Saturday, January 28, 2012

But..., I trusted my church! I trusted they were giving me the right information....

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.    I am reading in Revelations 5: 8-11 about how whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne, and worship him and who lives for ever and ever, the elders fall down before him who sits on the throne, and worship him who lives forever and ever.

Isn't that magnificent?  Right now, as we give glory, honor and thanks to Him, the elders fall down down and lay their crowns down and sing?  Yes, at each moment we do this for our Father, this happens.

I must say, I am reading Revelations with VICTORY!  Having a Life Applications Study Bible is a key thing for me.  I read all of the Life Applications part, at the bottom of the page.  I suggest you take a look at these online or at a bookstore if you do not understand what these Bibles are.

We have to come to Jesus, all on our own.  Broken in this world........ first.  Were you gifted to have been brought up  in a home that went to a biblical founded church?  Was this church one that really talks over and over again about brokenness?  About being born again?  Did the sermons speak of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?  Was the only way of baptism, that of a believer's baptism, after you decided to follow Jesus?  Did the parents go to Bible study when the children do?  Did the pastor talk weekly about spiritual growth?

I have contemplated so much about my journey, how it took me so long to realize that it is individual, our coming to full communion with the Lord.

Yes, at first I was blaming my parents for not providing me a church that talks of these things.  I also looked at the religious disasters that ticked me off at churches.  I looked at the religious people in my life that made religion look so worthless, hypocritical.  In the name of Christ, a number of people have scarred me to a point that if I could be completely honest with you about those exact situations, you would then marvel at how I could now ever be born again.  That is one reason I know that God ultimately decides when to ring our bell.

It does come down to faith, as well.

In my reading of the Bible and the study of the Bible there are a few things that have been popping out at me lately.  Mull this over and see if it paints a familiar picture with your past:

The New Testament speaks of "those who went to sleep".  Well, that is a glorious way of saying someone has passed away, in friendship with the Lord, waiting for Him to return.  Well, I never went to a funeral in all of my 42 years, until April of last year where I heard of such a promise of the future.

My upbringing and my adult life consisted of funerals were there was not this talk.  Now, I am still re-examining all of this, but it also could have been that my ears were not woke up yet by the Lord, and Satan had made me deaf to most any good news involved with resurrection and eternal life I deserved.

We spent time at relatives houses, etc. from the time of the death of the person until the funeral time, and I really never heard people talk of "getting to visit them again on the other side".  Maybe part of that hypocrisy of religion of my past was that most everyone thought that was judging.  You know, we shouldn't judge who is going to hell, so hey, we shouldn't judge who is going to heaven, right?  Is that insane or what???  Where was the faith????

Another point I mentioned above is the parents not going to Bible study, but making the children go.  That was a real stumbling block for me, as I was searching for God the last couple of years.  I had this notion that "I already had it figured out".  "His blood already covered me".  That Bible study, I thought, was for lonely people, people who were confused about their faith, people who had fallen soooo far that they really had to catch up.  Or that it was for families that were "turning over a new leaf".  My parents did not attend any instruction what so ever about their faith.  They never talked of their growth of faith.  They did not ask us of our faith growth.  They asked us if we memorized our Catechism assignment.

My new church has Bible study on Wednesday nights and it is for everyone, every age.  There are so many groups and activities, and they are all during the same time.  Really, when I think about it, it just blows my mind.

My very young years, from age 5 until maybe 12, we went to Sunday School on Sundays.  It was before church.  My parents (and no parents) had any instruction during this time.  We got dropped off.  I took a quarter to put in this iron cross type bank for collection. We sang Jesus Loves Me and other songs.   I was so nervous.  The church basement was cold and scary.  The men that taught us wore suits.  If teenagers tried to lead our class, I can guarantee we were naughty.  I cannot say that I got anything out of this.  I commend these church leaders, but I didn't make a connection about Jesus' unconditional love.  I am so hopeful they were planting seeds and I am sure they were.  I think the setting, the materials they were provided and the lack of fire of the Holy Spirit was not present.  Or, I just missed it or was not ready to receive it.

I remember one time at night, we were playing hide and seek in the church pews, running.  My dad caught us and was so mad and disappointed.  I never felt good about it anyhow, I knew it was disrespectful.  I was again, scared of making God mad for running and playing in the church.

Sounds like alot of fear, doesn't it?  Believe me, I am examining my entire life, prior to my huge conversion last April.  I am uncovering so many things that I need to deal with.  Part of this is writing in my journals and typing this blog.  I hope to help you as well.

I am not meaning to strictly pick on the Lutheran Church.  Let me talk about the Catholic Church.  I became Catholic in 1998.  It was a nice thing.  I enjoyed it.  They gave me a Catholic Bible.  It certainly was part of my journey.  I had a significant conversion at that time, but as I blogged before, it was lacking in the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit had not come to life in me.  My interest increased greatly at that time, towards the Bible and  spiritual reading.  Unfortunately, I became so very legalistic, and now I realize that.  I remember reading all of Dr. Laura Schlessinger's books.  Oh, my.  Boy, did I go down that road.  I actually have removed all of these from my home.  I do not remember anything coming out of these books accept that it was absolutely lacking grace.  Thank you, Lord, for being patient with me.  Thank you, though, for giving me these experiences.  Without them, I have no knowledge.  I have rich knowledge to share with you.

Let me end this on the point of this entire blog today.  It doesn't matter what church you went to.  What Christian church you are going to now.  Whether you were baptized as a baby or adult.  Whether you have rules about confession, communion or rules about women being leaders in your church.  What matters is that you need to seek the Lord no matter where you are.  It is between you and Him.  If you are like me, I cry, I get on my knees, I read the Bible out loud, I talk to Him daily.  I did none of these things until I finally made the connection, minus the church.  Did the church get in my way?  I cannot answer that.  God may have put obstacles in my way for reasons I will not understand right now.  He does want us to come to Him.  His invite is always open.  He doesn't need us to do this.  He does love His children, but as King of Kings, He was the first to make it our decision to obey Him, to follow Him.  He rules in a way never known before to man.  If you are questioning this blog, I would have also two years ago.  I was always defending "my" church.  Whether it was Catholic or Lutheran.  I was missing the point of reading the Bible for the absolute answers.  If you are reading this and go to a church that is somewhat described above, you may be hurt.  What I didn't do was to really, really read my Bible and be open to the fact that I may be missing the point.  My pride kept me from being completely open to a number of key things.  One is that regardless of your current Christian religion, you will find over and over and over again in the New Testament references to being born again.  You will also see Jesus portrayed in the Bible differently than what you may have had a mind set to your entire life.

That is your key, my friends.  Start with your Bible, even if no one in your family reads it.  Even if your church does not encourage it at every Sunday service.  Ask the Holy Spirit to decode the words in front of you.  To make your eyes see it in a way you never imagined (people like me and millions more read the Bible daily, and it is an experience that is so satisfying.  It opens your mind and heart to a new world, and you will then understand what this is about).

Lord Jesus:  I pray that those who read this blog will turn to you daily in their Bibles.  Lord, the world needs to call out to You for assistance in reading their Bibles.  To not be overwhelmed by it's size or content.  That it is Satan who has taken it out of schools and churches and homes.  Many years ago, Lord, we know families read Bibles together, and part of this dwindled away because our lives are easier.  When families did not have TV's to fill their family time.  Lord, please knock on their hearts.  Assist them.  Give them the power to want to make a change.  Let them read the beautiful story you have for Your children who obey and follow you.  Amen.

Hebrews 10: 1-4  The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming--not the realities themselves.  For this reason it can never, by the same sacrifices repeated endlessly year after year, make perfect those who draw near to worship.  If it could, would they not have stopped being offered?  For the worshippers would have been cleansed once and for all, and would not longer have felt guilty for their sins.  But those sacrifices are an annual reminder of sins, because it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.

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