Sunday, November 27, 2011

Onward Christian Soldiers-Did we forget what that song is about?

Praise and Glory to God above!  He is most high, reining over all the heavens and earth, all above and below!  Happy Thanksgiving.  Now into the most glorious Christmas time.  This will be a very special Christmas for me.  Born Again in Christ.  I hear every lyric, I see God's light shine in others, I am so hopeful for his return and have the ultimate faith in that.  Going into Christmas, in my new created self, I will not ever forget what this is about.  All of the years I missed church on Christmas due to MY pain.  Now, I am on fire for the Lord.  I am so touched by his everlasting gift.  To even think I am worthy of His dying on the cross.  Praise the prophets of long ago, who listened to God, telling us to just wait and hope.  A Messiah would be born.  And there it happened!  For many of these prophets, I cannot imagine the impatience, in their crumbling worlds of hunger, war, doubt, sinful societies.  Praise for that God Man!  He had dirty diapers.  He was a stumbling teenager.  He was everything we are.  But, He was spotless.  Even though He felt every pain we have ever physically or mentally felt and He felt pangs of temptation of EVERY sin we do:  He walked the earth to ultimately be man, and went to the cross and felt every pain of every whip, every nail, every thorny crown.  Only for US!  Isn't that just amazing?  It is not human to completely understand that.  But, I am taking that gift and sharing it with anyone I get the appropriate opportunity to do so with.   Please do that as well.  Please read Paul's letters for instruction.  Please, advance the kingdom!

Part of the wonderful conversion process for me was the "scales fell from my eyes".  (Just as it did for Saul/Paul).  I will continue to blog about this because it is so important for all peoples to understand the Bible will come to life to you, eventually.  And along with immersing yourself in His Word, whether you are reading the Bible and this has not happened, or you are very aware of what I am talking about, other items you look at will also show that you had scales on your eyes. 

You look at the world as though in an entirely different sense.  You won't miss important opportunities, because your ears hear differently, your eyes see VERY differently, and your mouth will be singing love songs to the Lord! 

Please hang in there with me if this has not happening yet.  I pray it will.  (some days I do a general prayer for all to obtain a personal relationship with Jesus Christ)  Keep seeking God.  Let barriers down that may be blocking this life changing experience.  Get rid of your secrets.  Confess your sins.  Mend fences with foes.  Don't be afraid to talk to your parents about your childhood pain.  Tell your kids what YOU are sorry for.  Get rid of hangups about other folks.  Don't worry about who isn't perfect in your eyes.  Just wake up, start praising God for all you have.  Again, read the Word daily if you can.  Just 15 minutes.  Talk to God!

The lyrics of songs just stick out at me like a 3-D movie.  Onward, Christian Soldiers!  I loved this song, growing up in the Lutheran Church.  It really moved along.  It was a forceful song of our faith.  I felt good singing it.  I sang along.  And now............I think I understand what this war is about!!!  (please read anything that John Eldredge writes)

It is about today.  Yesterday.  Tomorrow.  We are at war.  Can you guess who we are at war with?  I guess as a kid, I saw this as a song about a long time ago.  And maybe Martin Luther or someone was marching against non-Christians, or something like that, I thought.   Who is the enemy? 

Satan is the enemy.  We are the saints, (Romans 1:7 and 1 Corinthians 1:2).  We need to see this song as happening today.  And I plea with you to look at any part of the New Testamanent in that light. 

Neil T. Anderson, author, has helped me to grasp many more concepts.  This was interesting.  I never thought of myself as a saint.  Do you have trouble with that as well?  But, as I read the Word, I see exactly that saints do not necessarily need to be beatified.  We, as sons and daughters of Christ are saints.  And we are still alive! 

I googled "What does the Bible say about saints?"  and I got a weird array of articles.  Most direct you quickly to the Catholic church.  But, another site says saints were only from New Testament times.  Dr. Neil T. Anderson differs with that opinion. 

It is so hard for many peoples and churches to let this be a personal relationship with Jesus!  It's always someone else the Bible is talking about, some other time......Not "these" days.  Wow.  Just read Philipians 4:21. 

If we continue to keep those scales on our eyes and not seek, we will continue to have The Father Of Lies deceive us.  We will think there is no war.  That we are doing fine.  We have our salvation and "we are already there".  So us born gone!  You are making me uncomfortable!  Why do I make you uncomfortable? 

As Joyce Meyer states, (I JUST LOVE HER)...."God uses crack-pots like you and me to shine His light through"!!!!  Praise God to the gifted people such as Joyce and all of the authors I mention.  Lord, you gift them with your Spirit and they are using that gift to reach so many of us.  They could have refused their gift!  Keep them safe from the Enemy. 

Please keep seeking the Lord.  Be aware of The Deceiver, who wants you to be content in your "religion".  Your monotone prayers.  (I used to juice up the monotone in the Lutheran and Catholic churches by slightly singing them.  Shame on me!)  And I wasn't born again, yet!  God knew I was still discontent with "religion".  With check marks and church "clubs".  Have to sit in this pew every week.  Have to fast.  No communion if you don't get an annullment if you remarry.  Printed statements passed out before mass, showing how much financial contribution everyone gave for the year.  Clubs, be gone!  I will worship where they speak of Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.  And if I find that The Enemy has penetrated my church, I will relocate to another church.  I will know!

Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war.  With the cross of Jesus, going on before.  Christ the royal master, leads against the foe; Forward into battle, see His banners go. 

Like a mighty army moves the church of God.  Brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod; We are not divided, all one body we, one in hope and doctrine, one in charity.  (chorus)

Onward, then ye people, join our happy throng, blend with our yours voiced in the triumph song; glory, laud, and honor unto Christ the King:  (chorus)

Acts 9: 15-19 But the Lord said to Ananias, "Go!  This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel.  I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.  Then Ananias went to the house and entered it.  Placing his hands on Saul, he said, "Brother Saul, the Lord-Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here--has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit".   Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul's eyes, and he could see again.  He got up and was baptized, and after some food, he regained his strength.

Philippians 4:21-22  Greet all the saints in Christ Jesus.  The brothers who are with me send greetings.  All the saints send you greetings, especially those who belong to Caesar's household.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Shoveling Anger. Mowing Anger.

Glory to God!  My son says it is snowing up a storm in Minneapolis, and he is happy about it!  What else can we do, but rejoice in the change of seasons in the Midwest.  We have such a variety.  We had quite a mild day in Iowa.  We hang on tight, enjoy every weekend we have free of snow and slush, as we shop and prepare for Thanksgiving and Christmas. 

One thing I noticed as I had my transformation this last year is identifying functions that were powered by negative voices that really were not my own. 

I can say that it was a relief to catch on to this.  I hope this blog is helpful for you, so that you may identify when you are screaming and groaning inside, and you don't even realize it. 

One task I do that I noticed this happening was shoveling snow.  I think part of that is that my two marriages ended in November.  I was alone in November twice.  And had snow to shovel.  Large driveways.  And was angry.  I found myself for years shoveling "anger".  I was crabbing and growling inside.  Sometimes I would curse my ex's for leaving and gifting me with trying to move snow so I could get to work. 

Another time I notice this behavior is when I mow, when I am trying to turn a screw and when I am doing some other hard labor around the house. 

I find myself thinking of situations which  include all kinds of people in my life, that made me upset, made me angry.  The thoughts in my head go on for most of the time doing this intense labor at home. 

I caught on to this, this spring!  This was about the time that a general sense of well being came upon me, around the time I understood I was born again. 

I wrote in my journal the day in May 2011, that I noticed the negative voices leaving me.  The "you are so stupid", "you are so arrogant", "you have so many people that hate you", "you are crazy" just to name a few of the statements that would continually run as a tape in my head, especially during hard labor at home.

This is not a psychiatric condition.  This is evil speaking to me, putting me down and taking away my joy.  My entire life.  Making me think I had it so rough, that I was being cheated, that I would never measure up anyhow, that the problems were just way too big to be solved.

One activity my entire life that took me away from my mental pain was playing the piano.  To play the piano takes every bit of my concentration.  I totally blank out of the world while playing.  It is so pleasurable.  I have had this gift since age 8, playing piano.  Now, I have added reading as a hobby, in a mostly silent house.  I lose myself in wonderful books about faith and faith journeys and born again journeys.  I have read so many books since my awakening.  Now I have two precious hobbies. 

What if you identified that you have negative voices?  If you become keen enough, you will pinpoint them.  I think for me, I realized with the hope I uncovered in reading the Bible and finding a hope filled, Jesus walking church, that I knew I did not deserve negative voices.  They were not of my heart.  They were not Holy Spirit filled.  They were only from a dark place.  A place that wanted me to fail.  And the Lord wants us to flourish.  Be filled with joy.  Hope.  Love. 

Get quiet.  Often.  And do an inventory on what you hear.  Nothing?  Good thoughts?  Or dwelling on situations in your past that hurt you?  Or worry of the future? 

Yes, it is perfectly normal to be "human" and worry about things.  And like I put it, I have "shivers" of regret.  Short moments of a regretful situation in my past that left a scar.  I actually shiver.  I think some of these things will just span out, farther and farther as my journey continues.  I certainly learned from them.  And know I will not go back to some of these situations.  I feel too good now, I wake up without regret daily.

Yes, there is appropriate anger.  Maybe my shoveling anger isn't so harmful.  I am sweating out my anger.  I am not cursing at anyone.  I actually am silent through this exercise induced anger.  Some anger is appropriate.  And what we do with this anger is what comes next.   Jesus anger as stated in John 2: 14-16:

In the temple courts he found men selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money.  So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple area, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.  To those who sold doves, he said, "Get these out of here!  How dare you turn my Father's house into a market!"

John Eldredge's new book, Beautiful Outlaw, describes so fiercely this anger that our Lord had in this scene.   So often, we are softened by his appearance as seen in paintings, and what the world has made him out to be:  A sandal wearing, love everyone without boundaries and direction, make him fit us and our transgressions kind of hippie.  That He is not.  He is the Son of God.  One of the Holy Trinity.  He IS God.

Jesus had righteous anger here.  Clearing the temple.  Think of Him in these facets as well.

Is my anger every justified when I read these verses?  No. 

I need to think of my anger in ways that..... I need to forgive.  Forgive those that hurt me.  Keep praying those forgiveness prayers.  Having ultimate trust in Jesus to show me how to continue to walk more like Him.  And obviously, if we are in our walk with Him, these types of behaviors will either cease or lessen. 

I have so much hope in this.  Amen, Lord Jesus Christ.  I am not even worthy to be asking to be a light to others.  I am to always point them to Christ, the Light.  I am trying to be a witness to the Light. 

Have a blessed Sunday.

Help, I've fallen....but.. I CAN GET UP!!!

Praise and Glory to our Lord on this warm and balmy Sunday! I had wonderful worship today.  There was a band called "Saved By Grace" and they really made me sing out in worship.  And dance!  It was just great.  There were all kinds of people doing sorts of Snoopy dances!

I wanted to be honest and say that even though I post all kinds of things on how to succeed, be healthy, grow in your faith, I fall.  I find excuses.  I lose motivation.  We can't always be our best.  Sometimes we just are trying to get through the week.  I know for me, structure is important or I get out of sync.  That happened.  I am hoping to turn that around.

This fall has really brought a gloomy curtain down.  It is lifted, but I sure noticed it from about mid October until recently.  The fall was gorgeous.  We had leaves glowing, I swear.  Some leaves are still on trees and look pretty (not many left of those).  We had many days of sunshine.  It was warmer than normal many days.  But, when you look at your bed at 6:30pm and either long to just lay in it, or turn the covers back WAY before you should, you know you need to get a boost of something. 

It's that feeling of grogginess.  Yawning.  Sighing.  Hmmmmm.  What do I do with myself even though the house is a wreck, I need to buy birthday presents that are weeks overdue, and I am not exercising, which would ultimately make me feel better.

I am trying to get back on track, and people exercise for different reasons.  I exercise to keep limber, loose and to help my immune system.  My family is plagued with cancers and auto-immune diseases.  I only have one relative live to age 81.  My parents passed away in their 60's, and my grandparents in their early 70's.  I woke up in pain many times the weeks I did not exercise.  My hips lock up, my back spasms.  I have to say, keeping moving is the best thing I can do. 

To be honest, about six years ago I was on so many medications, I can't tell you how many.  It could be 8-10.  I know that is not that abnormal.  I have asthma and allergies and then a lupus type disorder, along with a female version of hemophilia.    I don't try to own these illnesses.  I try to not take medicine for them.  I couldn't believe it when I had a very respectable pastor tell me back then (not many people will tell you this) that "You can get off of these medicines.  You need to quit owning your disease.  Positive thinking, eating right and exercise are so powerful."

I walked away a little beguiled.    And hurt.  Am I a faker?  Am I being needy? 

I did eventually over the years get off of most medicines.  Right now, I take a vitamin D and C and over the counter allergy pill.  If I need my asthma meds, I take them.  But, I told my doctor I don't want to take them every day.  I know when things are acting up, and then I take them.  To have that go in and out of my body every day isn't necessary.  I am not a doctor, but he is listening and trusting me.

Am I shortening my life?  I don't know?  Will I die of an asthma attack?  Doubt it.  What if lupus flares?  Who really knows much about lupus anyhow?  The wolf, as it is called, comes with vengeance.  You cannot predict when it will come and how long it will stay.  Apparently, I have the antibodies that could develop any of the chain of diseases associated with lupus.  And guess what?  I grew tired of obsessing about it and worrying about it.  The farther I put that behind me, the better I feel.  It has been seven years since that diagnosis.  And I understand if you do not have an acute flare for over five years, it looks very promising.

I am filled with the Holy Spirit now.  I wasn't then, when I decided to gain some personal strength and tell a very intelligent rheumatologist that I did not want any more expensive blood tests (my insurance plan makes me pay more and more of the co-pay as well), and I wanted to go off of the medicines. 

I wasn't filled with the Holy Spirit back when I told Mayo I was not coming up for regular checks for my bleeding disorder.

I AM filled with the Holy Spirit power now, and I plan on trusting the Lord, taking care of myself with as few chemicals as possible, exercise and decent diet, and enjoying each day, not waiting in a line of cars in Walgreen's drive through pharmacy.  I know this could be fleeting.  If you need these medicines, I am not trying to make you feel anything at all.  I just know I very well survived without mine. I am saving alot of money, I am not worried about side effects and I feel I am not dependent on them.  It feels great to now also not have a craving for alcohol.  The Holy Spirit has assisted in that.  It just doesn't make any sense any longer, to drink alcohol.  One here and there.  What a relief and answered prayer. 

(Notice the beautiful, state of the art pharmacies popping up everywhere?) Just take note of that.  I'll let you take it from there.

When I have people make comments about my weight and "how lucky I am" and "you don't need to exercise", I don't understand.  I have been overweight before.  My metabolism sometimes works in my favor, but at my age, the clock is running out on any favor that may have shown me.  My metabolism has not worked in my favor before.  If I am in a crotchety mood, I do blurt out the absolute truth:  "I exercise and try to eat right because I want to live longer than my parents did. " I have countless relatives that are overweight.  It is certainly a risk factor for me, obesity. 

You simply need a lifestyle change, not a diet or a crash exercise program.  I scrape frosting off of my cake to cut calories and I want to taste the cake!  Just like salad.  Get the dressing on the side, and dip the lettuce.  Taste the veggies!  And easy one:  Get a kids meal at the fast food place and never, ever get cheese on your burger.  Diet drink or water.  You have a treat and are not killing yourself.   

Eat breakfast!  I didn't for most of my life until about 8 years ago.  I put the healthy things I need to eat in front of my keyboard at work.  I am looking at apples, carrot sticks, raisin bread and bananas many days.  I don't keep naughty snacks in my office.  If I take potato chips to work or a fun snack, I put it in a small bag, giving me a small serving. 

I love coffee!  I get some calcium and vitamin D because I make strong coffee (many times 50-50 caffeine) and add alot of milk to it to make a latte at home. 

I practice these kinds of things and have for years:  Avoid mayo-use ketchup or mustard.  Pepper your food, don't salt it so much.  Light yogurts, peanut butter, lean meats to fill you up.  Carbs will not make you feel full.  Keep the skins on everything.  Mashed potatoes with skins on, apple crisp with skins on.

Don't keep ice cream in the house if you have a weakness.  Or chocolate.  Just drive to the gas station and pay a little more when you need a treat.  You won't be scraping that awesome melted ice cream out of the gallon bucket all night because you don't have it around.  Just buy a smaller ice cream, and drive to buy it. 

Take the stairs.  Always try to take the stairs, not the elevator.  Walk for enjoyment.  No Ipod.  Walk to walk with a friend and catch up.  I used to walk the kids in the stroller or bike ride to keep sanity for me, to work off anxiety or depression or a bad day at work.  I was with the kids, getting them fresh air, and helping myself in so many way.  Or just walk to look at the beauty from our Creator.  And hear the sounds of the country or neighborhood.  You can hear God more if you have quiet.

I don't know all the answers.  I am not playing Russian Roulette.  If I need to see a doctor, I go.  If I need medicine, I will take it.  I would not mess around with hypertension or diabetes or kidney diseases.  I would continue to seek many opinions on medical issues.

I have fallen off the exercise wagon all of my life.  I have went months and years without exercising.  It is not fun for most of us to exercise.  It is hard to imagine being a runner and when I see them I just am happy that they really like to do that!

My "Read The Bible In One Year Plan" is not going to happen.  I am keeping track of where I am in the process.  One problem is that I so enjoy the Life Application part of my Bible that I always read that also.  It appears it may take me two or three years to get through it. 

One revelation I had with that is that I will never be done reading the Bible anyhow!  I can't imagine not reading it now that it speaks to me directly.  It is such a necessity.  I will read it over and over and get something new every time.  The pressure is off.  I will do my daily reading with my devotion, and on the weekends get much more in with the reading plan. 

I am now trying to keep self correcting my behaviors which so easily fall into the "checklist" type of religious person.  It sneaks in so often and quickly. 

I am working also on "not falling down" when it comes to just trying to practice love.  Love like Jesus.  Not worry so much about who is paying taxes, who is not working, who is driving without a license, who is abusing some state program, who has better health insurance than I do. 

To keep upright with the Lord is to continually do an inventory.  Keep your Christian brothers and sisters near and have them help you hold you accountable.  Get involved in your church.  Keep looking outward to who needs help.  Praise God for what you have, because as a single mom of three and a grandma of two, I have so much!  I have a car that starts 99% of the time, my house is warm, I can buy groceries and even steak for once in awhile, I won't panic at Christmas, financially.  Part of being so thankful is doing a devotion daily and always it lands on my heart that "I have more than I need".  Wow.  Thank you, Lord Jesus.

Friday, November 11, 2011

My Trip To Sheol And Back. BTW: Glad to be back.

Praise and Glory to our Lord!  He is so good!  I hope your faith journey is bringing you maturity.  If you back-slide, that's ok.  Just get back on the bus. 

I'm going to be courageous by blogging about what I assume was a near death experience.  This does take alot for me to type this.  I may pull this one down if it doesn't feel just right.  But, for now I will be raw and honest about what happened to me.  It has apparently happened to many.  I wonder if God was speaking to me in this experience about what I was doing with my life.  I am open to that possibility. 

As you may know, I have been on a very fast track the last few months.  This is a healthy fast track.  I have been turned inside out and it is still occurring.  The acute pain of that is now subsiding.  (and the mourning of my old life)  At this time, it is just a continual renewal of things I have hid in my heart from the Lord.  So, I am dealing with those things, but the joy I now feel, having the Holy Spirit living in me, ever present, is the most wonderful thing imaginable. 

Let me explain a few things:  I had been having palpitations and all kinds of "heart" sensation problems for months prior to this experience.  I also am certain I have sleep apnea.  I gasp for air, wake up snorting, snoring.  In addition, I am a sleep walker and have hypnagogic hallucinations.   (I learned about these first on an educational channel such as A & E years ago.).  So, to iron out this experience, which happened during sleep, is a little tricky.  But, it is worth sharing.   

I was in Mexico at my nephew's wedding.  It was July and very hot.  We had arrived in Mexico in the evening and the next day woke up early for an excursion.  That included a full day of sight seeing and snorkeling.  The heat was incredible. 

One of the snorkeling experiences was very scary.  It was in a cave, and at times, no natural light.  We were in the cave, some without life jackets, for about an hour.  Luckily, I asked for a life jacket.  We swam into the caves thousands of feet from the outlet.  We did have flashlights.  It was as deep as 20 feet at times.  And the head clearance at times was almost zero.  We had to duck to not hit our heads on the stalactites. (we had to immerse our head under water and try to maneuver the snorkel with just inches clearance between the rock and the water)  I did hit my head, but only got a small contusion.  One of the persons with us (this was in the wedding party of about 15 in number), was an experienced snorkeler.  She had a panic attack.  She is in excellent physical shape.  My ex-brother in law had an asthma attack.  One of the party members had to stop early.  The steel rod in his leg was aching severely because of the cold water and sudden cold conditions in the cave.  There was wide spread fear in our group.  At times we could not find each other.  At times, all I could hear was Spanish speaking men, in the dark cold water.   I don't know where they came from!  We all decided after we got off the bus of this EdVentures experience that it seemed unsafe and poorly explained.  And it wasn't fun to hear that there were Mayan sacrifices done in this very cave.  (found out while we are in the cave and many miles and hours from our hotel). 

We also visited the ruins of Tulum.  That was such a beautiful view of the ocean there.  The most beautiful view I have to say that I have experienced yet in my lifetime.  But, no water to swim in, and very hot.

I mention the activities of the day to explain we were probably dehydrated.  And anxious about our safety. 

I saw a cardiologist when I returned from this trip.  I had been worked up in February and wore a Holter Monitor and it did show runs of arrhythmias and palpitations.  Nothing severe, but I did go on a medicine to help. 

The cardiologist does believe in NDE's.  (Near Death Experiences).  He does believe it could very well be that I had a very low potassium (dehydrated from the flight the day before and from the extreme heat), had a severe arrhythmia, and possibly went out for a little while.  I was supposed to follow up again with additional tests, but I decided not to.  I feel that things are better and arrhythmias are sometimes hard to catch if they are sporadic  I will see him again if I had any more problems. 

Here is what I documented as soon as I could after the event.  Please be certain I made a decision to not explore the Internet or anything else before I wrote down exactly what happened to me.  I wanted to not be swayed away from what I saw and felt "there".  Here it goes:

"Slowly lowered, floating this entire dream,  no natural light, in a cave type rock structure, (it seemed never ending in size, height and length).  It was hollow in the center.  It appeared to be a span of about 500 feet, maybe more, across from one ledge to the other.  There were at least hundreds of ledges that I could see.  There were thousands of people, beings having different conversations at once.  You could hear all of these hundreds of conversations at one time.  It was just a low murmur of chatting.  No one was anxious at all.  They seemed peaceful.  There were colonies of people on each ledge.  Just waiting and talking.  A few times I seemed to float closer to a few of the ledges, but then I floated away against my will.  I was trying to look at them closer, but I didn't have any success at doing that, or landing on the ledge.  The colors were black, white and gray.  There was no fear in these beings.  These beings did not resemble people.  But I knew they were people.  I didn't identify any of these beings as anyone that I knew personally.  They all seemed to look exactly the same as one another.  They did appear to be male and female in gender.  I couldn't narrow in on their conversations, but there was not any great emotion in anything they were saying.  They just seemed to be waiting patiently.   They emitted a glow.  That was the only light I could recognize in the cave structure.  They produced the light. 

I was being pulled down.  I was not afraid, I was curious.  But, cautious.  I kept being pulled down by a force, lowered against my will.  It was a force pulling me, not a being or a person that I could see.  I was only going down and it seemed to me like it was going to be a one way street, down.  An eternal journey. 

I felt the pull getting more intense and my fear and strength were increasing.  I was being lowered into this eternal hollow hole.  I believe in my senses (in my dream state), that I had an inclination that this was hell, hades or purgatory I was going to.  I started to fight hard to rise up in this hole.  I was thrashing and I can tell you that I have never fought physically for anything so hard in my life.  I feel I was being made to stay against my will or better judgement.  A voice was (or a sense of knowing-I am not sure which), was proclaiming that I was staying down there and I realized my life on earth was ending. 

I pulled and fought the force and leaped out of my bed in this hotel in Mexico.  My sister witnessed how far I leaped from the bed.  It terrified her.  I was still in a dream state, grabbed her in the bed next to me and told her "Pam, they want to take me against my will and I don't want to go, don't let them take me".  She said my hand was hot.  She prayed for me. 

I woke up to some degree in the bathroom, after walking in there.  But, not completely awake.  I went to bed again. 

The next day she was very concerned and told me exactly what I said to her.  Then I recalled the dream completely, resurrecting it.  I was horrified.

I share this with you for many reasons.  I do think it was more than a dream.  Yes, I was snorkeling in a cave like structure the day of this dream, so there is some coincidence there.  But, the Lord has spoke to me in dreams before.  Usually, that is instruction that he gives me.  This dream was not fun, it took me months to get over. 

I started proclaiming to be a born again Christian just two months prior to this dream.  I wasn't yet "walking the walk".  I was trying to live in both worlds.  I thought I could straddle the fence and have my earthly pleasures and proclaim to be born again.  I was the ultimate hypocrite.  I can vividly remember three times I was stopped dead in my tracks, realizing I was not going to be able to continue this behavior, even though it was modified now.  Really, I was stopped dead in my tracks.  I knew that the Holy Spirit was warning me to wake up, don't waste any more time and don't try to manipulate God.

My Mexico all inclusive resort included drinking all of the top shelf drinks you wanted, fine dining all day, all night, buffets, spoiling.  It was spoiling like I had never known.  I had never been on such a lavious trip.  But, the last day of our trip, I watched the sun go down all alone.   It was so beautiful.  I took a picture of it.  My camera batteries died exactly after I took that photo. (interesting , huh?)  I cried.  I knew that this was ending.  And I needed to really end my cocktail lifestyle and indulging myself when others all over the world and even in my back yard don't have enough.   I knew this was the turning point of my life.  And until recently, I didn't recognize that this dream happened in Mexico as a possible warning.  To walk in the light, because I am so valuable to Him.  He brought me this far.  And I am proclaiming the Good News.  Now, I better walk the walk.  Or face a consequence of unknown destiny.  Doing all of this with urgency, trying to spread the good news of the Gospel. 

I wish no one to go to Hell.  No one. 

James 3: 9-12  With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness.  Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing.  My brothers, this should not be.  Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?  My brothers, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs?  Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.

2 Corinthians 7: 10-11 Godly sorrow brings repentence that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.  See what this Godly sorrow has produced in you; what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what concern, what readiness to see justice done.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

"Tracks"--Laying down and building a railroad line to heaven...

Praise and Glory to God our hope and our strength!  My heart is heavy today so I have decided to spend most of this Saturday with the Lord.  My Father has decided to put some subjects on my mind today that are overwhelming.  He has put me back into the "rock tumbler" (that will be a future blog to explain).  He is shaking me up, sanding down the edges and making me wait for a better result of "me".  I believe in Him, His entire Biblical word, the absolute power of prayer and miracles and I know this most wonderful Father is looking after me, loving me, but also, disciplining me.  I will be a more sturdy soldier for Him after this.  I will endure and His Helper I begged to be close by today.  And I am not alone.  He is with me.  Praise you Lord!!!

I am sure you have encountered "tracks" in your past.  Or some call them "God Tracks".  I used to read some of these.  Some I just threw away or ignored.  I assumed they were not for me. 

I feared they were from a religion that was trying to poison others.  But, embarrassingly some of these I read were simply stating the fact that you must be born again in Christ.  And I read it, and tossed it.  I'm already there, I thought.  Leave me alone.  Bug someone else.  I have already been baptized as an infant.  And.....I am not doing all that bad compared to others.

Well, this born again beautiful, beautiful experience opened my mind!  And here I thought I was open minded.  But, to the evils of this world.  I was open minded to all kinds of ways of life.  You know:  Live and Let Live, right? 

The Lord opened my mind to read this type of material:  I was at a Waterloo outdoor event with live music and beer this spring.  I was starting on a new journey.  I was just learning to try to take baby steps away from my old way of life.  I was having some beers, socializing.  I was also talking to others around me about religion and some of the things happening to me lately.  I knew it was getting awkward to try to live in the old, and walk in the light.  And I felt my days were numbered because the Lord was not letting me enjoy myself very much.  He was giving me a headache over 1-2 drinks.  He took away my craving for alcohol to a large degree.  He made me bored with the shallow talkers over cocktails.  He told me to quit wasting His precious time.  And in that cocktail talk in the outdoor beer garden, my co-workers boyfriend handed me a piece of paper.  He said it was a beer ticket.  I took it and walked up to the beer stand, pulled it out and it was a track!  It says "Free Ticket" and looks like a ticket. 

Well, no beer for that, but I tucked it in my pocket and forgot about it.  I thought that was strange.  I don't know him, but he goes to a branch of a church I go to.  His girlfriend (my coworker) and I were having a discussion about believers baptism, along with why women can't be church elders earlier in the evening.  We didn't get real far with our conversation, but I could sense her protestant upbringing was really standing in her way to move forward with a walk with Jesus.

This "ticket" or track states such a simple and glorious gift message.  "Free and worth everything! Today, right now you can have the world's best free gift."  The final paragraph has the most gracious words anyone could ever hear: "Right now, if you trust in Jesus Christ as the One who died for you, was buried, and rose again, God will save you!  Do it now! Your eternity depends on it!!

The paragraphs in between state the precious words of the apostle Paul (thank you heavenly Father for sending Paul into the world and letting him record such blessings of letters).  There is scripture from Romans and Ephesians, along with the gospel words of John. 

The most important typed message on this track is this:  It mentions that you need to proclaim that you believe (trust) in Jesus Christ as our personal savior. 

You won't get this life saving, easy to repeat, most ignored message in many, many churches.  And I got it in a beer garden.  It now is on my refrigerator door.  I love it.  It is part of my conversion.  That man (don't know his name), helped save my soul through the work of the Holy Spirit in him.  Period.  This man is doing the work that God intended him to do. 

Along with a weekly Bible study at work, attending Prairie Lakes Church and hearing the REAL MESSAGE there, a daily devotional and Bible reading practice, and people like this man, I was saved.  The Lord decided to open my eyes to His written Word.  I finally heard the Holy Spirit whispers.  It has totally changed my life, forever.  Praise God!!!

My personal mission field includes many creative ways to reach people.  I knew I needed to utilize these tracks better.  I read through them at Family Christian Book Store and found a packet of them that speaks exactly to Christians who have not accepted Jesus as their personal Savior yet.  (and actually it speaks to anyone who cares to listen to this Biblical truth).  I typed up on the computer additional information and stuck it inside each of them.  It states something to the effect that I too used to see these booklets and ignore them.  But, please read the track as it can save you.  I explained I was a Lutheran and then a Catholic.  But, I was not filled with the Holy Spirit.  And the key was that a veil put over religion by satan has clouded Christians vision to see the only way to avoid Hell is with Jesus Christ.  Period.  Jesus Christ and our Father's Holy Word.  Period. 

My track does not include my name or any way to contact me.  It just asks the person to please read the track and not miss what I missed all of those years by tossing those aside. 

This blog is not a way for me to brag about what I do to try to gain points with God.  (I have exited those religions forever).  The Lord has told me to have loose lips for Him.  (Yes, He told me that).  I cannot ignore my Father's wishes.  Wherever you are in your spiritual journey I use this blog to speak to a large audience to please consider these every day occurrences that I share to see that I was saved and these were the things leading up to it, and these are the things that I am now doing for the Glory of Our Father!  All for Him and the spread of His kingdom. 

James 5:20  Remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover the multitude of sins.

Matthew 28:18-20  Then Jesus came to them and said "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age". 

Luke 10:2  He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."