Sunday, September 25, 2011

No spellcheck, I will not capitalize the word satan!!

Praise and Glory to the Lord on this Sunday!  I had a wonderful church experience at The Harvest Vineyard Church today.  I am so thankful for so many open Bible/ personal relationship with Jesus churches!  I have thrown out the religious rules and open my Bible for all truths and open it up regularly.  It is really all we need for guidance, along with the Holy Spirit, who has graciously filled my being!  Thank you Lord!

It just gets me.  When I blog, I finally learned how to spellcheck and it wants me to capitalize satan.  It doesn't tell me to do that with God.  It also doesn't tell me to do that with the word Lord.  Luckily, it tries to capitalize Jesus!! Praise for that! 

So, again I am blogging about satan.  I don't think we can quit talking about him.  Him and his demons are roaming this earth, looking for every opportunity to destroy what Jesus came to earth to do.  There are times when I know I have caught a glimpse of him.  It makes me shutter.  I truly believe what Romans 12:6-8 and 1 Corinthians 12:6-11 state about spiritual gifts.  I believe we all have gifts and mine I am learning about.  Yes, I feel I can differentiate between spirits.  And I know others that have shared the same.  It is something we don't talk about much.  And that is ok.  It does bring fear into some people's hearts.  You need to pray and be strong and constantly ask the Holy Spirit to cover and protect you.  That is what I do.  As I have said before, part of my faults of my past was that I feared satan more than God.  I gave him that much power over me.  I am tired of being a trembling idiot.  So, I stand upright.  I keep away from evil things.  I am very careful about what I put into myself.  God in, God out.  That includes TV, music, art, who I am spending alot of time with, alcohol, negative people and actually, just discerning what my "insides" are telling me.  I am getting very, very good at uncovering a "bad" feeling.  If I have a bad feeling about something, I act on it. 

Yes, satan has worked through me.  He has worked through all of us.   I have said horrible, ugly things about people I love.  I have not been a good parent always.  I have taken the easy road at times.  I ignored reading  the Word Of God just because I didn't want to reveal truths that would cause me to have to change my lifestyle.  I have not attended church for periods of time in my life.  I have not been a good witness at various times. 

I have blogged previously about things I did as a child and adult that have invited evil into my life.  And I am so glad to have asked for true forgiveness from the Lord.  The risk in talking or blogging about these things is that the wrong people will give it glory.  They will look at this as entertainment.  No.  It is serious.  I only speak or type of these things to give glory to God.  I don't particularly enjoy sharing about demons because I only want to speak about good things.  But, too many people are getting involved in darkness and they don't even know it.  I blog to share with you my experiences so that you may 1) come to know Jesus more fully due to my authentic relationship with Him as a new born again 2)  you may realize some of the things you are doing are really damaging your relationship with the Lord and causing you to be distant from him 3) you may realize that some of these "myths" are really common truths.  It is just that we are not sharing the important things.  We are spending too much time watching a box, called a TV and we are assuming we are "saved" because we already believe John 3:16.  You are missing it!  There is so much more.  Go deeper and deeper, people.  Get on with the relationship He wants to have with you!  He loves you and wants to be involved with you, step by step. 

I believe if you are not diligent in your practices, your deepening your relationship with the Lord, only one being can step in and that is satan and his demons. 

I give him no glory.  He has robbed me in the past.  He has made me scared.  But, I tell you, when someone says something or does something evil, trace it back.  You will find the absolute root is not in goodness.  It is in evil and that comes from one place. 

I have written in my journal specific instances when satan has involved himself in a circumstance.  He has used someone else's mouth or hand or mind or even a look.  And I am on to him.  And when he uses me, I recognize it, repent to the person I wronged and ask God for forgiveness and more strength the next time.  Praise God! 

One thing I look for when I go to a new church now, or when I watch religious shows on TV, is I hope they bring up this crummy fella's name: satan.  Let's call him out!  Let's not be afraid to state that he uses our weaknesses to lie to us and assists us in sin. 

If your church rarely brings him up in the sermon, I want you to think about that.  If your church does not regularly remind you to open your Bibles outside of church, remind you of what everyday sin really is:  gossip, negative attitudes, numbing yourself with alcohol or pain killers or drugs, not witnessing when you could be, sexual immortality, anything addictive or that causes you to put it before God, and what that really means:  Well, I say I would just think and pray about that.  We are again, as "religious", getting hung up on big sins vs. little sins.  They are all the same.  So:  You are in the same category as the murderers!  Yes, you are.

As I have heard other "believers" say:  "I don't break the commandments, I don't kill people, I don't commit adultery, etc. 

Remember:  the most powerful people satan uses are ..........Christians!

Amen.  Lord please guide me and all who read these words.  We give You all the glory.  Love you Abba Father!

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