Saturday, November 10, 2012

Do You Love Me x 3 Peter?

Glory to God!  May you find this blog inspirational.  If it makes you uncomfortable and irritable, let this be a blessing down the road.  This is not a 1/4 of the Gospel type blog.  Olsteen and "Oprah" have their versions, but my blog is about sin, repentance and the full life of Christ that He intends for you. You can't short cut the sin and repentance part.   This is a full Gospel blog.  It is my intent to do that.  I pray that each preacher out there will intensify their message, not to leave anyone out of the power of the Good News.  Also, as I talk of the Holy Spirit walk with Christ once you are born again, I will talk about the realities of the bitter/sweet journey.

Ever wonder about Cain and Abel?  Cain's offering and what was lacking in it?  Was it lacking or was it his attitude?

Ever wonder about Peter's sin vs. Judas'?  Was it really that different?  Notice the evil of money exchanged....vs. Peter's plain fear.

The prodigal son vs. the older son?  (See image above)  Which is worse to be? 

One thing I have discovered is a simple truth of the entire Bible.  There are two ways to look at most every incidence in the Bible.  The parables are blinded from unbelievers (and unbelief in believers) and all other Bible passages could be justified in fleshy terms, thus missing the Majesty, Righteousness and Glory of our Father in His dealings with man.  Sometimes this includes death and earthly punishment.

For instance, we could start with Cain.  It was not automatic that I understood "God's" side of this.  I felt sympathy for Cain until recently.  I would recommend that you buy a Bible Commentary for assistance.  I found The Baker Illustrated Bible Commentary for $19.99 (with a coupon).  This has both Old and New Testament commentaries.

I took the shallow, automatic worldly view that God somewhat was unfair.  Obviously, God created all, so God may do whatever He wishes.  What I dug deeper to discover is that it is in Cain's attitude, (Genesis 4:9--"Am I my brother's keeper?") exposes the heart issue. And this is after he murders his brother.  One thing you see here and with Judas, is no repentance during discipline or warning.  Cain is warned after God sees his downcast demeanor, "...that sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it".  Genesis 4: 6-7.  What a warning we all would love to receive from God, prior to our next huge life mistake.  I think it best that I put that on a 3" x 5" index card, as I do other helpful Scriptures.

And let's go to the prodigal son.  (Luke 15: 11-32) You see again the jealousy issue with the older brother, working away in the fields.  Recently it was pointed out to me an interesting hidden story in that.  The older brother was resting in his "works" and never could get beyond that.  If we measure in "works", we never experience divine love and therefore cannot produce divine love, as our Father loves us.  That stuck out so severely at me.  You see the deep seeded hatred the older brother obviously had all along.  Toiling away, sweating in the fields.  And here comes the misfit brother.  Notice this point:  The father gave away his inheritance willingly (after the younger son asked for his) to both sons at the same time.  What is a gift is a gift.  Or is it in your books?  The father in the story is our Father, and you see the love he has for his long lost son.  So much so that "But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him".  Here is a story that completely explains our "religious" way of life, until we are born again.  The "righteous" religious will have a harder time than a lost son who has lived an outward, sinful life.  Either way, the Father will run to meet you and kiss you, if you turn from your sinful ways.  Unfortunately, the Pharisees struggle to see their sin, as they calculate inward, justifying.  There is no game in Jesus Christ.  Believe me.  I was one who bargained, hid, rebelled, ran and finally came to the end of myself.  I was a Pharisee.  But, also an outward wretched sinner for periods of my life.  

Oh, and now on to Peter.  Why would Jesus ask him three times if he loved Him?  Let's start with me.  This is how I would have answered before knowing Jesus personally, and surrendering to Him:  I would have answered just like you would have as a religious person:  Well, I love you because I go to church most weeks.  I also show I love you because I play piano in the church.  I love you because I pray before most supper meals................
All based on works.  Just like Cain, just like Prodigal son's brother and the rest of us until we grab the hand of Jesus who is offering to rescue us from the pit of life and the pit of eternal damnation.

See Peter's heart:  He simply answers, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you."

No works involved. 

And now if Jesus would ask me if I loved Him, my answer would be as plain as Peter's.  I do not boast in these things.  I would say, yes.  Just as I do daily as I speak to Him and praise Him.

May you search your heart how you would and do answer that question.  Just as if someone should ask you, "If you died today, do you know without a doubt where your soul will go?".  Simple question.  Simple answer.  Yes, or no? 

Blessings my friends in Christ.  Blessings that you are filled with the Holy Spirit.  Pray that you be filled if you are not sure.  Get rid of all hindrances.  Get rid of pride, anger, unforgiveness, idols and worldly pleasures.  Keep shedding and praying so you may be filled. 


  1. Blessings to you and thank you for your deeply inspirational messages.

    Consider this with regards to Peter and his sin. He lied to save his own skin. Not once but three times. And this, just hours after he pledged to die for Jesus, his closest friend and acknowledged God and Savoir. After the cock crowed the light came on and he wept bitterly. It doesn’t say in the text but we can assume that he confessed his sins to the Father. Consider that when the women found the tomb empty on the third day that it was Peter and John who ran to see for themselves, Jn. 20:3,4 that Peter had by this time confessed and repented.

    So part of what Jesus did when He asked Peter if he loved Him was to restore Peter and to restore their relationship. This process involves first discovery of sin, usually through conviction or revelation, which leads to confession, followed by repentance and finally restoration. Restoration to a loving, obedient relationship with the Father is always the necessary result of confession and repentance.

    So too is a restoration of a loving relationship between each of us when one is wronged by the other. The model between God and man is repeated between man and man. (the first greatest commandment and the second)

    Now look at John. Here was a follower of Jesus who didn’t deny Him and was even at the foot of the cross with Jesus’ Mother receiving instructions from Jesus as He was dying. It would have been very easy for John to disown Peter and rightly accuse him of being a coward, a liar, and a traitor. After all, Peter’s denial of Jesus was also a denial of their movement, their ministry and all that they had gone through the past 3 years. He not only denied Christ, he denied his fellow band of brothers. Yet there is no evidence that John cast Peter out. To the contrary, as was mentioned above, John was with Peter as they raced to the empty tomb. And Peter and John were together fishing in the Sea of Galilee when Jesus came to them. And John was within close proximity when Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him. So we have to assume that John also forgave Peter his sin and restored him to relationship with him and the other disciples.

    So yes, confess sin, repent from sin. But don’t miss the conclusion: restoration of relationships with a Holy Spirit love. 1 Cor. 13

    Thank you for your blog. May God keep instructing you as you provoke idle spirits into deep introspection and action! Blessings!

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