Saturday, January 28, 2012

But..., I trusted my church! I trusted they were giving me the right information....

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.    I am reading in Revelations 5: 8-11 about how whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne, and worship him and who lives for ever and ever, the elders fall down before him who sits on the throne, and worship him who lives forever and ever.

Isn't that magnificent?  Right now, as we give glory, honor and thanks to Him, the elders fall down down and lay their crowns down and sing?  Yes, at each moment we do this for our Father, this happens.

I must say, I am reading Revelations with VICTORY!  Having a Life Applications Study Bible is a key thing for me.  I read all of the Life Applications part, at the bottom of the page.  I suggest you take a look at these online or at a bookstore if you do not understand what these Bibles are.

We have to come to Jesus, all on our own.  Broken in this world........ first.  Were you gifted to have been brought up  in a home that went to a biblical founded church?  Was this church one that really talks over and over again about brokenness?  About being born again?  Did the sermons speak of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?  Was the only way of baptism, that of a believer's baptism, after you decided to follow Jesus?  Did the parents go to Bible study when the children do?  Did the pastor talk weekly about spiritual growth?

I have contemplated so much about my journey, how it took me so long to realize that it is individual, our coming to full communion with the Lord.

Yes, at first I was blaming my parents for not providing me a church that talks of these things.  I also looked at the religious disasters that ticked me off at churches.  I looked at the religious people in my life that made religion look so worthless, hypocritical.  In the name of Christ, a number of people have scarred me to a point that if I could be completely honest with you about those exact situations, you would then marvel at how I could now ever be born again.  That is one reason I know that God ultimately decides when to ring our bell.

It does come down to faith, as well.

In my reading of the Bible and the study of the Bible there are a few things that have been popping out at me lately.  Mull this over and see if it paints a familiar picture with your past:

The New Testament speaks of "those who went to sleep".  Well, that is a glorious way of saying someone has passed away, in friendship with the Lord, waiting for Him to return.  Well, I never went to a funeral in all of my 42 years, until April of last year where I heard of such a promise of the future.

My upbringing and my adult life consisted of funerals were there was not this talk.  Now, I am still re-examining all of this, but it also could have been that my ears were not woke up yet by the Lord, and Satan had made me deaf to most any good news involved with resurrection and eternal life I deserved.

We spent time at relatives houses, etc. from the time of the death of the person until the funeral time, and I really never heard people talk of "getting to visit them again on the other side".  Maybe part of that hypocrisy of religion of my past was that most everyone thought that was judging.  You know, we shouldn't judge who is going to hell, so hey, we shouldn't judge who is going to heaven, right?  Is that insane or what???  Where was the faith????

Another point I mentioned above is the parents not going to Bible study, but making the children go.  That was a real stumbling block for me, as I was searching for God the last couple of years.  I had this notion that "I already had it figured out".  "His blood already covered me".  That Bible study, I thought, was for lonely people, people who were confused about their faith, people who had fallen soooo far that they really had to catch up.  Or that it was for families that were "turning over a new leaf".  My parents did not attend any instruction what so ever about their faith.  They never talked of their growth of faith.  They did not ask us of our faith growth.  They asked us if we memorized our Catechism assignment.

My new church has Bible study on Wednesday nights and it is for everyone, every age.  There are so many groups and activities, and they are all during the same time.  Really, when I think about it, it just blows my mind.

My very young years, from age 5 until maybe 12, we went to Sunday School on Sundays.  It was before church.  My parents (and no parents) had any instruction during this time.  We got dropped off.  I took a quarter to put in this iron cross type bank for collection. We sang Jesus Loves Me and other songs.   I was so nervous.  The church basement was cold and scary.  The men that taught us wore suits.  If teenagers tried to lead our class, I can guarantee we were naughty.  I cannot say that I got anything out of this.  I commend these church leaders, but I didn't make a connection about Jesus' unconditional love.  I am so hopeful they were planting seeds and I am sure they were.  I think the setting, the materials they were provided and the lack of fire of the Holy Spirit was not present.  Or, I just missed it or was not ready to receive it.

I remember one time at night, we were playing hide and seek in the church pews, running.  My dad caught us and was so mad and disappointed.  I never felt good about it anyhow, I knew it was disrespectful.  I was again, scared of making God mad for running and playing in the church.

Sounds like alot of fear, doesn't it?  Believe me, I am examining my entire life, prior to my huge conversion last April.  I am uncovering so many things that I need to deal with.  Part of this is writing in my journals and typing this blog.  I hope to help you as well.

I am not meaning to strictly pick on the Lutheran Church.  Let me talk about the Catholic Church.  I became Catholic in 1998.  It was a nice thing.  I enjoyed it.  They gave me a Catholic Bible.  It certainly was part of my journey.  I had a significant conversion at that time, but as I blogged before, it was lacking in the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit had not come to life in me.  My interest increased greatly at that time, towards the Bible and  spiritual reading.  Unfortunately, I became so very legalistic, and now I realize that.  I remember reading all of Dr. Laura Schlessinger's books.  Oh, my.  Boy, did I go down that road.  I actually have removed all of these from my home.  I do not remember anything coming out of these books accept that it was absolutely lacking grace.  Thank you, Lord, for being patient with me.  Thank you, though, for giving me these experiences.  Without them, I have no knowledge.  I have rich knowledge to share with you.

Let me end this on the point of this entire blog today.  It doesn't matter what church you went to.  What Christian church you are going to now.  Whether you were baptized as a baby or adult.  Whether you have rules about confession, communion or rules about women being leaders in your church.  What matters is that you need to seek the Lord no matter where you are.  It is between you and Him.  If you are like me, I cry, I get on my knees, I read the Bible out loud, I talk to Him daily.  I did none of these things until I finally made the connection, minus the church.  Did the church get in my way?  I cannot answer that.  God may have put obstacles in my way for reasons I will not understand right now.  He does want us to come to Him.  His invite is always open.  He doesn't need us to do this.  He does love His children, but as King of Kings, He was the first to make it our decision to obey Him, to follow Him.  He rules in a way never known before to man.  If you are questioning this blog, I would have also two years ago.  I was always defending "my" church.  Whether it was Catholic or Lutheran.  I was missing the point of reading the Bible for the absolute answers.  If you are reading this and go to a church that is somewhat described above, you may be hurt.  What I didn't do was to really, really read my Bible and be open to the fact that I may be missing the point.  My pride kept me from being completely open to a number of key things.  One is that regardless of your current Christian religion, you will find over and over and over again in the New Testament references to being born again.  You will also see Jesus portrayed in the Bible differently than what you may have had a mind set to your entire life.

That is your key, my friends.  Start with your Bible, even if no one in your family reads it.  Even if your church does not encourage it at every Sunday service.  Ask the Holy Spirit to decode the words in front of you.  To make your eyes see it in a way you never imagined (people like me and millions more read the Bible daily, and it is an experience that is so satisfying.  It opens your mind and heart to a new world, and you will then understand what this is about).

Lord Jesus:  I pray that those who read this blog will turn to you daily in their Bibles.  Lord, the world needs to call out to You for assistance in reading their Bibles.  To not be overwhelmed by it's size or content.  That it is Satan who has taken it out of schools and churches and homes.  Many years ago, Lord, we know families read Bibles together, and part of this dwindled away because our lives are easier.  When families did not have TV's to fill their family time.  Lord, please knock on their hearts.  Assist them.  Give them the power to want to make a change.  Let them read the beautiful story you have for Your children who obey and follow you.  Amen.

Hebrews 10: 1-4  The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming--not the realities themselves.  For this reason it can never, by the same sacrifices repeated endlessly year after year, make perfect those who draw near to worship.  If it could, would they not have stopped being offered?  For the worshippers would have been cleansed once and for all, and would not longer have felt guilty for their sins.  But those sacrifices are an annual reminder of sins, because it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Laundromat Lessons.....

Praise and Glory to God!  I am hopeful your weekend is Holy Spirit filled!  Oh, our Lord is so good to us.  If you have time off work this weekend, just praise Him for your rest and time away to refresh with your family.

I have recently taken a job change.  This job change includes flexibility in hours.  I currently am trying out a four day work week, working 10 hour days.  Obviously, the best day of the week is Friday, so that is my day off.  It has worked out well, but it is somewhat trying by Wednesday.

I have enjoyed these Fridays to the max!  I try to get most errands run on this day.  What is interesting, is that these happen to be days that I really have alot of Holy Spirit activity.

Today I needed to take my son to school, and then needed to get to a laundromat, as my cat keeps throwing up on my queen size comforter for my bed.  Sorry, but yuck.

I found out to dry clean a comforter is nearly the cost of a new one, so I got a good suggestion to take it the the laundromat for $4.00.  (Thank you sister Pam for the hint).

I had packed in my big purse a banana and two books.  I have not been to a laundromat since August 1998.  I did not know what to expect, and hate to sit and wait.  I used to be more of a people watcher, but I avoid that more and more now, as I found out I was really just using people as eye candy to feast on, and most likely this was not a healthy hobby.

I get there and there are no over-sized washers open.  I just stand there and stare at the Maytag's.  As though my time is more valuable than everyone else in there.

One lady came up to me and said "You can use mine, as my husband can't pick me up until 9:30 anyhow.  Go ahead and use it, and I'll still have time for my last load".

I thanked her over and over.  I also had to ask her for help on what to do to get these to work.  She was helpful.  I tell her I am there because my cat keeps vomiting on my comforter.

I sat down after I got it running and tried to read.  But, the Holy Spirit was advising me to people watch, but this time in a different way.

I noticed women, with their mothers and sisters and children, making this an event.  There are not many cars in the parking lot, so as the saint that gave me her washer, they don't have a car there.  Maybe they don't own a car at all.

They don't have the privilege of having a washer and dryer at home either.  They don't have a span of 13 years in between their visits to the laundromat.  They don't have the only reason to go to another place across town to wash items is because their one item is too large, as is mine, my comforter.

I see a community of women, being cheerful, working hard for their families, washing their clothes.  They don't get the privacy I do, washing my underwear and private items in my basement of my house.  They get to wash their clothes in public.

I am not saying anything here other than I am so aware of the world now that I am born again.  I take little for granted.

I saw a lady that appeared to be going through chemo therapy at the laundromat.  There was a Hispanic family at the laundromat.  There were elderly people there.

I decided this was a divine opportunity to do something nice.  I happened to have one of my notes on me that  I had typed up, that states essentially that "I am gifting you with this item because the Holy Spirit filled me recently, and I am excited to share that".  I found a crisp new $5.00 bill.

I waited until my time to leave.  I left it on the bench where I sat, with the note carefully wrapped around the money.  And I drove away and cried.

Why did I cry?  Well, I cry alot since my conversion.  I had cried alot this entire morning.  I asked God to use me today and this weekend.  I think also part of my reason for crying was because I have so much, and it is way too easy for me to judge those who do not have as much as I do.  I cried because I now know that my Father has me in His hands.  Even after all of my sin.  I cry for anyone else who does not feel this deep love feeling, this guilt-gone feeling.  It really is as if you don't know what you are missing prior to turning your life to Christ, and you think that the confusion and weight that you feel is normal.  That those voices are normal.  That your uncontrolled urges are normal.

I have to say, the more time I spend intimately with God, the more I cry.  The more layers He peels.  The sharper He makes my vision.  He lifts the veil a little more.  And most importantly, the more I feel I need to give of my time, talents and finances to others.

Another way to put this is that sometimes I feel like a foreigner, living in a new country.  This is since my re-creation.  I look at things entirely different, especially if I am keen to the Spirit in me.  I intentionally try to talk to God many times a day.  If we have an ongoing type relationship that day, which works out alot on the weekends, I seem to have more experiences that move my faith even greater, and hopefully they are moving someone else, as well.

Maybe someday I will get an even bigger opportunity to get "caught", and then get to share God's beautiful love story about them.  But for now, I am a little shy about this.  I am compelled to do these things, to make someone smile.  But, it is not about me.  I always put a note about our great Creator on it, and that the gift is from Him!

May you find openings in your day to look for these openings.  Even if it is at your desk at work, and your coworker is really hungry to hear about your faith in God.  (Many, many people are hungry, believe me).  Look around.  And cry.  Those are the best tears on this side of heaven.  Praise and Glory to God, who saved me from the pit.  Who was there all along, but waited patiently for me.  Who has answered numerous prayers for me in 2011.  Who has shown me HE IS RIGHT HERE, by His signs and wonders of the "coincidences" that have blown me away, especially since April 14, 2011.  Blessings to you, my sisters and brothers in Christ.

Recommended reading:  You Were Born For This, by Bruce Wilkinson.

Revelation 2:19 (To the church of Thyatira)  I know your deeds, your love and faith, your service and perseverance, and that you are now doing more than you did at first.

Acts 26: 20 First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and to the Gentiles also, I preached that they should repent and turn to God and prove their repentance by their deeds.

Visions of barbed wire danced in her head..........

Praise and Glory to our heavenly Father!  Thank you for reading my blog, for stopping in.  Let it only be a blessing to you, even if it at times convicts you.  I would imagine if you are like me, I am convicted many times daily, of things I just did recently, or when I get a glimpse at a past sin, through either reading the Word, or having that Word come through someone else.  Remember, that is good.  God is working on you, He has not forgotten you!  We will never, ever feel completely whole until the day we meet Him face to face.  Until that time, we are growing, and that means growing pains.

I had recently attended a Saturday night extended worship service at a neighboring church.  Interesting.  We drive there in winter weather conditions, we are concerned it may be cancelled because of the storm, we get there to worship, and I am not moved to worship.

You are cold in January in Iowa and if you are like me, I am a morning person, so I am not perky to worship in the evening.   I get pretty worn by 4pm, as I get up at 3:30am during the week and around 5:30am on the weekends.

I was enjoying the music, but there was certainly something blocking my enjoyment.  All kinds of thoughts going through my head.  I haven't had this problem in worship really at all for many months since finding a really great church home.

This service consisted of some Bible reading by the leader, worship music and also anyone was invited to come forth with prayers for attendees and sharing of visions.  And someone decided to pray for me, the lady with the long blond hair.  (didn't know I had long blond hair, but I guess I do?)   I finally figured out this woman was talking about me and she asked me to stand up.  (Another first for me!)

I agreed.  Her vision about me was that I was encircled by barbed wire.  She said my posture was very perfect, but I was standing tall and careful because of the barbed wire.  That maybe I had been hurt and I was afraid of anyone getting close to me.  There was some mention she made about a hand trying to reach through the barbed wire for my hand, but if I went to grab it, it somewhat slipped away.

Well, I guess there is alot of truth in this vision, but it also could have meaning to just about anyone.  What I found most interesting is that she noticed me, felt compelled to pray for me, and yes, I was struggling to worship that night.

It was nice after the service, she came up to me to pray for me.  We talked for quite a while then, after the service.  I liked that she was very honest about her and her husband's faith journeys. (I believe he is a pastor)  I shared a little of mine, along with my sister sharing hers.  It provides confirmation for new believers to hear how others turned inside out for Christ as well, and many of them did it years or decades ago.  They are just as sturdy as the day they made that decision to follow Jesus.

I won't spend a ton of time on visions.  I don't know much about them.  I would guess that if they are helpful in solving something, they may be from God.

I can't say that I have had visions, but twice in church, and in two different churches, these last few months I did see what appeared to be a mist that went from an area in the congregation and then rested, then disappeared when it met at the place of the pulpit area.  It was not scary.  It was nice.  It didn't disturb me, or make me worry about it.  But, it was somewhat comforting and I knew it was good.  I believe I shared this with a few people.  I would guess that it could have meaning, but I didn't act on it.  I just don't know much about these things and who interprets these, etc.  If there is a message for me to produce, I trust the Lord will assist.

I noticed in myself a sense of urgency that arose out of me beginning just a few months after my conversion.  I was worried at first that this meant my life was possibly coming to an end soon.  I was finding myself writing a lot more than I ever did in my life, in fact, writing letters to loved ones.  I was finding myself needing to quickly try to resolve my anger and anxiety issues and forgive those who I had not yet forgave.  These are all such good things.

I have since put behind me the fear of my imminent death.  There is nothing I could do about that anyways.  I am sure God uses some of us believers in some ways according to our personalities and strengths.  Also, He ultimately decides if and when we are saved, so, some of us wander through the wilderness for 42 years, really making a lot of life decisions without Him.  Boy, do I have so many groups of people I could minister to because of all I have been through.

To end this blog today, I have to say this is interesting:  The day after the pastor's wife prayed for me, I went to my new church for Sunday service.  There, during the 8:30 service, one of our church leaders grabbed me during service to pray for me and my prayer request I sent to the church for restoration help from God in a relationship I am trying to build.  She grabbed a hold of me (after asking permission), and prayed with me so dearly.  I had such a tearful time anyhow during service, receiving communion and worshiping with such touching songs.  What a prayerful weekend!  It appears I really needed these women to pray for me, and I love this new journey that I am on.  People praying for other people, intentionally.  I'll never forget telling my precious Dee Dee one day she offered to pray for me over a year ago, "Denise, I don't think I have ever had anyone offer to pray for me, but please do since you offered".  She was astounded that I had not had anyone ever pray for me like that.

I want to encourage you to find a church home.  Please go church shopping.  Make it a project, with of course a plan to settle into a church.  Be open as you never have been in your life to you being the spiritual leader of your family, even if you are a woman or child.  Make a plan to start somewhere.  (That was a word from God I received in 2006).

Ask your family to put an end to memorized prayers before meals and bedtimes.  Take a new route, not new at all to the first church families of the Acts of the Apostles:  praying from your heart.

Find some religious televisions shows and just put them on for background noise until you notice some good ones.  Notice how even on The Today Show, they are drinking alcohol in the morning, as though that is a healthy way to start a day?   Show your family that you have a vision to save your family with the hand of God, by putting a Bible on the nightstand or the kitchen table.  Then, open it and read it.  You be the catalyst in this dying world.  Doesn't your family deserve a plan like this?  I urge you, as I did, to take a stand.  My children are just fine!  They actually are noticing their mom's changes (I glow for the Lord), and they ask questions, they are now seeking God as never before!  It is subtle, the change in them, but it is outward and upward.  We are all going in the right direction now!!!  It is up to you!  You can't drag your ex husband to the throne on judgement day to explain to God.  You can't drag your parents who abused you up to the throne, you can't drag anyone with you.  You need to go alone to God.  How about before that time, you go alone, and meet Jesus right now.  No one can intercede.  You need to go to Jesus and get to know Him.  I urge you to make that change today.  I am so very, very glad I did.

Revelation 1:1-11    I, John, your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are our in Jesus, was on the island of Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.  On the Lord's day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet, which said, " Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea".

Scott Hamilton - I Am Second

Scott Hamilton - I Am Second Please enjoy this great testimony by clicking on the hyperlink.

Monday, January 23, 2012

A Rare Commodity-Professional Women Supporting Each Other

Like Striking The Low G Key On A Piano....

............Like the time I went to a Triple A baseball game in our capital city, we were walking through the streets to our car in the dark, walked by a "party bus", and I suddenly felt very afraid for the young women on board, drinking excessively.

...........Like the time I went to the casino in our community for a wedding reception, and felt a dark cloud over me that I could not shake and that feeling did not leave until we walked out of the building.

.........Like the time I came home a few months ago and at the bottom of my stairs, God said, "Go upstairs".  And found pot in my college son's room.

.........Like the time I came home from a hockey game 14 years ago and was aware only from the tension in the air, that the most horrific crime known in our society happened in my own home.

.........Like the time I obsessed about the death at the Texas Ranger's game, (this summer), then turned my concern to my son falling off of a water slide at our water park.  I could not reach him to touch base and be careful.  I came home and found out someone did fall from a slide at the water park that day.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Praise You God for our "twilight" conversations.

Lord, please direct my thoughts, words and actions.  Be with me, to convict me of my words, that they may only glorify You.  That they may stir others to seek you greatly.  You care for your flock, and Lord, I am trying to reach that flock; the lost, the confused, the curious, the content, who should dare not feel content.  May I grow, as I share candidly, my journey.  Amen.

Today during my devotions, this came upon me, "It's not about me, it's about You".  I need to remember to focus on Christ, that this has so very little to do with me.  I am simply Holy Spirit filled.  But, that obviously is not a simple thing.  But, Jesus followers know now that following Him only has simple directions.  The road is hard and rough and dangerous.  But the instructions are basic.  Read His Word.  Worship Him.  Spread His Good News.  Love, Love, Love like Jesus.  In a nutshell, that's it!  Isn't that cool?  Come join me in the simplicity!  Bask in it!

I love the time just before I wake up.  This is a time when I generally get my messages from God.  Many days, I wake with a beautiful song in my head:

January 13:  Come to Jesus
January 14:  I'm Desperate For You
January 15:  Oh, The wondrous Cross
January 16:  Oh, The wondrous Cross
January 17:  Jesus Messiah

What a nice set list, eh?

But, some mornings right before awakening, and actually sometimes I am awakened from a deep sleep, I get a message planted in my heart, from God.

I know they are from God when they are instructive or positive.  Yes, the Evil One likes to plant things, but not very often anymore.  I discern these statements and have come up with 100% proof that they come from God when they assist me in my journey.

Today, I woke up (and wrote down quickly--please keep a pad of paper and pen by your bed to take notes--it is too precious to waste these things) to:

"There will be peaks and valleys in life, but only evil will try to separate us from each other during the valley times.  I will never separate from you".

Isn't that just awesome?  You can have this happen also to you.  Have faith!  Raw faith!

I am so saddened, but never discouraged for my faith, when I share a vision, dream or answered prayer with someone who lacks this kind of faith.  They quickly change the subject.  They have a confused look on their face.   They catalog this in their memory to share later as gossip.  I am sad for them, because the instant I share, I can tell.

I share these things because they are worthy of His adoration.  Others need to hear of what is happening supernaturally in our pristine U. S. of A.  We are spoiled brats and we have it all, many of us, so why need tear filled prayers?  Why would I, someone who has a good job, a house and car, decent health and prior lukewarm Christianity, need this kind of wild faith?  Well, because the Lord decided to reveal it to me.  And I was open to it.  And I keep continually quieting down my life so that I can keep hearing Him over all the noise.  The noise of the TV.  The noise of the radio.  The sewage that is available on the airways and internet. I now understand, after approximately 13 months of conversion, that the Holy Spirit is working in me to change me daily, to be more like Christ.  And I am all ears!  I read His Word for instruction, found a great church, found a new family in Christ, and now I am on the road.  This will never end.  This journey is just beginning for me.  Praise the seasoned Christians that came upon my path over the last two years that said the truth, "We will never be there yet".  "We are reaching and growing the entire time until our last breath".

My entire life I was surrounded by people (some by my own choosing), that acted like they were there!  They had arrived!  They had it all figured out.  But, I saw no growth.  So, I didn't think I needed growth.  I leaned so hard on John 3:16, as they did, that I was feeling absolutely guilty, and confused, as I thought, "He will forgive me anyhow".  But why do I still wear these shackles?  Keep reading.  I bet many of you feel as I did once.  Now, My Savior paid my ransom and it is done.  I am free!

What a way to live.  I don't suggest it.  I was a perfectionist, a type A, a controller of sorts.  That is a bad combo for letting the Holy Spirit in.  It was the perfect storm.   So, I go around with these traits that I think are blessings, while my world continues to crumble around me.  Relationships crumble.  Abuse happens.  Secrets are kept.  So many secrets.  I was made to believe that secrets were acceptable.  To honor those over honesty and restoration.  I bet Jesus hates secrets.

How to get this:  Start with faith.  Why would I share this blog?  There is no money involved.  I have little time to type these.  The Lord makes my time.  I have critics lurching, searching for me to fall, to slip.  I assume some are reading this to laugh, since I am no longer wasting my Lord's precious time.

Your faith that this is true.  That is a great place to start.  Where else can you come to, to see 2-3 fresh blogs a week, about a born again journey?  At the comfort of your computer.

I tell you, the Lord is working through many, many people.  I have met some of these people.  They are weeping like me.  They are talking a mile a minute about their new faith.  They are taking big risks, talking about the glorious things God is doing in their life.  They are changing their lives to save their families, right now.

And the Lord is using the internet to reach the ends of the earth.  He wants all to hear of Him.  I understand there are places that have internet access, but no running water.  If you are one of these people, have faith!  God has reached you!

Join in my raw faith experience.  I am certain I will have so much more to share.  I have five journals filled with my prayers, praises and revelations.  All from only 12 months.  The Lord has filled me and He has certainly put me to work.  I am doing His work.  If He decides to end this blog, I will disappear from this site.   I assume that means He wants my energies put elsewhere, or He has decided that it is not effective.  He will let me know.

Fill your heart daily with His good music and message and I bet you will have great news on your heart as you awaken to His glorious sunshine daily!  Glory to God!  Jesus, Redeemer!  Savior of my soul!

Mark 9: 23-24  "If you can?" said Jesus.  "Everything is possible for him who believes."  Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, " I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief".

Mark 10: 27 Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God".

Religious Routines.....Yes, Don't Get Started Making Those Idols, Now....

Praise and Glory to God our Father!  We have had approximately 10 inches of snow today and it is a fine day to drink hot liquids, enjoy beautiful music, read, have a fire in the fireplace, and most of all, be with the Lord.  It is also a fine day to love on my 12 year old.  I have my quote on Facebook:  Children deserve a childhood.  My youngest is having a childhood, after much experience as a parent to a 19 and 24 year old, this youngest reaps the benefits of mamma's wisdom.

I say this as today I absolutely enjoyed watching and waving at him from various windows of the house as he played in the snow.  Glowed as he said "Mom, I am going to need energy to play in the snow, so can you make me French toast?".  Ha.  Gotta love it.  Love You Lord, when I prepared fajitas for a late lunch, and I asked if he would pray, and he does.  From his heart.  And he prays that others will be safe driving in this weather.  He prays that we will have a great weekend.  He is an amazing creation of God's and for his young age of 12, he is so on his way.  So sturdy.  So in touch with the Lord.

Religious routines......Well, let me tell you, we need them, but we need to pay attention to them.

Being a new born again, I am becoming more and more keen to what tricks the Evil One has up his sleeve.  One way he thwarts Christians is to entice them to make their routines idols.  To make them put the glory in the routine, and then we quickly put Jesus on the shelf.

Here are examples of what I have uncovered so far this last year:  Bible reading can become a religious routine.  I started out with a "Read a Bible in one year" plan.  I printed this from the internet, how to get through the entire Bible in a year.  I liked this version because it has you skip around in four chapters a day.  I started with that and in one week I was overwhelmed.  It was like homework.  So, I, duh, realized a great revelation:  That I will be reading the Bible for the rest of my life anyhow, and hope to read it daily, as well!!!! So, I still use that  Bible plan and mark off what I do read.  I am making progress, but enjoying the ride.  I am going slow and just recently read through Hebrews and James and so savored those chapters!  No stress!  Don't do this to yourself, making God's gifts be "work"!  I can say that I can't wait to read my Bible lately (Joyce Meyer states she even kisses her Bible sometimes as she just loves it so ---I can relate) and when I sit down to read, I feel so at peace and fulfillment.  I can't wait to see what those Words will do to me today!

Another example is church attendance.  Do you feel a sense of darkness and gloom when it is time to get ready for church?  Do you fantasize about staying home instead and reading the Sunday news front to back, while omelets are just about prepared in the kitchen?  Does your spouse and/or children start whining, fighting and becoming negative as they realize it is church day?  Well, guess what.  Maybe you need to determine if you are going to the right church!  Maybe you need to decide who is the spiritual leader in your family.  Is it anyone?  Maybe as a couple you need to have a family meeting with the kiddos and tell them that you won't tolerate their behavior on Sundays, and if they continue the behavior, they will be in their rooms for two hours when you return home, as a family, from church.

If you go to a church that is inviting, encouraging you to seek the Lord with all of your heart and soul, and is full of Jesus love, I bet you don't have all of these forces against you, as a family.  You need to get strong as a family unit and find a church that is putting you on a path towards growth.  Towards teaching the gospel.

Does your church have people emotional?  How do you respond internally to people that are weeping, using their hands and bodies in praise, hugging, speaking soft "Amen's and Glory be to God's"?  People that are going up to the altar for special blessings?

I went almost all of my life to lifeless churches.  They were comfortable, in a weird way.  You knew what was going to happen.  You got a printed bulletin with the format.  You read from a photocopied page, the "Bible".  You looked at your watch.  You saw people looking at other people in boredom.  You saw children squirm and fuss and parents looking exasperated.  You saw the other "gray hairs" glaring at those families.  You saw the pastor/priest speaking of church matters as if they were having a general operations meeting.  (Like no one would attend if you held the announcements of this sort at a separate time?)  And worse off, you saw people nearly sprint out after the last song as if the car was on fire.

Now, picture this:  I have a church now that has life!  Holy Spirit life!  And I have attended many churches in my community like this!!!  There are MANY!  The common denominator seems to be this:  They have the Bible as part of the service, with Bible study, they have a format of worship music in the beginning and end of worship.  They have a pastor who is honest about his faults, is human, is on fire for the Lord.  They have a sense of community.  They believe in prayer and alot of it.  Not recited prayers or creeds.  Prayers from the heart.  They accept all for communion (with instruction prior to reception).

I say this, because one of the biggest drivers for your faith will be finding a church that will rock you and your families world.  A church that offers all kinds of small groups and large groups.  That has a website so full of things that you could never be bored again as a family.

To move on, I really want you to go out and church shop if you are curious about what you might be missing. I church shopped for two years, recently, and really, all of my life, even when I was a Lutheran or Catholic, I checked out other churches.  I know now that God had me on a journey, and needed me to first experience other religions prior to my life changing conversion.  Now, I can speak of my knowledge of what is out there, and what worked for me and others.  I now found a great Wesleyan church and the first service I went to, I cried and cried and said out loud "I am home".  Praise God!  He is so good to me!!!

All I can say, is that wherever you are on your journey, be aware of the pitfalls of Christianity.  How quickly the Enemy comes to destroy.  It can be a subtle as making your daily devotions own you so much that you think bad luck may come upon you if you miss.  Or that if you missed church due to the weather or illness that you need to feel guilty.  Or if you have to say "no" to church activities because you have already extended yourself that way and you need to balance your family time, that you are letting people down.  No, don't do these things.  Keep your eye on Jesus, not repetitions.  Those repetitions will be just part of your fabric, if you just keep it on Jesus, His love, His acceptance.  Thank Him for bringing you to your devotions daily.  Thank Him for encouraging you to take your Bible to bed nightly.  Thank Him for finding you a church that you can call "home".  Ahhhh.  Yes.  Jesus takes good care of us.  He loves His children.  Catch yourself, as you start to put your eyes on duties, and then take those eyes and look upwards to His loving arms, His kind eyes, His beauty.  Relax in that.  He will assist!

May God bless you greatly!  May you keep searching and striving!  I can say, I feel so much joy.  I want you to have that joy.  You deserve that joy.

1 John 5:1-5  Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves his child as well.  This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands.  This is love for God: to obey His commands.  And His commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world.  This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.  Who is it that overcomes the world?  Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

Praise you Holy God for having this passage opened right up to me, as I sit here typing.  I was reading 1 John out loud this evening, not realizing that this is speaking to me, typing these words.  Lord, you are all powerful and Holy.  I have complete faith, hope and love in my heart.  All of your Words are true.  My faith in You will not waiver. You have shown me, day after day, Your love and patience.  May all who read this blog come to you, with childlike faith.  May they know You better through this blog.  May they seek You, as I have sought You.  And finally at age 42, You opened my eyes and had Your Holy Spirit fill me!  Praise the day now that I was born again!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Robert Duvall-E.F. The Apostle

Praise and Glory!  Not much sleep for me last night, so what I typically do is make a plan to just be with the Lord.  The last thing I try to do is lay there and let my mind wander.  Yes, fear creeps in.  I have learned when fear comes in the night to just say "Jesus", either whisper it to myself, and if that doesn't work, say it louder.  Yes, I said it many times last night.  He was right there. I put Christian music from my Sony Walkman in my ears.  I am assuming someday, when we meet the Lord, all things will be made known to us.  One thing I believe the Lord will reveal is the fight that has been going on all along for many of us Christians, between the angels and "others".  The "others" used to win and scare me.  Now, I may have fear, but I know how to combat that fear.  Everyday, I gain strength.

Biblically, it tells me all I need to know about how protected I am, now that I am sealed with the Holy Spirit.  All Satan can do is deceive.   He has wanted me to be scared since I can remember, and I think I know where this all started.  I have taken it to the Lord, my dabbling with slumber party type demonic activities.  But, I know in my heart this dabbling goes beyond me, in my family tree.  I will continue to use the Bible as my rock and foundation.  Age brings wisdom and the rest of my years with Jesus will arm me more and more.  Praise you Lord for your comfort.  I lean on you, sometimes cling.  The Father of Lies had lost the battle long ago.  He can't win a battle already lost.  He is desperate to knock me to my knees, and must have known all along I would have loose lips for You someday, as you revealed to me last year, to do.  I am a warrior for You.  I need you, step by step.  What Satan's strategy against me is absolutely paralyzing me in fear.  The type of fear that makes you freeze.  I have frozen many times in my life as horrific things happened around me.  They happened to my family members and myself.  Now, through intense Bible reading over the last year, and reading approximately 20 books in 12 months (all Holy Ghost energy---I have never read like that in my life, all since being recreated in Christ), I know exactly what is going on.  I will no longer turn a blind eye to it, so that I may continue to surf along and put frosting on everything.  There are enemies against us, but fear not.  You put on Christ and you find you really have already won!

I have been wanting to watch The Apostle since my conversion last April.  There is a neat story behind this movie.  It was produced in 1997.  I converted to Catholicism in 1997-1998.  I had a somewhat huge awakening to Christ, but, it was not Holy Spirit filled.  Now I know that.  I was reading my Bible, attending Bible studies, teaching religion to youth, and was the church pianist.  I even lead a Bible study session!  The problem was, and I didn't know this at the time, was that not everyone could really jump on this Catholic train to heaven.  So, I am the only Catholic now in a family of Lutherans, and many were not regular church attenders anyhow.  I am trying to spread the Good News, but when they come to my church, they cannot receive communion.  They are confused, and rightly so.  I am thus defending my church like a martyr.  And they are trying to be happy for me, but I wasn't gathering a flock.  It was a club they could not attend.  They got invited to the party, but they couldn't step into the formal dining room type thing.  But, others could.  Only those who followed the rigid, religious customs.

My mother passed in 2005.  She watched this movie with me in 1998.  She bought it for me in approximately 2000.  She didn't say much, which wasn't like her.  She typically said a lot and more than you wanted or needed to hear.  She did say, "Miss, I got you this movie at a rummage sale, because I knew you really liked it".

I remember being mesmerized watching this movie.  The opening scene is amazing, and coming from my childhood Lutheran and adult Catholic background, you don't see people getting "saved" at all.  It is private.  And really, an outright conversion to shed the old ways was just not common.  I never saw an altar call happen until a few years ago, in a Vineyard type church.  I never heard of someone being bold enough to realize that they had enough of the Spirit in them to change destinies, by offering salvation to someone.

As I watched the movie, it excited me.  It did not make me uncomfortable.  I believe my take on this in 1998 was that in this type of church situation, these parishioners are being genuine in their worship.  Now, that is a lot to say for me, coming from my rigid religious background.

I guess I was very open to other types of worship.  It did open a door in my heart, I believe.  I have been telling a loved one for months that I wanted to watch this VHS copy of The Apostle, that my mother bought me.

So, I watched it in 2012 and I cried tears, boy did I cry good.

There are many seasoned Christians that are saying we seem to have a "Holy Rollers Revival" goin' on!  Isn't that full of hope!!  Would I love to see canvas tents going up in parks.  I have never been to a tent revival.  That is on my list.

Would you be open to watching this movie?  I would love for you to see it.  I see a new viewer from Italy now.  Welcome.

I honestly believe the Lord works through us, even through movies.  Even like me, you may watch it this week, and in 14 years, it may come through you like a locomotive train!  (I just watched Josh Turner's testimony on I am and his song, Long Black Train is divinely inspired.  He will explain).  So, trains are really on my mind these days.

Another beautiful thing, is that I have a renewed connection to my mother, through this movie.  This $2.00 movie links us together in a spiritual way, that no inherited piece of jewelry or furniture can match.  Our relationship grows evermore, at least in my heart.   I am having a nice time getting to know her a new way, since uncovering all of my childhood pain this last 1.5 years, facing it, getting a little mad at my parents, and now restoring my love for them, for who they were.  It feels so much better to pull out those painful thorns.  But, it is painful and scary to remove the thorn.  Once it is gone, it heals.  The scar is there, but over time, I am seeing that scar slowly disappear.

Join in my journey to forgive everyone of everything.  And as Josh Turner puts it "Watch out brother for that long, black train".

Colossians 2: 16 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a new moon celebration or a Sabbath day.

1 Corinthians 14: 26 What then shall we say, brothers?  When you come together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation.  All of these must be done for the strengthening of the church.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Wineskins And Patches.....Mark 2:21-22. Dancing drunk, He filled me up, because I received.

Good Sunday!  I am so hopeful you have found a church home, you readers.  I found a church that really emphasizes a walk with Jesus.  It is refreshing to hear a pastor say almost weekly, that he is right among us.  All of us continuing our journey, never there, as long as we are on this earth.  And, I really love when the ushers walk through the isles right before the sermon to hand out Bibles!  Really!  I love it.  They hold them high in the air, making them visible for anyone to use during the service.  That stuff just pumps me up now.  Make them Bibles visible, churches!! 

My 12 year old goes to a Catholic School.  He was born and raised Catholic.  He has had to have a change of plans, when his momma decided to attend other churches.  It makes my heart sing when my son says every service now, "Mom, that was the best one ever".  He asked me when I was going to join the music team today.  Also, he had a twinkle in his eye when I pointed out the baptismal font, where I will be baptized on February 19.  Look how far a 12 year old boy can come in flexibility, open-mindedness and growth in faith.  What an example for us adults.  I used to pray that my children would be good, moral people.  Yes, that was my prayer.  I missed part of the target there.  Due to my Holy Spirit filling, I can now say that my only hope for my children will be that they will re-dedicate their lives to Christ someday, as I am.  And if they choose to do it with baptism (Oh, please let them not hold back!), I cannot explain my joy.  Sometimes, when I look at my answered prayers, when I review my journal and my conversations with God, when I get hugs in churches from people that really are Spirit filled church people (Oh, yes, there are always a number of "We need to keep building our tower to get closer to God type of Babylon People"),  I know I must have a healthy heart.  Otherwise it could not take this pounding and pitter- pattering it does so often now.  Please, Lord, keep me here longer with a healthy heart to spread this good news the world is missing!!!

I am sure I have mentioned in previous blogs my contrast of life now that the Lord did this to me, this wonderful thing.  It must amaze some, it confuses some, and convicts some.  That entire reality is not of my concern.  All three of those groups have hope to have exactly what I have.  The Holy Spirit could only be the culprit to make three types of reactions come out of folks!  There usually isn't a neutral person to me, now. 

It's fun to go shopping and talk to God a little before you go.   You should know, almost daily in my morning devotions, I ask Him to "Make me be a light for others, to reflect Him".  Also, I ask Him to give me His words, especially when there is an opening for me to insert a kind, soft, sweet word about Jesus and what He has done to my life this last year.  It seems to go well 90% of the time.  At Barnes and Noble and McDonalds both on one Friday, I had Holy Spirit happenin's!!  Try the Pay It Forward in a drive-thru.  It is way fun, more exciting than that roller coaster in Las Vegas.  I Pay It Forward, but also I feel it is important to add a note and have the McDonald's person give it to the receiver.  My little paper explains my life and how God has changed it, that I am overflowing with joy and want to share it.  It's that simple.  But this way I am giving God all the glory for the gift.  I am just being directed by Him to do it. 

When we talk about my contrast of life (and hopefully yours--pray and seek, it WILL come), I look at things like alcohol a lot.  I think about how I used to get tipsy on wine, etc.  And now, I truly have a high that is leaps and bounds above that.  And it produces no guilt, no hangover, it costs nothing.  It is contagious.  I tell my loving friend Dee Dee that I do cartwheels for Christ and I can't help it.  I really feel like that, often.  Yes, I have hard times.  My hardest times are when others talk about me and my change.  They don't talk to me about it.  They talk to others about it.  And usually it is over cocktails.  Isn't that ironic?  I am getting drunk on the Lord, and they are on an artificial means.  And I used to do the same thing.

Most of us drinkers compare our volume of alcohol to others.  I was guilty of this.  It was a scheme.  I had this all figured out.  I knew who drank more than me.  I knew who drank less.  I always thought, "Well, at least I am not a drunk.  At least I don't drink like so and so". 

I was such a world-loving and not Jesus following person that I wouldn't date guys that didn't drink.  What a shame.  Now, I realize these fellas were possibly born-agains, or really grounded Christians.   I remember having an attitude about people that were tea-totallers.  I also remember feeling really weirded out about a nice person I dated that got a cross tattoo on his chest (saw him at the water park).  Also, I was not exactly comfortable about his posting pictures on Facebook from his Christian music concert he went to.  The huge lit up cross was just too much for me. 

Now, the wineskins.  This passage just made sense to me recently.  And, yes, reading the Bible daily, it changes and gets deeper every day.  Praise you Lord, for opening my eyes and showing me what it is all about! 

From the NIV Life Applications Bible, it explains it clearly that this meant that Jesus states the old religious rituals are the old wineskins, and He is the new wine.  And you can't be rigid and expect Him to fill you.  Is that awesome, that parable?   He did not come to patch up the old system (sewing a patch of new, unshrunk cloth, which is Jesus, to an old garment.) Please read it for yourself.  We can't be rigid.  His Word will reveal new things to us daily.  Our interactions with Christians will have Holy Spirit messages.  His whisper will guide us in new directions, if we listen.  This all means change.  This all means that we are not there yet.  This means when we sit in church, we should stop ourselves quick when we think that "we got it--they don't".

Let me end with a great little thing.  I need to spread this good news and this blog is a great way.  If we don't share our miracles, we can't quickly advance the kingdom.  Yes, we all need to advance the kingdom and throw our nets out. 

This may seem simple to you, but it is not to me:  I prayed on 1-14-12, yesterday that the Lord would heal my shoulder.  It has been very painful for many weeks, causing me pain, trying to sleep.  I did nothing to hurt it.  I am in pretty good shape, not overweight.  There is no reason for my shoulder to hurt.  I listened to Joyce Meyers (I do a lot) and I am reading The Bondage Breaker by Neil T. Anderson.  Both of these items helped me to realize that I can pray for this shoulder, and should.  How we lack simple faith. 

Today after church I went to grab something.  And I was delighted to feel very little pain.  I keep moving it around, it has been a long time since I wouldn't wince all the time.  It is almost pain free.  No medicine, no doctor, no shot, no xray.  I went to Jesus.

In our sanitized America, we have sanitized the churches.  We have left out intense prayer and belief in answered prayers.  Do we really need much prayer?  We have the world's best doctors.  Penicillin $4.00 at Walmart.  Hand sanitizers all over the place.  Even antibacterial Kleenex.  I assume other parts of the world experience so many miracles because they believe, and they have so many requests.  Such a need for prayer and miracles where children die hungry and diseased.

I did ask for my shoulder to be healed and the Lord healed it.  I want you to think about that silly request I had, and how quickly He answered it.  Maybe He wanted me to not forget I asked for it, so He answered in 24 hours.  I do know, He wants me to share that.  Would you please pray earnestly for someone's pain or suffering?  Or your own?  And then, you have a responsibility to spread that heavenly news.  Journal and write the date of your prayer requests.  Expose your raw self to the Lord.  Ask Him to reveal all that you need to know about your stains.  Tell Him you will work for Him, for His glory and to save souls.  Cry your eyes out, precious tears.

We went from wineskins to patches to prayers in this blog.  It is a wonderful life I have in Christ.  I am so pleased you read this.  I will be here, blogging about twice a week, God willing.  I will share my grime, my growth.  Please come back and have a sip with me.  "Mull" it over with me.  Mull over a passage or two of the Bible daily.  Please, you will be satisfied!

Honor and Glory to only the Most High!  Lord, I am nothing without you and keep me very close to you.  Papa, you are right here and I want to please you, so others can know the joy you intended all along to us lost sheep.  We deserve this happiness on earth, and we know it can only come through a personal relationship with your Son, Jesus Christ. 

Mark 2:21-22  "No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment. If he does, the new piece will pull away from the old, making the tear worse.  And no one pours new wine into old wineskins.  If he does, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined.  No, he pours new wine into new wineskins".

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Screwtape Letters and My Personal Set-Ups By Satan Log.

Praise and Glory to God above!  One of my most favorite, touching songs is on by John Mark McMillan, How He Loves.  What a song.  Saw him in concert.  A different kind of music for us Christian contemporary music followers.  That was my first concert of any sort of this kind of music.  That was this summer.  Where have I been?  It matters now that I have arrived! 

Are Sundays sometimes a challenge for you as well?  Do you feel evil swirling around you and your family, as you try to get to church?  Today was an interesting one, and finally by 1pm, I broke down and cried about how evil had tried to ruin the day already.  We then got on our knees and prayed for God's help, along with casting out Satan from our day.  Then, by 4:15, I still felt broken down by defeat.  So, I took charge again.  Started singing out loud great songs full of scripture, then turned them on loud in the house.  Then, got busy to get my work done.  I was remembering that Satan can plant thoughts in our minds.  I also remembered that he can recognize when we are strong.  So I got strong.

It all started with my older son being disrespectful this morning.  And then, at church he forgot his eyeglasses, so he couldn't enjoy singing or seeing the scripture on the screen.  Then, he still was grumpy at me.  I guess he was not able to express that he was somewhat sad to go back to college, along with being stressed with a drive ahead of him, to get there.  I discovered that my family has a problem with producing an emotion that really isn't consistent with how we feel.  It messes everyone else up.  Why do we do that?  For example:  When sad, we act short and testy to those around us to avoid crying or letting us look emotional.  Not a good trait.  I am working on this myself.

In general, I bet Sunday mornings are interesting in most households.  Why not track this progress?  I started a few journals of nightmare situations that I tracked backwards and gave the recognition to the king of deception.  Not in a good way.  A glory of triumph, that I recognized his attempts to ruin our peace, even on a day we are going to praise God. 

Look at your Sundays.  Hard to get kids up.  They are crabby.  Running late.  We are putting all the energy into getting there, looking perfect, and worrying about details instead of preparing mentally to give your total self to God in worship.  Try to arrive at church 15 minutes early.  Try to talk as a family about your Sunday mornings and how you can work as a team to see what can fall apart so quickly and why that happens.

There was a New Years Eve I will not forget.  It was 2010.  My love and I were planning on staying home, making appetizers and just stay home and relax.  Well, my girlfriend calls.  She wants us to meet her.  We end up at a Mexican Restaurant.  She is there with a new girlfriend of ours.  They are both single.  So, the first margarita was very strong.  Then, we order another.  And our entire night shifted. 

I ended up texting my sister (I don't remember this).  I don't know who else I text.  I didn't even know I was that tipsy.  But, the alcohol monster hit strangely that night. 

We end up at a party of a distant friend of my sister.  Every time I go to this house, something bad happens.  Some old boyfriend shows up at the party, or someone is extremely inappropriate, or worse yet, I smoke.  Well, this night, New Years, both me and my love got jealous of silly things during the party and we left at 10pm.  He drops me off at home.  I try to call and text him all night.  He does not respond.  I spend midnight crying alone. 

Well, that is what we get for not sticking with solid plans.  That is what we get when we throw that much alcohol onto a relationship with two people that have a jealousy problem.  And also, that is what we get we we don't set ground rules for parties, who we spend time with and what is the escape plan and recovery plan. 

We did make up, but it was a tough lesson.  My love promised never to ignore me again in that type of argument where someone wants their space.  And we decided to never attend a party at that house again.  We have labeled it the "dark house", because it seems to have enabled many bad situations to occur there.  A fun artsy couple owns it, but they are non-believers.  It is a historic mansion.  I guess I've seen enough of their antiques for this lifetime, thank you. 

It took us a few months, but it was wise to rewind the night and see where it went wrong.  I can tell you, and I believe I have mentioned that if I could have removed the alcohol from my life as a woman, I would have avoided so many bad decisions and situations my entire life, starting at age 15. 

I can't rewind those decisions about alcohol, but I can learn from them and the destruction.  And I can now journal days that went wrong, vacations that went wrong and Sunday mornings that went wrong. 

My love and I bought the book "The Screwtape Letters" by C. S. Lewis recently.  He had started to read it years ago.  We thought maybe we would read it out loud, to try to assist with understanding and interpreting it. 

If you are not familiar with it, the book is a series of letters from a senior demon "Screwtape" to his demon nephew, "Wormwood".  They consider God to be the "Enemy", and "Our Father Below" as Satan.  Screwtape is instructing Wormwood how to continue to secure the damnation of a man known only in the book as "The Patient".  He does this by writing 31 letters.  You will see that it is truly just humorous, but really quite enlightening.  If you ask me, this is exactly what goes on, every minute.  We see the results, we just don't see the workers.

Please look into C. S. Lewis and his biography.  What a game changer for Christians and non-Christians in the 40's, 50's and 60's.  We get so narrow minded that we don't spend time to look back in history to see many Christians were extremely radical in pointing out the obvious, that few will proclaim.  There is so much more going on in our unseen world.  Clive Staples Lewis became an atheist at age 15, experimented with the occult, but later converted, and became one of the most influential Christian writer of his day. 

I have only just begun to dig into his works.  He was really on to something, and his books are there for all of us to savor.  I did find Mere Christianity for $5.00 at the bookstore once.  You will find his books very affordable, anyhow.  You won't find them easy to just pick up and start again.  I find I need to be very focused, and need to stick with it.

Praise to you in your journey, where ever you may be.  Please understand, if you are concerned about your progress, just keep reading your bible daily, spend time with God daily and keep searching and praying for His presence.  You will find your relationship growing if you seek.  And forgive all those in your heart that need forgiving.  This is a must.  Ask God to search your heart and expose what is standing between the two of you.  Don't be afraid.  I did it.  I had 42 years in my pile for Him to expose.  I did it!  He is my Father and I have a relationship with Him more intimate than any other.  I will never turn back.  And He will never let me go.  You can do it! 

Ephesians 4:25-27  Therefore, each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body.  In your anger do not sin.  Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry and do not give the devil a foothold. 

1 Corinthians 6: 12   "Everything is permissible for me"--but not everything is beneficial.  "Everything is permissible for me"--but I will not be mastered by anything. 

Luke 10:20  "However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven". 

"Melissa, put My beautiful music in your ears..." Papa

Praise and glory to God our Father on this sunny Sunday!  Getting ready for worship!  I have had my Holy Spirit Tears already today (most days), doing my devotion, but better yet, preparing my 19 year old to head back to Minneapolis to college today.  He has grown so much in maturity and faith, and we saw a huge spurt this Christmas break.  He was once an artist, making dark artwork, some of it demonic.  I had tried to be open to his artistic ability and tolerated this to a point, but this spring I decided to take a stand and have it removed from the house.  Also in our talks in the last few months, I believe the Holy Spirit has helped me penetrate his soul enough to get him to understand the power these articles possess.  He now seems to have a sense of peace.  I am hopeful his future artwork will show this.  Our world is so full of demonic iconic tshirts and album covers, along with many more TV shows and movies showing ghost chasing.  A little less subtle is the demonic force I believe coming out of mainstream television shows, highlighting most every episode swirling around death and murder.  If you think about television, actual keep track of how much of it is positive and uplifting.  The Today Show I watch no longer as well.  I don't call news that which lets me know which Hollywood figure is bankrupt or divorced.  It's not my business.  I also don't find it healthy to see newscasters relaying the news, when it is obvious what their personal opinion is.  I have seen too many politicians slaughtered on air.  And don't get me started on Saturday Night Life and the filth it has become. 

A future blog coming will be all of the instructional statements the Lord has planted on me during dreams and during awake times.  I plan on making a piece of artwork out of my Father's words to me.  It is such an incredible thing to finally identify that statement that comes into our hearts.  What a relief for me to connect the relationship, due to washing of the Word daily, with that loving God's voice.  This is how I picture the relationship, and I hope it helps you:  I imagine I am a quilt and the thread that makes the pattern on the quilt is His Word, weaving in and out of the fabric.  I am held together and decorated by His Word.  It puts Him in me. 

One of the most personal and beautiful statements the Lord put on my heart is "Melissa, put my beautiful music in your ears".  This was on September 18, 2011. 

At that time, I was still struggling with being afraid at night.  I was having nightmares.  Demonic nightmares at times.  Also, paranoid nightmares.  Things like black birds picking at me, broomsticks coming through my window at me and having my loved one, Joe, walking in my bedroom and scaring me.   (this is not possible, he doesn't live here).  I say this with all confidence in the Lord.  I am of sound mind.  I actually praise Him many days in my devotional time for having a sound mind.  It is wise.  My history of nightmares is lifelong.  My history of insomnia goes back to age 4 when I can first remember.  And fear of the dark goes back to that beginning of my memories.  What a shame.  What a struggle for me.

The demonic nightmares I don't feel I need to share at this time.  I do not do this for entertainment or to titillate you.  I do it, as I feel this blog is an ongoing testimony of what real people are like, and what real people that turn their lives completely over to Jesus Christ are really and truly like.  I am still a real person with struggles.  The Enemy has used my sleep and fear of the dark against me, and I feel now as I mature in Christ that it is his thorn to keep me from feeling as powerful as I need to be.  He does this to many, and I assure you, that you are not abnormal.  Keep following my blog to hear my explanation of what is really going on, that which you cannot see, good and bad.  The good is triumphant over the bad.  Recognize the bad, the evil, then stomp it out, with the power of the Word of God under your belt.  You really cannot tromp on those snakes unless you arm yourself with Holy Spirit power.  Man vs. evil without Christ?  Not a victory.  I tried it as a lukewarm Christian.  One who was a perfectionist, trying to outwit at every turn, evil.  And evil kept sneaking up on me.  Tricky Devil, he is.  The downfall of my life was the time in my life after leaving an abusive husband.  The leaving wasn't the sin, it was the sin that my life fell into, as a single woman.  The worst fall of my life, from 2006 to 2009.  Lord, Jesus, praise you for reaching Your hand into the pit to grab me, clean me off, renew me, and show me how to obey and why.  Praise! 

I was having intense trouble sleeping and finding peace in the dark in my 100 year old home from late May 2011 until approximately October 2011.  This trouble all started within the month that I proclaimed out loud to others that I was born again.  My boys also felt this strange fear in our home. 

It is hard to recognize at the time, the timing of events.  That is why a prayer journal is essential.  It does two things.  It is a tool to make your relationship deep, through prayers and really just talking to God, through hand writing.  But as well, it helps you date the events in your life, and associate them later with the big picture.  You can highlight in a different color, answered prayers as I do.  I also highlight revelations that I have.   You see cycles.  It is all so cool.  God is so cool and artistic, himself.  He certainly is not boring and rigid.  Join in this one-on-one through a prayer journal. 

I actually was at work and writing in my prayer journal when the Holy Spirit planted on me, to put His beautiful music in my ears.

To me, at that time, it meant that I could sleep better if I bought a Sony Walkman or Ipod to listen to Christian music during sleep to block out distractions that were leading into lack of confidence in the dark.  So, I did buy a Sony Walkman and listened to our local contemporary Christian music station.  It did work and it was comforting. 

But, actually now I see many meanings in what the Lord was saying in this one statement. 

1)  Yes, fill your heart and soul with good things, including positive uplifting music. 

2)  But, as a musician, praying for direction with my hobby of piano playing, I wonder if He is instructing me to use my music only to glorify Him.  I have been praying for direction with my music business, which allows me some extra income and opportunities to perform.  I used to be a church pianist for years in the Catholic church.  I enjoyed it, but it was different than the music provided in my new churches I attend.  I had only started listening to contemporary Christian music about a year ago.  I didn't know many songs.  But, if I was going to be a church musician, I better learn the music.  Now, I am learning the music!  And I continue to pray that He will call me, if it is His will, to be a church musician.  I bought two piano books this weekend, and have actually mastered 80% of it!  (my left pinkie is very sore)  All of the praise goes up!  Only through Him, can I play so well.  What a new twist and turn, understanding our gifts are only from Him. 

3)  I find myself waking up from sleep, when the alarm goes off, with a wonderful Chris Tomlin type song many days!  Some days I actually am singing as I wake up.  And guess what?  This is praising God!  All of the scripture injected into these songs is great ammunition against spiritual warfare! 

4) Also, I find that the more I include reading scripture and listening to good healthy Christian music, it is all that is on my mind.  Not much time for that nasty demon voice telling me how I screwed up, etc.  Or who is ugly or different.  Be gone!  Fill your morning with scripture, and fill the rest of your day with healthy music, no TV, and be alert to every encounter to spread the Good News of our Savior.  You will find there is little time for unhealthiness.  I will later blog of the opportunities I have in each and every day to evangelize with co-workers and even perfect strangers.  Remember, if you are born again, they will sense you are different.  You emit the light of Christ.  They don't exactly know what makes you different, but they are watching you, and want to examine what you have that they don't. 

Oh, Lord, again, please bless this blog.  If you do not bless it, give me discernment to remove what is not in Your will.   I will obey.  Amen. 

2 Kings 3:15   But now, bring me a harpist.  While the harpist was playing, the hand of the Lord came upon Elisha. 

Psalm 81: 1-2 Sing for joy to God our strength; shout aloud to the God of Jacob! Begin the music, strike the tambourine, play the melodious harp and lyre.

My Future Art Piece--All Of My Father's Words To Me

"Melissa, have loose lips for Me."

"Melissa, there is only believer's baptism in the Bible."

"Melissa, two more years....."

"Melissa, you have so much work to do".

"Melissa, be still."

"Melissa, how could you ever comprehend My love, when your earthly family did not show you appropriate love, let alone unconditional love?" 

"Melissa, I speak to you in dreams.  Just as those who speak and interpret tongues, I speak in dreams, to those who are silent enough."

"Your daughter, Brittany, is beloved".

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Come To The Table? Really?

Good Day!  The Lord has blessed this part of the country with sunshine and warmer weather.  It will all even out.  No need to worry.  The Lord is taking care of us.  We will get our moisture and cold.  It's all part of His big plan. 

I bring this message today with much prayer.  I am not a Catholic or Lutheran hater.  I am a recreated Christian, now only leaning into the Lord.  I will not worship where rituals and customs rule over the biblical truth.  I will not worship ANYWHERE where I feel there are excluded members or non-members.  All are welcome, minus a very rare circumstance of an ousted member.  (Yes that does happen, apparently, and the New Testament gives instruction on how to do this, (see below) whether it be a friend, brother or church member.  It all includes privacy first as you are confronting them in love, then if no results, bring along a strong believer to assist in the confrontation and restoration.  If no results after all of these attempts, yes, we have to make big changes).  I also am a new Jesus Follower, not Jesus Watcher.  Relationship, relationship, relationship.

I am well educated in Catholicism.  I converted in an RCIA program (very intense) from September 1997 to April 1998.   I had read their catechism from the years 1998-2005.  I have met with priests, as a Catholic, on at least 5 occasions, with deep questions, and also deep hurts about my life.  I have also met with a highly respected religious leader in our community, a number of times from the years 2001 to 2011.  His name is Jimm.  And he is a teacher like Jesus in that he usually asks you a question as an answer.  Think about that.  It really isn't about what he or these priests think.  It is about our relationship with Jesus, how are we gaining that knowledge to cultivate that relationship.  It does come down to me plus Jesus. 

I grew up in an American Lutheran Church.  Our pastor was really neat, but we were scared of him.  He was very loud and fire and brimstone type preacher.  I wish I would have listened more then.  I would enjoy getting another chance to sit in on his sermons if we could only rewind our lives!  But, he is retired now. 

That is the neat thing about Christian growth.  We can spend time with people and not get the point.  Then, with wisdom as we age, we spend time with these folks again and we see their perspective.   We can read the bible over and over and get something else.  We can read books and take another spin on it later.  My example is some of Frances Chan's books.  I read Crazy Love and Forgotten God before I was saved.  Now, boy, I can't wait to read them again!

No book is really worth reading at the age of ten which is not equally – and often far more – worth reading at the age of fifty and beyond.”
C.S. Lewis

The title of my blog: "Come To The Table".  Well, that breaks my heart.  You see, this is a canvas, shiny yellow poster strapped to my Catholic Church in town.  It is very near my home.  I see this poster most every day.  This church is on a busy street. It is a beautiful, stately church.  Why does that break my heart?  Because really not everyone can come to the table.  Only after you meet requirements can you "recline at table" with Jesus.  At least there, in the Roman Catholic Church you can't.  You need to do many cartwheels to get the privilege of taking the body and blood of Jesus.  WWJD?  I don't think the Jesus I have come to know as my Papa these last 1.5 years would say, "Wait!  You must be clean and perfect and if remarried you must be annulled, and Wait!  You must be married to a Catholic whose prior marriage has been annulled!".  "And Wait!  You must go through a priest to be purified in confession at least a couple of times a year.  You can't do that on your own.  You can't go to me, Jesus, with that confession.  It's best you go through a priest. 

And oh, did the apostle Paul have a hey day with that, which was already happening around him so quickly after Jesus left the earth and left His Spirit here to fill us. 

I pray these words come to you with comfort, not bitterness.  I only blog because the Spirit drives me.  I don't have time to blog, but somehow, I find time.  I don't have time for Bible devotions daily but I find time.  The Lord carves out my day now.  He has circumcised my old ways.  A religious "circumcision" and a personal "circumcision".  Religious in that he has helped me see what was standing in my way.  I used to find peace in the rituals, the laws of the church.  The bells ringing at the altar as the Host was raised, the incense at funerals, the sprinkling of the water.  I felt so cozy there.  I thought I found home.  The problem was, it was distraction.  I stopped at the rituals and didn't proceed into the relationship.  Many, many do what I did.  And millions of Christians are stopping short of the full glory that Christ promises here on the earth, as we wait for His return.

A dear friend in my life was so patient with me and my defending MY Catholic church.  I took him to mass a couple of times.  One time, the entire homily (sermon) was about building a new Catholic school.  There was no meat for us that day to go home and saver on all week.

He said to me, kindly once or twice, "Melissa, really those things are not in the Bible", when I discussed the virgin Mary and her elevated place in the church, about confession and communion. 

I saw the striking contrast between our churches after attending his.  He was fair and attended mine.  And the difference was so stark.  There was such open talk of love that Christ has for us, talk of stepping over the faith line, Bibles in most parishioners hands as they walked in.  And the Word was opened and discussed each service.  I saw few people bored.  I saw tears and emotion.  I saw people not really wanting to leave when it was time to go.  Hugs and smiles and hand shakes and welcome, welcome.

And in the Catholic church I saw boredom.  Yawning.  Staring at who is going up to communion.  People leaving as soon as they walked through the communion line.  (Check mark..., complete!)  People not singing.  People leaving during the final verse of the closing song. 

I have attended 6 different Catholic churches regularly in 14 years.  I have moved and lived in multiple communities.  The common denominator is the above paragraph.  I have the experience to say this is what I saw.  If your church is different, Amen.  I just want people to see what worship is meant to be.  We are there to sing to God, to praise God, to give to God.  To be fed.  Raise it up to God.  Alleluia!  To feel so wanted that we don't want to leave that setting with other believers.

I used to be the church pianist in three different Catholic churches.  I would become so frustrated.  The complaints about too many verses.  Too much singing.  Too long of songs.  Come on, people. 

A beloved Catholic friend, Ann and I were the perfect duo in the music department of one of my churches.  We had a pack and that was to sing all verses, every song.  She loved to sing and we had such beautiful music, together.  David Haas is one of the song writers/composers, and Ann adored him.  Ann was a spiritual sister of mine and will always be.  Life has taken us down different paths.  But, in that Catholic setting, we were so enjoying our music, amidst the complaints of the elders and long time members.  We were a fortress.  I was seeking God my entire life and I look back at these times before I was an all out Jesus Freak, and see what God was doing the entire time.  He loves me so!  Oh, how he loves.... John Mark McMillan. 

Please understand my sadness, frustration and heartache.  I loved my Catholic church.  But, I found after I searched further, I found obstacles that I could not tolerate and I had to leave.  The last time I attempted to go to the Catholic church, I decided to see where I was lead regarding communion.  Guess what?  The priest spent the homily speaking of rules for receiving communion.  That, my friends is not in the Bible.  What is in my heart?  The Word of God.  The Holy Spirit mulling over the Word of God in my heart.  I will not attend where there are chains on the Body And Bread Of Life.  My heart will not allow that.  No wonder I cried so hard for so long about my sin, shame and pain.  I didn't catch the part about unconditional love at the Catholic Church.  My heart deserves to soar.  And it now does.  Try to catch me!  Flying, free.  Amen, Lord Jesus.  The Maker of all that is good and just.  You saved me from the pit, and I am forever yours, doing Your work here. 

Dietrich Bonhoeffer:  "A country has seldom produced so many different kinds of people as has the Catholic church.  With admirable power, it has understood how to maintain unity in diversity, to gain the love and respect of the masses, and to foster a strong sense of community...But it is exactly because of this greatness that we have serious reservations.  Has this world of the Catholic church really remained the church of Christ? Has it not perhaps become an obstruction blocking the path to God instead of a road sign to salvation?"

John 14:6  Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me. 

Matthew 18:15-17  If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you.  If he listens to you, you have won your brother over.  But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.  If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector. 


Friday, January 6, 2012

What Does Your Bumper Sticker Say? Why Cringe At Mine?

Praise and Glory to our Lord and Savior!  Lord, please bless this blog and its contents.  Please work through me, for your ultimate goals.  Let me be a teacher for You.  Let me help open eyes and ears.  I am such a sinner.  But, you took away my guilt and self condemnation almost a year ago.  You took away those negative voices.  You made me see who I was in You in 2011.  Help me help those so many Christians and non-believers that are not swimming in Your love.  They will know if they are absolutely, positively saved and in crazy love for you.  Oh, the day when all will rejoice with the heavenlies:  Holy, Holy, Holy.  What a day! 

We live in the Hawkeye State.  Iowa Hawkeyes, that is.  We have no professional sports, so we obsess about our college sports, mostly University of Iowa sports.   Even graduates of our other colleges support the Hawks.  I know so many men and women that went to the university in our home town, but drool over the Hawkeyes.  Those poor Panthers!  They get ignored.

And what do we see?  Well, on game day, there are these flags that fans put on their cars.  They stick out of your front windows.  And everywhere is black and gold when you go out and get a cup of coffee.  Many are sporting their tshirt or sweatshirt. 

There is alot of money to be made by all of this licensed material.  Key chains, hats, pajamas, underwear, socks, drinking cups, bean bag toss games, bottle openers.   Even a guy in my old community can make you a bar with your favorite team, including the Hawkeyes. 

It was always a little strange to me.  I was a music person.  I enjoyed sports, but that just didn't work out for me personally, as well as music did.  Yes, an occasional game on the TV or to go to a baseball game, I like.  I think I balance out things pretty well, my hobbies.  But...... people ruining their day when their team lost.  People getting in nasty fights during the Iowa State vs. Iowa games.  Fans fighting.  People booing you if you wore Iowa State gear instead of Iowa Hawkeye gear.  People breaking golf clubs over their knee? 

I am sure your collegiate sport situation is similar in your state.  Do you have a bumper sticker on your car?  A license plate holder? 

Do you have any Christian religious jewelry?  How about those plastic bracelets?   Do you wear clothing proclaiming your faith?  A necktie or shirt? 

Do you think God is a jealous god?  You know, he really doesn't need us or anything at all.   But guess what?  He is very, very interested in His children showing their affection for Him. 

You know, I am not here to blog to make people feel crummy about their lives.  I do know that I am learning alot by reading the bible.  I do see support in there for my needing to personally to look at every aspect of my life.  I fall so short.  I am making changes.  He is revealing to me so many items that I never thought of before.  That is what is so glorious.  And some of these items came to me, after being born again, after I thought of many key conversations and situations over my lifetime that I didn't think mattered at the time.  You see, the Holy Spirit speaks through other people, and these statements and incidents are keys to the puzzle of our life, in Christ, and He reveals the solving of the puzzle, piece by piece, after you ultimately establish an intimate relationship with Him.  And that relationship gets stronger.  And you analyze all of these puzzle pieces and see what He intended all along.  For you to finally decide to accept Him.  And all of your life tragedies, blessings and journeys now make perfect sense.  Remember, He doesn't need you.  And you can't work your way to heaven.  You have to surrender all and just accept Him.  He LOVES, absolutely LOVES when His children finally decide to say, "Here I am Abba Father.  I am sorry I didn't come sooner to you.  I am sorry I fell in love with the world and believed the lies of Satan all of this time". 

I bought a Jesus Freak type sticker for my car window a few months ago.  I looked over all of the stickers at the book store, and found a great one.  It isn't very big and it isn't very obvious.  But, it stamps me with Him.  I don't need to be stamped with the Chicago Cubs or My Student is An Honor Student (jeez people---glorify God, not your children).  I thought it was absolutely perfect, perfect for me to label my car with my One True Love.  I finally found that True Love.  It took me 42 years and oh, so much heartache.  I have fished for comments from others on this sticker I bought.  I don't actually know anyone, off hand, that has an obvious Jesus sticker.  I can't say that I got an overwhelming approval for the sticker.  I don't think we are all on the same wavelength.  You see, I am a little bit of a rebel, and I don't care if I do happen to get into a fender bender.  They can use that sticker against me, but guess what?  I plan to not deny Christ if someone wants to challenge me.  I will fight that Peter in me! 

I won't get too heavy on this topic tonight, but I will exercise my religious freedoms and to the maximum.  I am concerned about our future with this.  I am concerned about employers possibly restricting what we wear to work, if it reflects our faith.  I am concerned that Christians will someday be identified for their faith.  And it won't be for a good reason.  I am preparing to read Revelations again.  It has been decades since I spent much time there.  It is part of the bible, and with prayer and meditation, I am getting ready.  You need to read all parts of the bible, including Revelations.  Don't tally there forever.  But, there is so much information that has been swept under the rug, as we enjoy our lives, forgetting we are only here for a fraction of a second of an eternity of time.  The rebel in me also wants to get a very small Christian tattoo.  Maybe just a cross with a scripture, possibly from Ephesians. (not written out, but such as: "Ephesians 3:16-19")  So much born again reference from the apostle Paul.  Such good news.  As a rebel, I think if there is a day in my lifetime that I need to either deny or confess that I am a Christian, they will know from my actions and they will know from my "bumper sticker" on my body.  You just try to mess with this Jesus Freak.   I am in Christ Jesus.  And if it happens in my lifetime, I will sing praises to the Most High as they try to change my beliefs or practices.  Whatever it comes to.  It is pretty deep, but really, what will you do?  Imagine the situation.  And remember what the saints did.  They sang, typically, at the tops of their lungs, at the times of their stonings, beatings and even just at wartime.  Do you not want to think of these things?  Obviously we would rather think of pleasant things.  But if you are like me, I have wasted an incredible amount of time prior to age 42.  I had not spent time with God.  I didn't pray much and prayed selfishly.  I was skimming along.  And, now I have glorious time.  I am done wasting time.  There is such richness in Christ.  So long and deep and wide.  Come and join me.  My chains are gone, but I have so much work to do. 

How He Loves by John Mark McMillan (lyrics):  He is jealous for me.  Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree.  Bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy.  When all of the sudden, I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory, and I realize just how beautiful you are and how great are Your affections for me.

Psalm 78:58-59  They angered him with their high places; they aroused his jealousy with their idols.  When God heard them, he was angry; he rejected Israel completely. 

Nahum 1:2-3  The Lord is a jealous and avenging God; the Lord takes vengeance and is filled with wrath.  The Lord takes vengeance on his foes and maintains his wrath against his enemies.  The Lord is slow to anger and great in power; the Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished.  His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of his feet.