Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pacifier To Milk To Meat....

Glory to God our Father!  I pray that you have had a Holy Spirit filled fall.  I certainly have, and I have many brothers and sisters in Christ who have joined me and have been a part of that.  May the God who saved you put a fire in your belly to be hungry and searching, all the while being joyful and satisfied!  What can you expect from the God of the universe?  Nothing but something so enormous that we can only wait to meet Him for His grand conclusions to these mysteries.

How can I convince you that many of you are evangelists?  Preachers and teachers?  How can I convince you that we have hit the snooze button for at least the decades that I have been an adult and can attest to this?

But, share in this Good News:  There is a quake under your feet and non-believers feet, and don't deny that you can't feel it.  Let me tell you what it is if your church isn't:

As I "sidewalk" evangelize, 100% (so far) of my listeners have made such intense eye contact that it is unmistakable that they are waiting for people like you and I to tell them the truth.  Yes, I am waiting for the swearing and spitting on me and gnashing of teeth.  I pray that all will have good soil in their heart, and much prayer goes into this mission before and after I start walking, two by two.....(Mark 6:7)

The Lord has made it clear to me to be hated for the Gospel.  He has called me "lightening rod".  I have previously blogged His instruction to me, "Have loose lips for me, Melissa".  I have spent enough time testing and trying these revelations and yes, they come from the Lord.

The Lord has also revealed to me that He is now coming to women in masses to spread the Gospel.  I have had this confirmed about a dozen times since He put that on my heart.   The Accuser of the Brethren lately has given up on me on that topic.  At least at the present time.  Satan knows I have CLEAR instruction from God that women are called, in masses to preach, teach, evangelize and more.  There seems to be no cap on what God is expecting at this time from women.

I drove to the east coast the first week of October on a Holy Spirit journey.  I visited South Carolina.  We went online and prayed for the Lord to show us a Holy Ghost church.  We found one.   In Georgetown, SC we spent 3 hours in fellowship and worship with a church with a core of Spirit filled believers/weepers.  And here is the kicker:  Two women took the opportunity to preach and teach (one was a weeping Jeremiah!) at this service.  I believe the one woman said that the Lord put it on her heart to preach just days before.  She was so "eating meat".  Yes, JESUS!

1 Corinthians 3: 1-2  Brothers, I could not address you as spiritual but as worldly--mere infants in Christ.  I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it.  Indeed, you are still not ready.

Now, remember when Paul wrote these letters to the churches, in some instances it was just a couple of years after the churches were established.  See this in 1 Thessalonians.  All it takes is a good Life Application Study Bible to read these details.  I am not a Bible scholar.  I have merely been studying the Bible for about two years.

You will see that Paul wrote this letter in A.D. 51, and the church was established 2-3 years prior to that.  My point being:  If you have been walking with Christ for 5 or more years, and you are not advancing, take note of Paul's instruction to this church after this short amount of time.  You can read this epistle in about 20 minutes.  As you read it, mull over the fact of my previous paragraph:  He wrote this strong instruction just 2-3 years after the church was established!  Please, brothers and sisters..........move from the pacifier to milk to vegetables to meat in your journey.  We need to advance the Kingdom!  You need to become stronger in the Lord in these end times!

1 Thessalonians 5:14 And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone.

Yes, my journey may be accelerated.  I can't test that, because we all need to keep our eyes on Jesus and not others.  It is nearly impossible to gauge our journeys, if we attempt to compare them with other believers.

As the preacher, James McDonald, who has a radio broadcast, Walk in the Word, states:  One thing we know is that we all need to progress in our journey.  (loose quote).  And believe me, he doesn't mince words.  I have been listening to him for approximately 9 months, and I can say that if you listen to preachers like John Piper and James McDonald, you will move on to meat rather quickly.  The Word of God is preached by these two men .  The entire/full Gospel.  Why wouldn't you want to hear that?  If you are enjoying your "prosperity preachers", no wonder.  I beg you to at least "pepper" your listening to include conviction and repentance preachers.   It should stretch you to quit thinking about "What can I get?" to "What can I give up to feed the hungry and spread the Word of God?".  You will also hear of sin, hell and repentance.  Unfortunately, you can get an "Oprah" Gospel a number of places.  There is a little too much life application preaching going on.

Yes, The Oprah Gospel allows us to dwell on ourselves.  It allows us to dwell on our depression, financial heartaches and health problems.  We should hear about these things.  But, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is centered and founded on this and in this order:

1) The 10 Commandments
2) Our Sin Condition and need for repentance
3) The Cross
4) Faith to Believe

The unsaved need to hear these four things.  Jesus is the Antidote to our poison of sin.  We will go to Hell if we do not accept the Antidote.  We will go to Hell if we do not realize we need the Antidote.  We will go to Hell if we do not repent and change.

The saved need to progress on their journeys and continue to be sanctified until the Day Of The Lord, or until they fall asleep, waiting for Him.  I can go into how they can/will do this, but it is a heart issue whether they want to or feel a need to progress.

If the saved do not yearn to grow, they will not experience heaven on earth.  They will not possess the Joy of the Lord during the extreme trials that we all know life will provide us.   As Dr. David Jeremiah puts it, "We will always drift towards evil if we are not intentional to stay holy" (another loose quote).  I will not further go into detail, but I dare not drift.  Scripture can be interpreted two ways:  Either you can lose your salvation or you were never saved.  I will not venture off of this path to put myself into either one of those treacherous conditions, and I will not wrangle with you on that topic.

All I can say is this:  Why would you not want to progress?  Or is this life on earth too cozy?  This is not your home.  Or, are you making this your home?

May you be blessed today and all days.  May you rejoice in your salvation and share it.  May you be a light on a hill.  May you throw that basket off and shine brightly.  May you be hot, not cold or lukewarm.  May you pray to be hated for the Gospel.  As I found out, many, many love to hear the Story.  They are just waiting for you to tell it.  Please see the Alan Jackson video below:

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Three Martinis Vs. Three Twinkies

Blessings to you!  Glory to our Father!  May He continue to inspire me to type this blog.  If I look to the left or to the right (Proverbs 4:27), may He convict me, remove the blog or inspire me to change, quickly!

How do you like the title?  It is so interesting, isn't it?  Actually, this blog will center around sin and how sin simply equals sin. 

As I have typed previously, the Lord has sanctified me in numerous ways.  You could call it healing, you could call it blessings or you could call it sanctification.  I am attempting to iron that out.  I don't stress over such things.  A redeemed sinner is grateful for his Bondsman.  He is grateful for his new Owner.  He doesn't sweat much of his new life wondering how he got there or why is journey is so delightful in the present.  He just praises.  I do find that I am opening new doors continuously, as I do examine my journey.  More grace abounds as I do this!

One problem of being a new creation at age 42, was that I was surprised at how all of our journeys are so different.  One of the issues that I believe comes into play is running into Christians who have gotten stuck on a "sin category" mentality.

I cringe when I hear someone say, "Wow, can you believe their testimony?"  This is typically regarding a person who lived quite worldly, God came into their life, and they shed their old ways.  Supernaturally, of course.  Yes, their testimony is tremendous.  We folks in this category are actually humbled to such a point, that we painfully see the "mature" ones really don't have a true testimony.  Theirs may go something like this: "I really didn't have any big sin problems.  I wasn't a drinker or a druggie.  I don't have much to tell about my transformation".  "I was born into the church and didn't fall into sin". 

Yes, there are some who had this life.  But in my opinion, there are very few.  If they do have this type of testimony, the problem is, is that they see their gluttony sins, gossip sins, US Magazine sins, dividing and unnecessarily complaining about their church sins, worshiping their children sins, laziness sins, not spreading the Gospel sins, build up my money so I can retire and not volunteer sins as NOT SIN.  And certainly, they claim to not possess the sins of gambling, drugs and alcohol and sexual sins (from their pasts). 

Actually, to me, a more refreshing testimony is one from a person in the above paragraph.  But, when will I hear one? 

Did they really crumble and have to crawl to Christ?  We all need to.  Charles Spurgeon has two awesome books on the Holy Spirit. (These are cheap books at the Christian book stores and are  approximately $5.00 each)  He speaks quite frankly about the alarming number of church going Christians who are truly not born again.  I read this and tremble.  I don't celebrate in this.  I pray that the Lord will keep my heart fleshy, bleeding and quivering, never hardening as I walk longer with Him.  

What is the problem?  Pride.  Read Andrew Murray's book called Humility, The Journey Towards Holiness.  (Some of the best writer/evangelists/preachers are deceased.  There are timeless works out there to treasure).

Somewhere, quickly along the line, and we can assume within the first few years of The Acts Church, the Devil creeped in and convinced Christians to "measure" sin.  This relieves us!  Ahhh.  Yes, I didn't ever do THAT.  We look around and find comfort.  We love to hear the prostitutes' testimony...... 

Let me recommend another great book:  It is by Charles Stanley and it is called The Blessings Of Brokenness.  If you have not lived a roller coaster, cops in your driveway life and feel you are set apart to not have to be "broken", please read this and tremble.  Ask the Lord to show you the path to be broken for Him:

Matthew 22: 43-44   Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.  He who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed. 

My interpretation of this is that I would rather be broken than crushed.  Have I been broken?  Yes.

2 Corinthians 4: 6-9  For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.  But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that his all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.  We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 

In conclusion, here is the synopsis of this blog: 

My past life of 3 martinis equal your present 3 Twinkies (my abstinence and deliverance from alcohol vs. your current struggle with gluttony--and not accepting that as current and unrepentant sin)

My past fornication vs your present book, Fifty Shades of Gray.  (my deliverance from sexual sin vs your unrepentant and hardened heart regarding true sexual sin)

My past Las Vegas wasted time trips vs. your lottery ticket (do I need to explain?---remember:  gambling at the foot of the cross for His garments was a detail put in the Gospels for a reason)

May you read this and be convicted.  May I be convicted of my sin as well.  Lord, change us, chisel us, mold us.