, spirits can be good or evil.  When I lived in Lanesboro, MN we were getting ready to put our house on the market and move back to Iowa.  A lady who I had never heard about before called me from out of the blue, hearing we were just about to put a For Sale sign in the yard.  We spoke on the phone and she wanted to come over for coffee and talk to me about my house.  I was home alone with Ross, who was just a few months old.  Everyone else was at school or work. 

I had a funny feeling and for her being a woman, why would I feel that way?  She walked in the house.  That feeling was pretty heavy.  She was a little older than me.  She seemed very deep and odd.  We sat and had coffee.  She didn't seem to really want to talk about the house much at first.  She was probing.  Eventually she got to the point:  She was going to buy my beautiful new house as a spiritual retreat center.  She claimed she was with the Wiccan Culture.  Ok.  Now what do I do with this woman in my house and what darkness is she attempting to leave here if I tick her off? 

Luckily I was able to wrap it up shortly after that, and I told her we were going with a realtor and that she would need to now talk to our realtor for any further showings or questions.  And that was the end of that. 

I reflected on these spiritual collisions plenty in my life, had lots of nightmares.  I do believe I am gifted in some sense with discernment and I don't like to speak on this topic for entertainment.  I pray God will allow me to relay this to you in a manner that is informative only to the point that we can work harder on our families and society to warn about the long lasting effects of inviting in evil. 

I took two hours one night this summer to finally put this at the altar with the Lord.  I cried and begged him to forgive me.  I didn't want to be scared any more.  I wanted confidence in the dark.  I finally realized that I had feared satan more than God our Father.  That was all it was.  And I truly had to stop the curiosity into the darkness.  All of these Ghost Chaser stories.  I don't watch them, but if I turn the channel and it is there, it draws you in.  I know a number of people that are drawn in and they don't realize they just gave up their power.  Just in a television show.  Satan's demons are smart and here on earth.  There is no question of that.  Our children truly don't want to hear that.  But, they want to give him attention and time.  And they don't see they are tricked.  I was tricked.  And I work on this and will need to be firm the rest of my life about this unseen power that once had me in a corner. 

I know three people that saw the psychic in Waverly.  She states she is Christian.  All three people were told exactly what the demons wanted them to hear.  There is no way that lady could know these details.  The only place the Bible says this can come from is the darkness.  How entertaining.  I would love to go there and hear what happened with my older kid's dad's soul.  And talk to my parents.  But, I know better.  I had a very bad experience with that and possibly it is simply because I am very, very receptive to things.  I have a gift, and I need to use it wisely. 

I made a mistake this summer and rented Black Swan.  I thought the content that I needed to be aware of was homosexuality.  I loved the ballet and beautiful dancing.  But, I had a horrific nightmare shortly after watching that.  And now I can point that towards taking away my confidence in my own home this summer.  I need to be guarding my soul from such things.  I nearly missed the cleverness of that movie and the power that it wanted to suck out of me. 

Again, praise to our heavenly Father.  I continually ask for his strength in these matters.  I hope you will read this with confidence and use this information for the advancement of His kingdom on earth.

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