Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sexually Pure: Absolutely Possible!

Glory to God on High!  The Christmas tree is up, the pine scent from Bath and Body Works is in the air, the $7.00 Christmas shirt is on the dog and the Yule Log DVD is "burning" on the TV screen:  (see below for fun):

What can I say?  I need to keep it light at times and especially leading into this topic.   Audience:  This is for the married, the single, the homosexual, the confused, the lonely and the curious!  The subject of sexual purity needs to be discussed.

Can you remember when you lost your purity?  (I am not talking about virginity.)  Did you find your dad's Playboy under the bathroom cabinet?  Did your friends show you a X rated video?  Was there a slumber party that you wished you would not have gone to?

The sad thing is, many of us who claim that the world now is saturated in sex (yes it is, and it is getting worse), ourselves found sexual situations very early in life, and easily.

Unfortunately, the way my parents handled sexuality was somewhat normal.  My parents were born in 1933 and 1935, and this generation seemed to handle things by not talking about them so they do not happen.  This, I believe has to do somewhat with the Great Depression, and their parents way of surviving.  Many in that generation give themselves a pat on the back that they went through it.  That they survived it.  God was not given the Glory always for feeding the mouths, providing jobs and keeping people in shelter during that time.  In part, this and the previous generation grew hard and cold.  Also, this generation or at least my parents offered little understanding as we made mistakes.  There was no room for "education" as we made mistakes.  An iron fist was the way to go.  What is strange is that neither of my parents came from this type of home.  I think the fear of the deterioration of society in the 1960's drove them to really hunker down on us.  That is my only explanation.  I forgive them.  But, I learn from this.  We need to talk to our children.  We need to keep the door open for their questions.  We need the Bible available for backup.

I got pregnant at the age of 18.  It is absolutely my fault.  (and my boyfriends)  We truly were just drinking buddies who thought we loved each other.  We got married.  My husband really didn't want to, even though it wasn't absolutely obvious at the time.  Now, I look back and his heart was not in this.  He got into drugs within 2 years of our marriage.  We lasted 5 more.  It was the most miserable 7 years of life I can imagine.  I tried so hard, but he did not accept my love.   He left, filling a paper grocery bag with items on a Saturday.  He went to live with his parents, and later lived with a girlfriend.  He was killed two years after he left, a passenger in a drunk driving accident.  I have two children by him.  They were 4 and 9 at the time of their dad's death.  If you ask me:  It all is surreal and a fuzzy nightmare that just could not have happened to me.   I was blessed with two children, and in that I knew I was made to be a mommy.  Through crisis and turmoil in this marriage, I held my head high for my children and celebrated life with them.   In Christ, I can do all things.   Philippians 4:13.

How can I change this paradigm for my children and grandchildren and express this to any and every soul that wants to listen?

First off, let's talk about what is pure and good and what our heavenly Father wishes for us!  A Good Father wants the best for His children.  He wants to protect.  He wants the best for them.  He wants them free from diseases (STDs and HIV).  He wants them to have children in the beauty of marriage.  He wants us guilt free.

He does not want us to view pornography in any form, ever.   He does not want us to watch racy TV (NBC at 8pm is filth!)  He does not want us to go to Passion Parties.  To steer away from books that titillate us, to edit the sexist jokes, the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, the soap operas and the cleavage bearing shirts, ladies.

I am not a prude.  I am born again in Christ.  The Lord has healed me from many things since the Holy Spirit filled me.  One is that He granted me purity, and an ability to be free from this "want".  He shared the yoke with me, and it is light.  It is not hard for me to be pure, now.

Do you understand the New Covenant?  Well, prior to your conversion, you will be under the Old Covenant, even if you fight it.  The Old Covenant was necessary and Jesus came to fulfill it.  It is/was good.  But there is more to the Old Covenant.  You are under condemnation (The Law), that Moses established through God.  That is why you are restless.  You are seeking to fill that hole.  You are a sinner, just like a Believer, but you cannot quit sinning.  Your habitual sins have control over you.  You are waking up Sunday morning anxious about the night before.  If you are like me, this condemnation increased in intensity.  It included more "symptoms":  Palpitations, intense anxiety and depression, anger, increase in alcohol use and GUILT!  You see, guilt is a gift before you are born again!  I believe that!  There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.  Romans 8:1

You (like I did), live like the world when it comes to sex.  Us ladies try to restrain.  We try to "establish" the relationship as committed before we have sex.  Guys know this.  Us ladies bargain with God.  We say things to God like, "Count this as being married, because I plan on getting married to him".  God knows the animal in man.  Women try to ignore it.  Outside of marriage, women who are sexual to their partner lose all control of the relationship after giving in, even though we think we have control.

Then, the woman lets the man live with her.  She thinks this is the next step towards marriage.  Actually, it is a bargain for the man.  He splits the bills, gets regular sex, and gains time now to delay an engagement because they are "trying this out instead".  And usually it ends in a breakup and the female has another heartache.  A baby comes along as well.............With no intention of marriage.

Ladies:  Knock it off!  I see women driving men around in cars all the time and these hard working 20+ year old girls are being used!  The lady is working hard, letting the man live with her, sharing her hopes and dreams and expecting a miracle.  We women had better learn to live alone and wait for the right partner.  An abstinent partner.  Yes, it is possible.

Many churches have "singles" groups, but no abstinence or purity groups.  I know who goes to single Christian groups, because I used to go to them in the '90's because I was lonely and looking for a "good Christian man".  Boy, will you find all kinds of "Christian" gals and guys out there.  Be careful.  I beg you, be careful.  There is typically tares planted within the wheat.

I haven't yet dated a man who wasn't "Christian".  I will not listen to that line, now.  If I date again, I am looking for a surrendered to Jesus Christ man.  A man who has received and understands the revelation of purity.  Yes, it is a revelation.  But, sex is too fun, so most men think it is impossible. (and women)  Lack of faith puts man and woman into a void when it comes to this revelation.  So, God will not grant it.  Faith is more than believing in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.  That is just the beginning. (But the most important thing you will ever do).  After that, there can and will be innumerable revelations available to you, if you get yourself humbled in prayer and Bible reading and surrender.  Have Scripture that you do not understand or fight with?  Ask God for revelation.  Be patient.  Be alert and on the look out for His answer.

Singles:  It takes a long time to get to know someone.  There are mask wearers out there.  Someone who claims to be born again could be a liar.  Anyone who is truly born again will eventually shed their sinful habits of the past.  They will continue to have victory over them.  They will not resemble someone of the world.  If they are all "talk" and no fruit, get away from them.  Look at their fruit.  Realize yourself that if sex was a weakness ever for you yourself, you need to be in prayer about it often and on guard.  The enemy will try to use it against you over and over again.

If you lose your heart to someone (this can happen in matter of moments), you are in grave danger of not being able to see who they really are.  A spell is cast.  You know what I mean.  Once that love spell comes over you, it is very, very difficult to see the reality.  How do we do this then?

Hand holding!  Maybe a peck on the lips or cheek!  Yes!  It is great.  Lots of time together during the day, not at night.  Do things in groups.  Be careful when you are in each other's homes.

The light cannot stand the darkness.  John 1:5 states "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."  Ephesians 5:8 states "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.  Live as children of light".

If you date this person long enough, the darkness will be revealed.  This will mean months and more likely years.  Are you a child of the light yourself?  If you are not sure, you need to find a Bible believing church.  You need to pray and seek the Lord.  You need to confess your sin and repent (turn).  You need to believe that you are WORTHY of this!  You belong in the Kingdom.  Yes, you.  Regardless of your sexual past.  Take your sexual past to the Lord.

If the Lord can heal me of the sexual bug, he can heal you:  A homosexual, lesbian, transgender, confused, bi-sexual, multiple and many partners person!  He can heal you in your "living together" situation.  He will fill that void.  He is the ultimate lover of your heart, and He is desiring for you to be obedient in this matter.  He commands it of us.

Yes, I believe some are born with tendencies outside of the norm.  This is true in every way.  Some of us are fringe people.  Personalities are on the fringe, and sexuality could be your "thorn".  Many people are intrigued by the same sex.  It doesn't mean that you need to act on it.  Throw the thoughts out of your mind, minute by minute.  Jesus wants to heal you from this.  He wants to take on your burden.  Yes, Satan will come in your dreams.  Be a warrior for Christ.  Pray before you get into the situations that cause you to stumble or nearly stumble. 

Honestly, you ask, how do you know this, On Fire For The Lord, Blogger lady?  I know when a miracle happens and it has happened to me.  Jesus wants to heal you.  He healed the lady at the well.  He healed me in the same way.  He forgave her, He forgave me.  It is behind me.  I put my head on my pillow each and every night now, with peace in my heart, that I am pure for the Lord.  No regrets now.

It is supernatural.  You will not be able to do this all on your own strength.  But, it can start with you taking a stand and talking to your partner and stating the truth of the Bible.  It can start with you "fasting" from your partner who is engaging you in fornication, lustful married sex, homosexual sex or inappropriate sex.  All sin outside of marriage, all homosexual sin, all lusting is SIN!  It is one and the same.  The married people are not protected, just because they are married.  If they are lusting after magazines, laptops and the co-worker they flirt with, they are committing the same act of sin as the single people, straight or gay.

Ladies:  This book changed my life:  It is called "Every Woman's Battle" by Shannon Ethridge.  It speaks to ALL women regarding sexual purity in marriage and outside of marriage.  Men:  Read "Every Man's Battle" by Stephen Arterburn.

Beautiful, healthy, Godly sex is for marriage.  Billy Graham is not shy, talking about sex in marriage and the delight of it, the pleasure of it.  Check him out.  Not a prude!!!!  Get on some God and enjoy life in Christ.  You can do it.  If once boy crazy me can do it, anyone can!

Please enjoy this video for encouragement as you consider a life of purity and how "Nothing Is Impossible"!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Jesus-type Love For The Divorced

Glory and Honor to our heavenly Father.  He exceeds all expectations.  He gifts beyond imagination.  He is the Answer.  The only Answer.  He loves and the world does not know love.  I am so thankful for my Father in heaven.  I am thankful for my journey.  I praise Him for the past, and I also praise Him that I realize my sin and my need for Him.  He found me in my sin.  He will never leave me. 

Isn't that glorious for a lady divorced twice to type?  How do you get there?  How do you go from complete hopelessness, disgrace, abandonment, and then rebellion on the sin wagon to being thankful for the broken road?  Let me tell you.  Getting remarried was not the answer.  I found my Saviour.  I finally found true love in Jesus Christ.  I am single and in love as never before.  Cosmic love.  Love that gifts purity.  Supernatural love that my married friends may envy. 

I want you to be on the look out:  If you are at Walmart or Target and you see a person alone, frowning and they have in their shopping cart a broom, a toilet brush, a waste basket and coat hangers, be kind.  Why would they be setting up shop at their age of 30 or 40?  Why wouldn't they move those things from their last house?  It is most likely because they are going through a divorce, and have to start all over. 

Unfortunately, our society has a "no fault divorce" attitude.  We don't even ask why our loved ones are divorced.  We don't sit across a coffee shop table and care and look into their eyes and try to know them.  We might want the "scoop" so we can pass it on, though.  We look at divorced as people who don't try hard enough.  People that must have partied or cheated their way out of the marriage.  Oh, that they are just like the 50% divorce rate, who are lumped into this category.  Actually, you might be surprised at their pain.  Their anguish.  Their deep loss and heartache.  How hard Sundays and holidays are for these people

Many divorced are women like me who gave it years of trying.  Many women were/are treated miserably.  The spouse in our situation was/is loved by society.  The spouse is a professional.  The "world" may adore the spouse.

Many of these broken marriages had nothing to do with alcohol, drugs, pornography, bar life, flirting or aggressive wives. 

There are seeds of evil in each and every one of us.  There is a sin seed for every possible sin in each of us.  Can you handle that?  You better humble down and try.  It helped me to completely forgive my former spouse.  It helps me to pray that he will be born again in Christ, and ushered into eternal life with Jesus. 

God hates divorce and I believe I know why.  Moses provided a law for divorce, and that was greatly abused.  Jesus speaks frankly about divorce in Mark chapter 10.  A hardenen heart is what produces divorce.  In all of biblical times, a woman could not file for divorce.  Only a man could.  Women, look at these words of Jesus with love, as He knew how women were treated.  Jesus, I believe is having a bleeding heart for women, here.  Remarriage?  I am waiting for revelation from God on whether I am to be remarried or not.  The Scriptures speak to me presently that it is not for me.  Only revelation from God will reveal something differently.  Yes, Jesus speaks of divorce and certain circumstances for it.  But, He still hates it. 

Honestly, the religious talk radio shows are pretty cruel at times at they address divorce.  I have to turn them off at times.  The cold talk about divorce and statistics.  Why, why why???..... Dr. James Dobson goes on and on.  Bless him, and I respect him.  But, reality shows its ugly face in that, just as the author Luke displays, these are facts of life, and no psychology degree is going to reason away the sin of Adam in our world, to women.  Thank you, Jesus for showing up in the Gospels to broken women, when Jewish society cast them away.  The bleeders and the divorced.  The living in sin woman.  The woman caught in the act of adultery.  (Jewish law states that BOTH parties were to be stoned.  The Pharisees decided to only throw the woman in front of Jesus for judgement.  Imagine that.)

In my opinion, due to the abuse rate in homes towards women and children, the Christian programs better ramp up and balance their discussion about abuse.  My heart is broken for the other listeners as well who are divorced due to abuse.  I did not chose to be divorced.  I do not like being divorced.  I planned on being married, forever.

My marriage was one filled with family and church life.  Volunteer work.  Meals around the table.  Nice home and cars.  Many women are in my category. 

I knew the spouse 5 years before the abuse even started.  This is very common, as I speak to other women. 

I am not a liberal minded woman.  I have to shovel, paint, mow and repair my home because I do not have a husband.  I work 45 hours a week because that is what I have to do.  I have to be head of my household, because that is what I have to do.  Many women are like me.  Don't be intimidated.  We are not trying to take a man's place in this world.   Also, because we are single it does not mean that we are interested in you any more than a married woman would be. 

Let's move on to the Glory of what Jesus Christ does in lives: 

After leaving a horribly abusive event, I fell into sin. I moved out and filed for divorce.  I am a grave sinner, now saved.  I can share these things because my guilt has been lifted.  I can share so others may learn.  My masks are off.  Many wear masks, and unfortunately, I am good at recognizing the mask wearers now.  Oh, my.  Many mask wearers in the church, especially.

I found myself single, not yet divorced.  Some pit falls for me:  Watching Sex In The City, increasing my drinking, finding a population of men that wanted to date me, fleeing my pain by finding new friends.  My relatives provided comfort, but typically in atmospheres of alcohol. 

The Holy Spirit was trying to speak to me.  I remember my dreams at night, from 2005-2007 that I lost something, I forgot to do something.  I would wake up and was somewhat tormented by that "thing" I forgot to do and couldn't find.  That was God calling me to Him.  Oh, Lord.  I love You so!

I went to a Catholic church in another town and sat in the back.  I left crying over and over again.  My tears of pain.  I didn't realize the conviction I was under, because I didn't necessarily feel guilty. It was almost like I felt I had to run out of that church.   My rebellion was justified, I felt.  This was my lot in life, having two abusive marriages. So, this is what I guess we do now, divorced people.

The Holy Spirit (I didn't get that this was the Holy Spirit!) was telling me in August 2006, "You have got to start somewhere".  I didn't know exactly what that meant.

My journey began with reading self help books and then management books.  From Dr. Phil to Covey.  Then, the Bible in January 2011.  The progression was in that order. 

April 2011, the Holy Spirit pretty much grabbed me as though electricity went through my body.  It changed my life forever, supernaturally.  There is no way to explain this in human terms.  From that point on, I knew there was a purpose for my life, and pretty quickly, I proclaimed the words, "Born Again", even though I did not know what that meant.  Sanctification happened quickly from July 2011 on, as I quit fighting what God was trying to gift me with.  He was giving me revelation about sexual purity and alcohol abstinence.  He was showing me a protected life from the world, if I would abstain from impure music and entertainment.  He explained discernment and that "feeling" I had much of my life, about "doom" and that when you feel that "doom", you need to move and get safer. 

I found really no one but the Holy Spirit, through reading the Bible, writing in a journal to God and praying to explain this to me.  Humans were of very little help.  God wants us to rely on Him. 

I loved my former spouses in the worldly way I knew how to.  They were in the same boat.  We all were worldly.  We were all under the curse of sin and death.  Romans 6:23   For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Romans 6: 6-7 For we know that our old self was crucified with him, so that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin--because anyone who has died has been freed from sin. 

Please understand that you must be born again.  You see, I was a religious woman, married.  I volunteered more for the church than I worked.  I taught religious education, played the piano for the church, led up a woman's circle, and more.   I was a good, good mom.   I loved my husband.  I did not know Jesus Christ personally, and really didn't care that I didn't.  I was propped up on everything but the Blood Of Jesus Christ.

Sin happens in this world. Evil things happen to people.  Religious people do evil things to people.  I propped myself up on my marriage and religious activities.  I gave no intimate time to the Lord.  I only got on my knees on the kneeler at church, as a ritual,  and if I read the Bible, it was like reading a Social Studies book.  I loved everything more than Jesus Christ.  I knew of Him, and I thought that was enough.  That pride of comfortability was dangerous.  God expects and desires our love.  I will tell you again and again in this blog that you must humble yourself to the Lord.  You must plead with Him in prayer to fill your very heart and soul.  Pray for the Holy Spirit to enter your being.  Decide that there is something missing and you will be honest enough to admit that, being a religious person.  Read the Bible to see that the religious is who Jesus came to scold, and the admittedly sick is who He came to seek out.  Admit you are sick and need a Saviour.  Dare to take off your mask of religion.   Bare bones believers He seeks!  Raw, weeping children we are to be. 

There will be an obvious turning point in your life.  You will be able to pin point that season or day in your life when you knew your life had taken on the meaning of what God intended for you, and that you are a child of God.  For most, that happens after they experienced religion. 

You will be able to forgive the unforgivable.  You will be able to pray beautiful things for those that brought havoc on to your life.  That is when you know you are saved.  When you can love those, just as Jesus did, approaching a cruel death. An execution on the cross.  Hanging there, He said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing".  Luke 23:34     See below the song about me.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

One Full Year Of Christian Television....

Glory to Our Father! Praises from Iowa.  The Lord has blessed us abundantly.  May you find this post enlightening.  May you also find time to read your Bible as much as you spend time on the computer investigating religious material.  The time in the Word is your most blessed investment. 

I had gotten rid of most of my cable a year ago.  I was spending $170.00 for cable, internet and telephone (land line).  I made some bold moves at home.  God was working on me with waste, and this was part of it, to get rid of the DVRs and mega cable package.  What I was left with was essentially the Discovery Channel and religious channels.  This proved to be a blessing for our home. 

You see, my 13 year old is a sports nut and now we do not have ESPN or other sports channels.  We discovered we never really watched the TV that much, and our home is even more quiet now that the TV does not scream "Wheel Of Fortune" at us. 

What I discovered were TV channels that had 24 hours of religious material on them.  I have a Catholic channel, a 7th Day Adventist channel and TBN and The Church Channel. 

I have gotten to know Paul and Jan Crouch, Fulton Sheen, Perry Stone, a nun in a habit, Andrew Wommack and Creflo Dollar to name a few.  (Yes, I am aware of the scandals.......)

I found this refreshing last fall, to have at least 2 channels of Christian television.  I still do, but I am discerning more and more what God's Word says versus what man says on TV.  Also, I feel we all have a right to point out what is out of balance in the religious worlds.  As Deitrich Bonhoeffer puts it in his book, The Cost Of Discipleship, " It is just not true that every word of criticism directed against contemporary preaching is a deliberate rejection of Christ".  (He wrote this circa 1940's)

On my religious journey, 44 years now, you really treasure what is to be treasured, and that which is not, you weed out.  It takes time to learn to weed.  I pray to be more and more skilled at efficient, expedient weeding. 

I can say that an old classmate from my high school days emailed me after he realized I got born again and warned, "Be careful of false teachers.  I am really warning you, be very careful out there". 

At the time, I didn't really know what to think of his email.  He didn't specify where these false teachers are, or where they will come out from.  I took it seriously, though.  The Bible speaks often of false teachers, and I was aware of that.

Here are warning signs that were being made more clear to me through the Holy Spirit regarding these channels:
1) Beware of the broadcasts that don't first ask that you tithe to your home church.  If they neglect to remind you of this as they are asking for your money, beware.
2) Scripture is not part of their message.  They should be peppering the message with memorized Scripture passages.
3) An overemphasis on prosperity preaching.  Remember:  John 3:30 "He must increase, but I must decrease".
4)The overarching message is typically pleasant and comforting.
5) The words:  Jesus, born again, repent and hell are missing from the message.
6) They don't seem to be trusting that God will provide their financial needs if your pocket book doesn't.
7) They don't urge you to find a church home and to worship there weekly.
8) They omit telling you how difficult the true Christian journey is. 

Here is who I discovered to be lining up with the Word of God, in my opinion:  Greg Laurie, Fulton Sheen, Andrew Wommack, Billy Graham (of course!), Jack Graham, Dr. D. James Kennedy, David Jeremiah, Rabbi Kirt Schneider, Brian Houston and Dr. David Swanson.  (There are more.  Sorry if they are omitted)

Here are some that I greatly enjoy and respect.  I would like to hear them preach more of repentance and then being active for the Kingdom:  T.D. Jakes, Perry Stone, Ron Phillips, Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar, Father Cedric Pisegna.

They all have their own style and delivery.  Many have an emphasis on some point of the Gospel.  I will just assume that the Holy Spirit is who has instructed them to weigh that point of the Gospel out more than the entire message of the Gospel. 

It is difficult to gage in that evangelists are expected to be speaking to the unsaved, while preachers in their home churches are expected to be speaking mostly to the saved.  If you ask me, we should always assume the unsaved are in our midst. 

For the sake of all, I will not list the preachers who I think are completely out of balance.  These preachers are emphasizing the large portion of their message about "me".  My health, my bills that need paid, my income, my future, my stuff, my getting more stuff.  The majority of the message should not center around life applications.  This can be part of the message, but it should not be the entire message.  We need to hear about all that Jesus had to say.  All that Paul, Luke and John wrote.  Let alone, Moses, David and Isaiah.  All of Scripture is God breathed, and so no "God" message can be truly delivered without it.  If you claim to be a preacher, teacher or evangelist, you better take note of what the Bible is saying, insert it often and on all occasions of speaking of Jesus.  Otherwise, please just call yourself a life coach.  Thank you.

The out of balance preachers are not crying out to the masses to reach out to the unsaved and those hungry in other countries, sex trafficking; all of the present horrors that need prayer and workers.  To look outside of themselves.  Think of it this way:  They really keep asking you to look in the mirror.  Keep looking at what "you" need.  What happened to "you" in your past.  "Your" addictions and habitual sins.  We need to move on to:  You were saved by Grace, you repented, you are being sanctified.  Now go out there and save other people!!!  Let's move on, folks.  Quit sitting and stewing on your salvation buttocks. 

Reading 2 Peter chapter 2 is extremely helpful.  Also, remember this as you match up God's Word to the person speaking it over the TV:  James 2:5  "Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?"  We yearn to be poor in the eyes of the world.  To be more and more like Christ.  

I enjoy many of the religious programs.  There are some I do not watch at all anymore.  Like I have said before, some of the best knowledge you will obtain will be from those from the past.  Those who are not with us any longer.  Please spend time in the Word of God daily.  If you find free time after that, please engage yourself with the deceased greats.  Please enjoy below Bishop Fulton Sheen.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tender Hearts Prevail!

Glory to Our Father!  May you find this blog helpful in your journey in Christ.  How refreshing.  It does not cost you or I anything.  I am not asking you to "sew a seed", as the evangelists on television do.  I am simply following what the Holy Spirit seems to instruct me to do.  Actually, the title for this blog came to me in my sleep last night, which is also where "Do You Love Me x 3, Peter" came from, this weekend.  (You should see my writing in the dark at 1am!)  Honestly, many of my dreams are instructional, and it appears they are from the Lord.  I test out everything.  Our revelations typically come in waves, lapping up from the sea in our soul.  I sit and wait on instruction of this nature.  I pray about it, ask the Lord to speak to me through His Word about it, and am especially aware instruction may come from humans as well.  All to put the pieces together on what God has in store for me and you. 

Tender Hearts:  My dad called me a tender heart when I was a young lady.  I think it was over crying about an injured animal, something like that.  Tender hearts can callous as they age.  I did. 

Ezekiel 36:26:  I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. 

Proverbs 28:14 Blessed is the man who always fears the Lord, but he who hardens his heart falls into trouble.

Now that I look back into my life before I was a Holy Spirit filled believer, I see the callus:  The biggest evidence was successfully holding back tears at funerals. 

This takes incredible skill, energy and acting.  I was really good at it.  I was proud that I was not a crier. 

Yes, I can rewind and go back to childhood and point out the things my parents didn't do to comfort, to encourage, to let feelings roam free.   But, I have come so very far in my sanctification process that my testimony now includes so little about the pain, and more about the victory in Christ. 

Can you remember the first time your heart was truly broken?  I remember watching a few movies that really haunted me as a child.  One was the Elephant Man.  Another was a movie I have no idea of the title, but it had to do with a boy who had a pet bird, and his "friends" stoned it to death.  These movies truly will not leave my mind (heart).

I remember when my oldest sister left the house at age 18.  I remember grabbing her and crying and really being a mess for days.  I also remember crying horribly at her wedding! 

All of these items happened before the age of 12.  From there on out, Jr. High comes, teasing comes, puberty comes, and the masks come on.  That is when I believe I started "unbelieving" that I had a tender heart, or that I should have one. 

As a born again Christian, I bet I cry or weep 5 days out of 7.  I thank God for that.  Many times it is during worship or personal prayer. 

I finally started weeping about my oldest children's father's death, which happened in 1996.  I heard the song by Tim McGraw, "Live Like You Were Dying" on the radio, and it hit me.  And I said, "Lord, bring it on.  It's about time"......

Don't we all stuff feelings?  Exchange feelings for feelings? 

This is the meat of this blog:  We are a little complicated, especially those following Christ.  Feeling a little bipolar?  Typical.  Feeling extremely high one moment and under attack the next?  Typical. 

The follower of Christ will exhibit a tender heart.  A heart that bleeds for others to also follow Christ.  This tender heart will be broken over and over again mostly by other believers.  It will be broken by those who want to clip her wings, save her from some catastrophe of nose diving from her first "baby Christian experience".  That is what is incorrect.  I, myself have never met a born again on fire for the Lord who nose dived and walked away from the faith.  It appears that happens, but the people I meet who appeared to "find Jesus" really never did commit and leave the world, so they really were never born again.  They didn't have the repentance part, they didn't have their heart circumcised.  They were kind of like me when I thought I was having a religious experience in 1998 (and yes, it was part of my journey, and I thank the Lord for it), but it ended up with me becoming Catholic, reading all of Dr. Laura's books, hiking myself up on works, and then crashing when my marriage dissolved.  I was not born again.  It was not my time.  Pride had to be dealt with.  Sin had to be dealt with, all the way back to childhood.

Let me remind you that God decides who the elect is.  Whether we choose to respond is our choice.  Ultimately, God decides.  He desires all to be His children. 

That paragraph above is one reason I weep.  I can't believe God would love us so much.  But He does and it is amazing!   And none of this makes much sense if you haven't truly repented for your sin.  Oh yes, I thought I did.  But, my heart didn't agree. I repented with my head and not my heart.   I skimmed over my sin list and moved on.  I didn't truly "feel" for my sin.  I was using "works" to get on with it.  Looking around was always easier.  To look at others sin and gasp!  At least I wasn't doing this or that.....

I am blessed that a tender heart was installed in me at birth.  I believe that.  I remember very early memories of crying, feeling, aching for others.  So weary at times, helpless to help so many.  It was not depression.  It was a gift.  Yes, my gift got hidden away under layers of hard shells of walls I had to built up, and walls I decided to built up for my own selfish reasons.  But, my tender heart has emerged again, starting a couple of years ago.  What can we say?  That Jesus Christ, the Rescuer, Redeemer, Friend, Father, Lover, Brother, Lord and Almighty has knocked enough on my heart to get those shells broken off, that I finally broke free! 

There is no other path, my friend.  Your path is so similar to mine, whether you walked the broken road or you walked the safe road.  You need to repent and realize your sin.  Your heart will continue to callous, and the more miles you walk in your own ways, the harder the callus.

Then, you may join in on the weeping, hills and valleys journey.  A crazy ride, it is!  All I can say, is that I am so, so very glad that my heart is now exposed to the world, and I gave it all to Christ.   A fool for Christ I may be!  Not drunken with wine, but drunken with the Spirit! 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Quit Living Waiting For The Other Shoe To Drop


Blessings and Glory!  Oh, Lord that you will work through this blog.  That You will enable others to see something they have not yet seen.  That they will experience a hunger for your Word.  That a curiosity will spark in their being, a craving for Truth. 

Let me tell you of wonderful deceased preachers/authors so you may hunt down these inexpensive books or view Youtube sermons to see the unchanging wisdom, some of it from our previous century.  Check out Andrew Murray, Francis Schaeffer, C.H. Spurgeon and Chuck Colson just to name a few.

Hanging around with people that keep warning you of the impending danger, being a Christian?  People reminding you of a possibility of God deciding to hide Himself from you, Job moments to come, Holy Spirit hide and seek?  How about spiritual warfare just on the horizon? 

Well, yes these are all realities to some degree.  First question to ask is:  "What is going on in THEIR life?" 

There is a depression bug that seems to plague Christians.  This is historically seen in prophets and evangelists.  The outspoken for Christ are under incredible warfare.  Martin Luther's biography is amazing.  He was pursued by demons and depression, yes.  Modern day Perry Stone is pursued by demons.  Most of us that God chooses to be bold for the kingdom will battle this.  It is a won battle, daily.  I can attest to that.  I have victory in Christ and there are very, very few people I can share intimately what I encounter.  If you do not experience spiritual warfare, that actually is not a good signal of your taking part of God's plan to spread the Gospel.  You are left alone because you are not a threat.   Many do not speak out for the Kingdom because they are aware of the challenge of the unseen world.  What they do not understand is that the victory in Christ as we win each and every one of these battles actually propels us higher into realms of fearlessness that few can understand.  As I put it recently, "I step on the heads of the demons so I may reach higher ground".  But, also understand Jude vs. 9:

"But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him, but said, "The Lord rebuke you!"

I had a friend point  out that we are to respect the underworld of demonic spirits.  I now am more careful of my terminology towards them. I have used abusive statements about and to them.   If you are under attack, just as Jesus did, you need to quote Scripture.  No conversations, no nothing but Scripture. 

We live our Christian life moment by moment.  We do not wring our hands about the future.  We do not "wait" for the other shoe to drop.   We read God's Word daily and pray and praise Him daily on our knees.  Our alarm goes off in the morning and we rise and say, "Oh, Lord, thank you for protection in my sleep.  For another day.  For my breath that I may praise you.  Something good is going to happen today, thanks to you, Lord".

If your clique includes downers, I suggest you migrate towards the light, as you are treading on dangerous ground.  Limit your time with Christians who seem to seep of jealousy of your joy, who seem to be self  elevated due to their "decades of walking in the Lord".  True leaders are servant leaders.  True elders should be servant elders.  There is a muzzle on the Holy Spirit in many churches and man attempts to put the muzzle on the Holy Spirit.  John 3:6-8:  "Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.  You should not be surprised at my saying, You must be born again.  The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going.  So it is with everyone born of the Spirit".

You see, the Holy Spirit will not be muzzled.  But it will blow where it wishes.  I would HATE to limit It!  I see this so much, in so many.  Jesus wept so much, and I weep so much for the Spirit is limited by man.  I am simply a born again, Holy Spirit filled woman.  God blows me where He wishes.  This is true submission to the One who saved my soul.  Why would you continue to not submit?  This is not a game.  You can't win if you win in this life. 

Also, read the book of Job, but read it with anticipation of great things.  Through study, I have found that Job's dealings of loss were actually over a period over about 11 months.  It was not a lifetime of tragedy.  It was an intense, short period of a loss of his health, his children and his occupation and belongings.  As another test, God let him "keep" his wife and friends, who actually were the devil's advocates to further test and torment him.  If you think you have had a "Job" moment, think again.  Job was as spotless a sinner as they come.   I don't know of anyone who had lived a more obedient life as Job.  So, no, you are not having a "Job" season.  You are simply having a loss, so look around and see what God is doing in your life.  You may need to make some changes.   To say you lived an experience like Job appears to be pride in your life. 

Let's also discuss the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Do you fear that the God that created all of the universe wants to torment you?  Good fathers do not torment their children.  Good Father (Heavenly Father) will take good care of His children. (Are you His child or are you of the world?)  Do you think He would just fill you partially with His Self (Holy Spirit) and then yank it away?  If He did do such a thing, it would only be to teach you, to prepare you, to enable you to do greater things.  Let this be of comfort:  Andrew Murray, author and preacher puts it this way in his book, Experiencing The Holy Spirit:  "The full pentecostal blessing is for all the children of God. Christ is not divided; He that receives Him receives Him in all His fullness.  God does not give a half portion to any of His children. 

Romans 8:14: As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. 

So, please, beloved:  God is not mad at you, He is mad about you!  There will be no shoe to drop because you already should have surrendered your children, grandchildren, profession, hobbies, health, spouse, schedule, lifestyle and earnings to Him!  So, this puff of smoke time on the earth will vanish in such a minuscule period of time, as you should comprehend to a greater degree, eternity, as a recreated in Christ creature! 

Decide:  Are you so in love with this world that you will pace back and forth and wear the carpet out about what may happen here?  Look to the heavens!  Live in the heavenly realms, now!  The Lord Almighty has given you this ability.  Fill with the Holy Spirit.  It is not automatic.  You must submit your life to Christ, after giving your life to Christ.  You may have missed the submit part.  There are no works to do.  That will push you farther into the pit.  Get on your knees, ask the Lord to examine your heart, and realize you are a sinner in need of a heart "transplant".  Let the sanctification begin!  

May you that have the Holy Spirit dwelling in you continue to take "heart".  Find those other butterflies out there that weep over the ones lacking.  Find those others that have a joy unmatched on this earth.  No wonder the church of America looks at them with confusion.

May you that are not sure, please, please:  You will know if the Holy Spirit dwells in you!  It will be the light suddenly turned on in the cellar, the 40 lb weight lifted off of your neck, the winning of the lottery feeling.  Unmistakable! 

Glory to God on High!  Keep heart, my friends.  Keep praying.  Keep submitting further and further as you let go of this world and its treasures that will soon fade away.  Our Savior Jesus is at the helm of this ship, He has you covered in all ways.  His blessings on earth cannot compare with the tactual things you have shed. 

Revelation 22:17 The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come"! Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.

Do You Love Me x 3 Peter?

Glory to God!  May you find this blog inspirational.  If it makes you uncomfortable and irritable, let this be a blessing down the road.  This is not a 1/4 of the Gospel type blog.  Olsteen and "Oprah" have their versions, but my blog is about sin, repentance and the full life of Christ that He intends for you. You can't short cut the sin and repentance part.   This is a full Gospel blog.  It is my intent to do that.  I pray that each preacher out there will intensify their message, not to leave anyone out of the power of the Good News.  Also, as I talk of the Holy Spirit walk with Christ once you are born again, I will talk about the realities of the bitter/sweet journey.

Ever wonder about Cain and Abel?  Cain's offering and what was lacking in it?  Was it lacking or was it his attitude?

Ever wonder about Peter's sin vs. Judas'?  Was it really that different?  Notice the evil of money exchanged....vs. Peter's plain fear.

The prodigal son vs. the older son?  (See image above)  Which is worse to be? 

One thing I have discovered is a simple truth of the entire Bible.  There are two ways to look at most every incidence in the Bible.  The parables are blinded from unbelievers (and unbelief in believers) and all other Bible passages could be justified in fleshy terms, thus missing the Majesty, Righteousness and Glory of our Father in His dealings with man.  Sometimes this includes death and earthly punishment.

For instance, we could start with Cain.  It was not automatic that I understood "God's" side of this.  I felt sympathy for Cain until recently.  I would recommend that you buy a Bible Commentary for assistance.  I found The Baker Illustrated Bible Commentary for $19.99 (with a coupon).  This has both Old and New Testament commentaries.

I took the shallow, automatic worldly view that God somewhat was unfair.  Obviously, God created all, so God may do whatever He wishes.  What I dug deeper to discover is that it is in Cain's attitude, (Genesis 4:9--"Am I my brother's keeper?") exposes the heart issue. And this is after he murders his brother.  One thing you see here and with Judas, is no repentance during discipline or warning.  Cain is warned after God sees his downcast demeanor, "...that sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it".  Genesis 4: 6-7.  What a warning we all would love to receive from God, prior to our next huge life mistake.  I think it best that I put that on a 3" x 5" index card, as I do other helpful Scriptures.

And let's go to the prodigal son.  (Luke 15: 11-32) You see again the jealousy issue with the older brother, working away in the fields.  Recently it was pointed out to me an interesting hidden story in that.  The older brother was resting in his "works" and never could get beyond that.  If we measure in "works", we never experience divine love and therefore cannot produce divine love, as our Father loves us.  That stuck out so severely at me.  You see the deep seeded hatred the older brother obviously had all along.  Toiling away, sweating in the fields.  And here comes the misfit brother.  Notice this point:  The father gave away his inheritance willingly (after the younger son asked for his) to both sons at the same time.  What is a gift is a gift.  Or is it in your books?  The father in the story is our Father, and you see the love he has for his long lost son.  So much so that "But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him".  Here is a story that completely explains our "religious" way of life, until we are born again.  The "righteous" religious will have a harder time than a lost son who has lived an outward, sinful life.  Either way, the Father will run to meet you and kiss you, if you turn from your sinful ways.  Unfortunately, the Pharisees struggle to see their sin, as they calculate inward, justifying.  There is no game in Jesus Christ.  Believe me.  I was one who bargained, hid, rebelled, ran and finally came to the end of myself.  I was a Pharisee.  But, also an outward wretched sinner for periods of my life.  

Oh, and now on to Peter.  Why would Jesus ask him three times if he loved Him?  Let's start with me.  This is how I would have answered before knowing Jesus personally, and surrendering to Him:  I would have answered just like you would have as a religious person:  Well, I love you because I go to church most weeks.  I also show I love you because I play piano in the church.  I love you because I pray before most supper meals................
All based on works.  Just like Cain, just like Prodigal son's brother and the rest of us until we grab the hand of Jesus who is offering to rescue us from the pit of life and the pit of eternal damnation.

See Peter's heart:  He simply answers, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you."

No works involved. 

And now if Jesus would ask me if I loved Him, my answer would be as plain as Peter's.  I do not boast in these things.  I would say, yes.  Just as I do daily as I speak to Him and praise Him.

May you search your heart how you would and do answer that question.  Just as if someone should ask you, "If you died today, do you know without a doubt where your soul will go?".  Simple question.  Simple answer.  Yes, or no? 

Blessings my friends in Christ.  Blessings that you are filled with the Holy Spirit.  Pray that you be filled if you are not sure.  Get rid of all hindrances.  Get rid of pride, anger, unforgiveness, idols and worldly pleasures.  Keep shedding and praying so you may be filled. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pacifier To Milk To Meat....

Glory to God our Father!  I pray that you have had a Holy Spirit filled fall.  I certainly have, and I have many brothers and sisters in Christ who have joined me and have been a part of that.  May the God who saved you put a fire in your belly to be hungry and searching, all the while being joyful and satisfied!  What can you expect from the God of the universe?  Nothing but something so enormous that we can only wait to meet Him for His grand conclusions to these mysteries.

How can I convince you that many of you are evangelists?  Preachers and teachers?  How can I convince you that we have hit the snooze button for at least the decades that I have been an adult and can attest to this?

But, share in this Good News:  There is a quake under your feet and non-believers feet, and don't deny that you can't feel it.  Let me tell you what it is if your church isn't:

As I "sidewalk" evangelize, 100% (so far) of my listeners have made such intense eye contact that it is unmistakable that they are waiting for people like you and I to tell them the truth.  Yes, I am waiting for the swearing and spitting on me and gnashing of teeth.  I pray that all will have good soil in their heart, and much prayer goes into this mission before and after I start walking, two by two.....(Mark 6:7)

The Lord has made it clear to me to be hated for the Gospel.  He has called me "lightening rod".  I have previously blogged His instruction to me, "Have loose lips for me, Melissa".  I have spent enough time testing and trying these revelations and yes, they come from the Lord.

The Lord has also revealed to me that He is now coming to women in masses to spread the Gospel.  I have had this confirmed about a dozen times since He put that on my heart.   The Accuser of the Brethren lately has given up on me on that topic.  At least at the present time.  Satan knows I have CLEAR instruction from God that women are called, in masses to preach, teach, evangelize and more.  There seems to be no cap on what God is expecting at this time from women.

I drove to the east coast the first week of October on a Holy Spirit journey.  I visited South Carolina.  We went online and prayed for the Lord to show us a Holy Ghost church.  We found one.   In Georgetown, SC we spent 3 hours in fellowship and worship with a church with a core of Spirit filled believers/weepers.  And here is the kicker:  Two women took the opportunity to preach and teach (one was a weeping Jeremiah!) at this service.  I believe the one woman said that the Lord put it on her heart to preach just days before.  She was so "eating meat".  Yes, JESUS!

1 Corinthians 3: 1-2  Brothers, I could not address you as spiritual but as worldly--mere infants in Christ.  I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it.  Indeed, you are still not ready.

Now, remember when Paul wrote these letters to the churches, in some instances it was just a couple of years after the churches were established.  See this in 1 Thessalonians.  All it takes is a good Life Application Study Bible to read these details.  I am not a Bible scholar.  I have merely been studying the Bible for about two years.

You will see that Paul wrote this letter in A.D. 51, and the church was established 2-3 years prior to that.  My point being:  If you have been walking with Christ for 5 or more years, and you are not advancing, take note of Paul's instruction to this church after this short amount of time.  You can read this epistle in about 20 minutes.  As you read it, mull over the fact of my previous paragraph:  He wrote this strong instruction just 2-3 years after the church was established!  Please, brothers and sisters..........move from the pacifier to milk to vegetables to meat in your journey.  We need to advance the Kingdom!  You need to become stronger in the Lord in these end times!

1 Thessalonians 5:14 And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone.

Yes, my journey may be accelerated.  I can't test that, because we all need to keep our eyes on Jesus and not others.  It is nearly impossible to gauge our journeys, if we attempt to compare them with other believers.

As the preacher, James McDonald, who has a radio broadcast, Walk in the Word, states:  One thing we know is that we all need to progress in our journey.  (loose quote).  And believe me, he doesn't mince words.  I have been listening to him for approximately 9 months, and I can say that if you listen to preachers like John Piper and James McDonald, you will move on to meat rather quickly.  The Word of God is preached by these two men .  The entire/full Gospel.  Why wouldn't you want to hear that?  If you are enjoying your "prosperity preachers", no wonder.  I beg you to at least "pepper" your listening to include conviction and repentance preachers.   It should stretch you to quit thinking about "What can I get?" to "What can I give up to feed the hungry and spread the Word of God?".  You will also hear of sin, hell and repentance.  Unfortunately, you can get an "Oprah" Gospel a number of places.  There is a little too much life application preaching going on.

Yes, The Oprah Gospel allows us to dwell on ourselves.  It allows us to dwell on our depression, financial heartaches and health problems.  We should hear about these things.  But, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is centered and founded on this and in this order:

1) The 10 Commandments
2) Our Sin Condition and need for repentance
3) The Cross
4) Faith to Believe

The unsaved need to hear these four things.  Jesus is the Antidote to our poison of sin.  We will go to Hell if we do not accept the Antidote.  We will go to Hell if we do not realize we need the Antidote.  We will go to Hell if we do not repent and change.

The saved need to progress on their journeys and continue to be sanctified until the Day Of The Lord, or until they fall asleep, waiting for Him.  I can go into how they can/will do this, but it is a heart issue whether they want to or feel a need to progress.

If the saved do not yearn to grow, they will not experience heaven on earth.  They will not possess the Joy of the Lord during the extreme trials that we all know life will provide us.   As Dr. David Jeremiah puts it, "We will always drift towards evil if we are not intentional to stay holy" (another loose quote).  I will not further go into detail, but I dare not drift.  Scripture can be interpreted two ways:  Either you can lose your salvation or you were never saved.  I will not venture off of this path to put myself into either one of those treacherous conditions, and I will not wrangle with you on that topic.

All I can say is this:  Why would you not want to progress?  Or is this life on earth too cozy?  This is not your home.  Or, are you making this your home?

May you be blessed today and all days.  May you rejoice in your salvation and share it.  May you be a light on a hill.  May you throw that basket off and shine brightly.  May you be hot, not cold or lukewarm.  May you pray to be hated for the Gospel.  As I found out, many, many love to hear the Story.  They are just waiting for you to tell it.  Please see the Alan Jackson video below:

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Three Martinis Vs. Three Twinkies

Blessings to you!  Glory to our Father!  May He continue to inspire me to type this blog.  If I look to the left or to the right (Proverbs 4:27), may He convict me, remove the blog or inspire me to change, quickly!

How do you like the title?  It is so interesting, isn't it?  Actually, this blog will center around sin and how sin simply equals sin. 

As I have typed previously, the Lord has sanctified me in numerous ways.  You could call it healing, you could call it blessings or you could call it sanctification.  I am attempting to iron that out.  I don't stress over such things.  A redeemed sinner is grateful for his Bondsman.  He is grateful for his new Owner.  He doesn't sweat much of his new life wondering how he got there or why is journey is so delightful in the present.  He just praises.  I do find that I am opening new doors continuously, as I do examine my journey.  More grace abounds as I do this!

One problem of being a new creation at age 42, was that I was surprised at how all of our journeys are so different.  One of the issues that I believe comes into play is running into Christians who have gotten stuck on a "sin category" mentality.

I cringe when I hear someone say, "Wow, can you believe their testimony?"  This is typically regarding a person who lived quite worldly, God came into their life, and they shed their old ways.  Supernaturally, of course.  Yes, their testimony is tremendous.  We folks in this category are actually humbled to such a point, that we painfully see the "mature" ones really don't have a true testimony.  Theirs may go something like this: "I really didn't have any big sin problems.  I wasn't a drinker or a druggie.  I don't have much to tell about my transformation".  "I was born into the church and didn't fall into sin". 

Yes, there are some who had this life.  But in my opinion, there are very few.  If they do have this type of testimony, the problem is, is that they see their gluttony sins, gossip sins, US Magazine sins, dividing and unnecessarily complaining about their church sins, worshiping their children sins, laziness sins, not spreading the Gospel sins, build up my money so I can retire and not volunteer sins as NOT SIN.  And certainly, they claim to not possess the sins of gambling, drugs and alcohol and sexual sins (from their pasts). 

Actually, to me, a more refreshing testimony is one from a person in the above paragraph.  But, when will I hear one? 

Did they really crumble and have to crawl to Christ?  We all need to.  Charles Spurgeon has two awesome books on the Holy Spirit. (These are cheap books at the Christian book stores and are  approximately $5.00 each)  He speaks quite frankly about the alarming number of church going Christians who are truly not born again.  I read this and tremble.  I don't celebrate in this.  I pray that the Lord will keep my heart fleshy, bleeding and quivering, never hardening as I walk longer with Him.  

What is the problem?  Pride.  Read Andrew Murray's book called Humility, The Journey Towards Holiness.  (Some of the best writer/evangelists/preachers are deceased.  There are timeless works out there to treasure).

Somewhere, quickly along the line, and we can assume within the first few years of The Acts Church, the Devil creeped in and convinced Christians to "measure" sin.  This relieves us!  Ahhh.  Yes, I didn't ever do THAT.  We look around and find comfort.  We love to hear the prostitutes' testimony...... 

Let me recommend another great book:  It is by Charles Stanley and it is called The Blessings Of Brokenness.  If you have not lived a roller coaster, cops in your driveway life and feel you are set apart to not have to be "broken", please read this and tremble.  Ask the Lord to show you the path to be broken for Him:

Matthew 22: 43-44   Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.  He who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed. 

My interpretation of this is that I would rather be broken than crushed.  Have I been broken?  Yes.

2 Corinthians 4: 6-9  For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.  But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that his all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.  We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 

In conclusion, here is the synopsis of this blog: 

My past life of 3 martinis equal your present 3 Twinkies (my abstinence and deliverance from alcohol vs. your current struggle with gluttony--and not accepting that as current and unrepentant sin)

My past fornication vs your present book, Fifty Shades of Gray.  (my deliverance from sexual sin vs your unrepentant and hardened heart regarding true sexual sin)

My past Las Vegas wasted time trips vs. your lottery ticket (do I need to explain?---remember:  gambling at the foot of the cross for His garments was a detail put in the Gospels for a reason)

May you read this and be convicted.  May I be convicted of my sin as well.  Lord, change us, chisel us, mold us. 

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ouija Board Strategies In These Last Days

Blessings from my home to yours.  May the title of this blog grab your attention to read on about how the Devil has attempted to steal, kill and destroy from the time you could first remember.

Revelation 2:4-5  Yet I hold this against you:  You have forsaken your first love.  Remember the height from which you have fallen!  Repent and do the things you did at first. 

Revelation 3:3-6  Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; obey it, and repent.  But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.  Yet you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes.  They will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy.  He who overcomes will, like them, be dressed in white.  I will never blot out his name from the book of life, but will acknowledge his name before my Father and his angels.  He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

I don't know about you, but there is such freedom to read the book of Revelations without fear. We tremble in the presence of the Almighty, but our days of fearing the unseen and the future are over, as born-agains.  What is it saying to us?  To the churches?  Do you see the relevance for today in this book? 

I first started reading the Bible at about age 9 years of age.  I also read the newspaper pretty regularly as well at an early age.  I boldly read the world events and editorial sections of the paper, along with the Gospels and Revelation.  I grieved over world hunger and wars and such.  This intercessory gift was present always.  My parents were curious about me.  I was the baby of 5 girls.  I had an imaginary friend named Sharon for quite awhile.  I was a dreamer, a David.  A Joseph, that is for sure.  I was musical and creative and loved to play alone (with dolls, pets and my imagination).  

I started life like most of you.  Singing about Jesus in Sunday School.  Bible School and learning with vigor about Bible characters.  We sang some Negro spirituals in Jr. Choir at church.  "Do, Lord, Oh Do Lord, Oh Do Remember Me".  See this Youtube link.

I don't know how our American Lutheran Church liked it, but my volunteer choir leader Shirley, had us sing some great Jesus songs.

Yes, as children we can sing "Jesus Loves Me" easily.  Then comes the teen years.  The wicked Jr. High years.  The loss of interest in church.  The draw to the opposite sex.  The cliques, the pimples, the early hardships.  The exposure to alcohol and cigarettes.   The rigid, legalistic parenting that we go home to, that doesn't explain the "why" behind the "no".  We get a message to keep out of their way and don't embarrass us with blemishing the family reputation.  We don't hear about the exact heartaches they suffered, because their generation and the generation before doesn't talk about their mistakes and certainly never apologizes.  Once we are off the hip of our mothers, we are shooed away and the intimate relationship ceases.  This continues into life.....

Many of us went from skipping around singing Jesus songs, to quickly growing up without a way out of our sin. 

I personally suffered of this.  I read the Bible very early and no one to explain the beauty of the answer!  A Redeemer!  We have a convicting preacher in our church, but no way out of our sin.  The term, "Born Again" was not used in any of the churches I attended, and even now, it is rare to find a church that states this necessity.  Other terms are used, yes, but regardless of any negative connotation it was given possibly in the 70's, it best describes (and is Biblical), what is necessary for us to have New Life. 

I hope many of you reading this can relate.  But, let me continue to The Ouija Board Of Life.......


But, what if in this mix of life someone gets born again? 

Here are the pitfalls for you to beware of:  1) Someone talking you out of a believer's baptism.  2)  A church that extinguishes the Holy Spirit.  3) Mature Christians trying to suppress your joy, or telling you that it will "pass".  4)  Healing of the Lord being shunned.  5)  The constant negative discussion of the speaking of tongues and its place in our lives, if we are indeed gifted with it.  6) Not spending time in the Word, daily.  7) Understanding that you will need to make a change in who you hang out with, even if it is family.  8)  Christians telling you about your "freedom" in Christ so much that "their" religion is based on so much grace that you need not quit habitual sinning.  9) Hanging on to a pride issue that will talk you out of getting on your knees daily in prayer. 

On to the conclusion of this blog:

Don't let this happen to you.  So, like me you had a rough start.  A late start.  But, are you on the bus finally like me? 

The title of the blog is to explain that Satan can have you on a chess board situation of life.  A Ouija Board of sorts.  His demons are especially interested in you, now that you are born again.  They will try to convince you of all sorts of half truths.  They will attempt to entice you to not worship with your heart and soul.  They will put certain people on your path to derail you and many of them may be "Christians" with all kinds of advice. 

You need only one Teacher.  That is the Holy Spirit.  The Gift that Jesus promised.  Get quiet, get alone and go into the wilderness for the time that God has gifted you with.  When you come out of that desert time, be watchful and aware. 

I am coming out of my desert time.  I am still filled with at least the same amount of joy I had the day the Lord touched me.  I have many, many obstacles in life, too many to list.  I still am so in love with Jesus and what He did for me, that it is difficult to imagine not feeling joy over these worldly circumstances. 

Put on your Spiritual Eyes.  You will need them.  Keep off the Ouija Board of life.  Walk in the Spirit.  Keep faithful.  Ask the Lord for revelations on those things you do not understand.  Find a good Holy Spirit church. 

Never quit praising the Almighty!  Amen!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Repent. It is the only word you need to know.

Blessings from the Midwest.  The Lord is good and gracious and I cannot praise Him enough!  I have my list of struggles.  I do my best to not let them be "a part of me".  May I advise that you do the same?  How quickly I make idols of my problems.  Be weary of your words, who you counsel with, how many you counsel with.  I am learning.  Sometimes the painful hard way.  So, we go on praising and worshiping our Saviour!  He deserves our praise! 

I just finished reading the book, The Harbinger.  I think I am going to go and buy many copies to give away.  This may be another choice of book for evangelizing.  More Than A Carpenter is one I give to people who are unbelieving or severely questioning their faith.  The Harbinger may be an all around good book to spread the Gospel, as there is the salvation message for the "religious" in the end, as well.  A book of warning.  It will shake you to your roots.  It should, just as most sermons should in your churches. 

Reading The Harbinger actually put me into a newer state of awareness, and at this point, I am still processing what it has and is revealing to me.  Many in our community are speaking of revival of incredible significance.   The birth pains are present.  I have heard prophet after prophet speak of this and what is being revealed to them through dreams, signs and revelations.   Yes, I mean now.  Shut your Bible and pray if you continue to imagine that "that book" is about the past.  It is breathing.  It is pregnant.  It is ever-present and perfect.  It is trying to talk to you about today, tomorrow and yesterday.  Put your thinking-cap away and read with your heart.  Dream, imagine, wonder, pray.  Become the child He wants you to be.  If you call Him Father, you are a child.  Throw away terms such as baby Christian and mature Christian.  I see too many get stuck on these and label.  Look at people's hearts and that is all you need to know.

Being a new believer (I personally own decades of "religion"), I am trying to put together the past.  I am piecing together Nazi Germany.  I am piecing together the Old Testament and its prophesies.  I am piecing together how in the earth, when I was 6 years old, abortion became legal.  How, in our country, African Americans were not able to have the same freedoms as my parents, in 1960!  Obviously, the Lord has had me piece together my ENTIRE life up to the day of my salvation.  As you have read about in my previous posts, it has been a rapid, bitter-sweet journey. 

I can weave around all kinds of ways in these posts, but my hope is to keep you entertained enough to stay with me. 

The turn of events in my thought process, since reading The Harbinger and more closely watching world events is that I am greatly concerned that the crumble of America may happen prior to the Rapture and this is important for me to consider. 

Do you want to continue reading?  Push through. 

After my being filled with the Holy Spirit approximately 1.5 years ago, I quickly read the New Testament with hunger.  I also read book after book about everything from Hell to dead churches to spiritual warfare to fasting.  The cool thing about these books is that they all lead me back to the Bible.  I get a "reference" from each book that puts an interest in me to read a certain book of the Bible. 

Then, after finishing the New Testament (I am reading through it over and over again still), I started reading the major prophets.  Daniel was actually revealed to me in a dream (Daniel Chapter 10), and I read that with wonder.  It certainly helped me understand spiritual warfare more perfectly, along with prayers to be answered and why some take longer.   I speaks to me, personally. 

Most interesting, is a note I put in my Bible next to Isaiah 26:5-6.  I wrote "Twin Towers". 

I can't imagine a born again Christian not reading the prophetic books of the Bible and not correlate the warnings to Israel (the Jewish people wherever they were and the actual country) over and over (and destruction that followed) to God warning American to turn and repent.  Yes, I easily see the message needed for America, founded on Christianity, to repent.  Turn and change.   I found this to be a reality to me very quickly after reading the Bible, as a born again believer.

It is difficult to find Christians who dare go this deep.  Shallow is not the way.  Ephesians 3:17-18 states: So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.  And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.  There is such a "depth" to the scriptures.  How can you continue to be shallow? 

What a relief for me to find these Scriptures.  I was someone who was told all of my life, the contrary of most of what is Biblical.  Praise and Glory to God for His Word! 

What does America need to repent?  Do I dare list?  Let alone legalization of abortion and same sex marriages, let's just look at the saturation of alcohol in our country.  It is incredible what has happened over the last 10 years alone.  Numb people don't make sensitive to the Spirit Christians.  Born again Christians should quickly ask after their conversion if alcohol is really part of God's plan for them.  Many do not. 

Parents don't have Bibles on their coffee tables, don't read the Bible and don't read the Bible to their kids (I am guilty--now I see the light) and they gripe that there is no prayer in school.  Parents, wake up!  You didn't even start it in your home!  No prayer in school?  Do you pray from your heart with your husband and kids?  Or do you settle for a memorized prayer at supper?  Or do you watch on Sunday morning when you get your newspaper the neighbor going to church while you sip from your coffee mug? 

I am guilty of many of these things.  But, there is One who set me free and my guilt is gone.  Now, I pledge a warning to all to kick it in gear and get with it.  Jesus following is not a fad, it is not a phase that you go through as a "new believer".  It is a way of life!!!!  I can't number the people that indicated to me the opposite.  "Oh, I remember when I used to feel about Jesus that way".  Wow. 

Parents, grandparents, any and everyone.  Please read your Bibles.  Read The Harbinger.  Lead others to Christ and do it now.  God will do His work, but He needs people to reach people. 

Here is an interesting story to end this blog with.  This is how infantile so many are about conversion and the need to repent:

Arthur Blessitt, a great evangelist spoke on this:  He was out and about and came upon a car crash.  He stopped and tried to help.  The person in the front seat was injured severely and he didn't realize there was another in the car.  This person was semi-conscious.  Arthur was speaking to this person of the Gospel and the need to have Jesus as a personal savior.  There could have been only moments left is this person's life.  Then, a person chimed in from the wrecked car, in the back seat.  This person has the nerve to say, "Quit talking to him that way.   You are going to scare him."

God forgive this person in the back seat.  God bless Arthur and all of us trying to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  God help heal our broken hearts over the pharisees comments, jeers and road blocks. 

Please, all that read this.  Pray for God to activate your gift of evangelism.  Amen. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Franklin Graham simply exercising Romans 1:16

Romans 1:16   I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first the Jew, and then the Gentile.

Acts 4:29-30   Now, Lord consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. 

Glory and Praise to our Heavenly Father.  May you find this blog to be inspiring. 

I heard about Franklin Graham through a Christian Television Network.  (see article at the beginning of this blog) I have to be honest, what I heard mostly was that he was told to not use the name, Jesus.  That was enough to tick me off enough to write down the information and make sure I visited the situation later. 

Let me assure you, we are in perilous times.  We are in times of a blessing of the out-pouring of the Holy Spirit, but as well we are seeing an increase in pestilence, depraved minds, deceit, God-haters, arrogance and perversion.  (Romans 24-32,  Luke 21:7-11).

You will see an incredible increase in prophetic messages from the great preachers and authors of today.  Dr. David Jeremiah has written in the last couple of years, book after book speaking of the signs of the times.  He is incredibly respected, but he is obviously under the gun with the Holy Spirit to get this message out.  Praise the Lord that the book of Revelation is being shared and spoken openly without excuse or blush.   See the warning at the end of Revelation regarding adding or removing anything from this great book.  (Revelation 22:18-19)

On the most eternal, high note:  We are seeing a flood of the Holy Spirit in my community.  I pray you are as well. 

I am talking to person after person who is experiencing dreams, signs, huge Holy Spirit promptings including significant fasts and increase in prayer.  Real prayer.  Not prayer for stuff, money, jobs or health.  Prayer for revival, for the Lord's Return.  Prayer on knees with weeping.  Let me tell you, there are so many that are weeping and being moved by the Spirit that I speak with. 

I love to find these people, or they find me.  They are tired of the ho-hum Christian life of "I am a weary Christian".  How dare we act that way.  The Lord put on my heart months ago that He is a jealous God.  He said this especially to me during times of group prayer and personal prayer of praise to Him.  I have found the conclusion to that revelation to be that He is growing impatient with complaining Christians.  Christians that want to limit the work of the Holy Spirit.  Christians who have set in their brains what "they" want out of their religious life.  Many Christians are not asking the Lord what He wants of them.  It may have gone on so long in them that they don't even realize the blindness that Satan has set in.  Become innocent, young, new, open, believing, surrendered and hopeful and you better do it quick.  There are many souls to reach and if we are complaining, stone faced or stiff necked Christians, why would they ever want to have our life?  Or worse, if we are boozing, gambling, selfish, sex-lusted Christians, we are hypocrites to them.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you with your weaknesses.  Or are you having too much fun?  It is time to make a choice.  Habitual sins have no place in your life.  You can be freed.  There is absolute freedom in Christ.  He will heal you from these sinful practices. 
The neat thing is that the people that seek me out or that I encounter and can sense that they are eager to speak of Christ and His love, is that they are incredibly open!  They are not afraid to speak of their dreams, visions and promptings.  No longer are we worried of being labeled "crazy".  We already know that is a given.  It is worth sharing our supernatural!  Discernment quickly shows us who to share what with.  I am working hard on that.  I am sometimes surprised by who is disinterested in speaking of beautiful, glorious Jesus things.  I will not waste my pearls to be stomped on any longer. Working in health care my tender heart was broken during an audit of a chart and a physician labeled a patient "hyper-religious".  Guess what?  Go ahead and label me.  My salvation is at hand.  My fire to try to touch others and spread the Gospel is too strong to be worried about some doctor and his diagnosis.  Does it surprise you the things I blog that I see going on in this world?  Keep coming back, as I have so much to blog that is evident to me. 

Before I close I want to point out some really great things that I want you to concentrate on.  Look at the Christian music available.  Chris Tomlin is so very blessed, along with Christy Nockels, Mercy Me, Casting Crowns and Newsboys.  Lots of lyrics from the book of Revelations and the prophetic books of the Bible.  Look at the internet and the availability to view a sermon from preachers of yesterday and today!  Look at the cable TV channels of TBN and The Church Channel. 

There is such a blessed movement in our favor.  Everyday people are having the Spirit poured out on them to produce these songs, lyrics and sermons.  These are born again people, now being very obedient and active with what the Lord is asking them to do.  Many have left their professions to full time ministry.  Is this a possibility for you?  Are you getting any promptings?  Alot of people are, that never dreamed they would be called into ministry. 

I pray you will concentrate on the goodness of what is happening.  The out-pouring!  Be a part of it and don't hide in fear.  Be active to share your testimony, but most of all do not be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 


Sunday, August 5, 2012

There is power in the name of Jesus.

Yes, there is power in the name of Jesus. 

Are you able to say the name "Jesus" five times out loud, sweetly, without feeling uncomfortable?  Try it.  Can you say "God" more comfortably?

Arthur Blessitt, the man who has carried a 12 foot cross across the globe (check out his website) is a great evangelist.  He put it nicely:  The name of Jesus makes people uncomfortable because it causes conviction. 

The name of Jesus causes great emotion.  Terms such as Jesus Freak and Jesus Hippie are not exactly soft descriptions.  They bring out feelings of "going overboard".  Cult type thoughts come to our heads.  Sandals, robes, long hair and beards. 

God seems to have anointed me to be an evangelist of sorts, and I am walking the walk He intended for me.  It is ever evolving.  It is exciting.  Because He has told me to have "Loose Lips For Him", it doesn't really feel like I am obeying.  It feels like this is what I am supposed to do:  To spread the Gospel against all odds.  If I am having a conversation with you, it is nearly impossible to not speak of beautiful things.  If you want to just talk negative, I really struggle with that.  It is in my soul to speak of healing, restoration, new life and grace.  Those are automatics.  Do I sometimes get on a negative road about my past and my life:  Yes.  But, my gracious Holy Spirit Helper actually taps on my right shoulder (Yes, He really does) and I know I have gone too far.  Then I stop and redirect my conversation or just end it on a quick, positive note.

Today at our church our Bible School kids performed about 4 songs.  They were dancing and wiggling and shouting.  They were so great.  They sang and shouted the name "Jesus" so lovingly.  They didn't wince. 

We need to act like that. 

I remember Vacation Bible School in our Lutheran church growing up.  I believe I have blogged on that before.  It was wonderful.  It was not like our weekly pomp and circumstance Sunday service  Almost hauntingly chanting the Apostles Creed.  As if we would be struck dead if we smiled while we said it.   But, ahhh, Vacation Bible School.  Jesus you were there.  Cookies and green Koolaid and Red Rover.  Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.  Jesus' pins to wear.  All kinds of crafts to take home. 

I know in my heart I accepted Jesus as my Saviour as a kid.  I just didn't know what to do, other than to just go to church and Sunday school.  The growth in my Sunday School was memorize the books of the Bible and Luther's Catechism.  There was no talk of a personal relationship.  Just check off your stuff and get confirmed.   There was very little, if any Bible studies for adults.  Once you were confirmed, you were "done".  Yes, the cake was done, hallelujah.  Really? 

The great preacher, Charles Spurgeon wrote this, " The sad fact is that when you enter many of our places of worship you will certainly hear the name of God mentioned, but except in the benediction, you will scarcely know that there is a Trinity.  In many places dedicated to the Lord, the name of Jesus is too often kept in the background."

Do you want to follow some great preachers of our day?  Check out Creflo Dollar and TD Jakes.  They will make your soul quake.  The will arise in you the Holy Spirit, if you are willing.  Jesus is knocking.  Please answer that door!!

I have heard and read of great stories of people saved during airplane and car crashes that shouted the name "Jesus"or "Jesus save us" during the impact.  They lived to tell that they were saved from fire and great injury while the ones who just screamed, "We are going to die" perished. 

As I grow in my relationship with my Father, it almost causes physical pain when I hear someone say the Lord's name in vain.  I have to tolerate this at work.  It just is painful for me.  I hear the Lord's name profaned in so many ways in this person.  "Jesus Christ", "God", "Jesus".  Our words are so powerful.  We cannot hide from our Creator.  How do we ever rewind all of this that spews from our mouths?

Let me tell you this:  I so enjoy blogging, bragging about the Alpha and Omega who saved my sorry soul.  I get energized to type these eternal messages.  It is an outlet for me to be heard.  It is in my bones to spread the Gospel, in any way possible.   As I told a few preachers, "Just give me a microphone, will ya?" 

I ask that you consider what the name of Jesus, spoken out loud by you, does to your inner being.   If it is uncomfortable, count that a blessing that you are reading my blog.  You are reading it for a reason.  Get on your knees (Yes, that is important) and ask the Father to reveal to you any hidden sin.  If you are not sure if you are filled with the Holy Spirit, get on your knees and pray for this treasure, essential for your salvation.  Find a Bible packing church.  Open up your Bible and pray that the Lord will take the scales off of your eyes to reveal its Glory.  You will notice that it is illuminated once you are filled.  The actual Word Of God will bounce off the page, take you down roads you never dreamed and make you starving for more.  The work of the Devil, especially for decades has hidden the Gospel from people who think they are saved.  If the Bible does not come to life for you, you need to realize that and take action.  Humility is key.  "Lord, open up the rooms in my heart that you need access to.  Reveal my Gods.  If they be even food, alcohol or sports.  I put them before You, and I am sorry".  Search and seek and get on your knees daily.  Read the Word daily, even if it doesn't make sense.  It will.  It took me about 4 months!  And, WOW! 

Blessings my sisters and brothers.  Keep searching and learning.  Praise His name always. 

Acts 4:12  Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.

Philippians 2:9-10 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.