Sunday, February 3, 2013

Potter's Field

Potter's Field (engraving)

They bought a Potter's Field, to bury poor Judas.  His silver led to a kiss

Contrast Apostle Paul, his greetings to the cheek of a Christian we greatly miss

Lord, you went out to that Potter's Field, to come looking for me

I went from a potsherd to a daughter to be celebrated for all Eternity

But to not be broken, what a tragedy that would be

Millstone around my neck, weighted down deep in the sea

The shards of life we claim in victory.  His life shining through us

Rivers of Life, Holy Spirit, you refill as you gladly leak through us

The world calls your children crutch bearers, weak, needy rubble

Pharisees' blindness, Pius comments, all opposite of humble

Oh, Lord, Glory day when Bridegroom meets Bride

Stave off my eagerness and that most feared Spiritual Pride

I pray 'till You come, and read your Holy Word

Saving Gospel, How I praise the day you were heard!!

Acts 1:18
Matthew 27:3-10
Romans 16:16
Luke 17:1-2
Isaiah 45:9
2 Corinthians 4:7-12
Matthew 25:1-13