Sunday, August 5, 2012

There is power in the name of Jesus.

Yes, there is power in the name of Jesus. 

Are you able to say the name "Jesus" five times out loud, sweetly, without feeling uncomfortable?  Try it.  Can you say "God" more comfortably?

Arthur Blessitt, the man who has carried a 12 foot cross across the globe (check out his website) is a great evangelist.  He put it nicely:  The name of Jesus makes people uncomfortable because it causes conviction. 

The name of Jesus causes great emotion.  Terms such as Jesus Freak and Jesus Hippie are not exactly soft descriptions.  They bring out feelings of "going overboard".  Cult type thoughts come to our heads.  Sandals, robes, long hair and beards. 

God seems to have anointed me to be an evangelist of sorts, and I am walking the walk He intended for me.  It is ever evolving.  It is exciting.  Because He has told me to have "Loose Lips For Him", it doesn't really feel like I am obeying.  It feels like this is what I am supposed to do:  To spread the Gospel against all odds.  If I am having a conversation with you, it is nearly impossible to not speak of beautiful things.  If you want to just talk negative, I really struggle with that.  It is in my soul to speak of healing, restoration, new life and grace.  Those are automatics.  Do I sometimes get on a negative road about my past and my life:  Yes.  But, my gracious Holy Spirit Helper actually taps on my right shoulder (Yes, He really does) and I know I have gone too far.  Then I stop and redirect my conversation or just end it on a quick, positive note.

Today at our church our Bible School kids performed about 4 songs.  They were dancing and wiggling and shouting.  They were so great.  They sang and shouted the name "Jesus" so lovingly.  They didn't wince. 

We need to act like that. 

I remember Vacation Bible School in our Lutheran church growing up.  I believe I have blogged on that before.  It was wonderful.  It was not like our weekly pomp and circumstance Sunday service  Almost hauntingly chanting the Apostles Creed.  As if we would be struck dead if we smiled while we said it.   But, ahhh, Vacation Bible School.  Jesus you were there.  Cookies and green Koolaid and Red Rover.  Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.  Jesus' pins to wear.  All kinds of crafts to take home. 

I know in my heart I accepted Jesus as my Saviour as a kid.  I just didn't know what to do, other than to just go to church and Sunday school.  The growth in my Sunday School was memorize the books of the Bible and Luther's Catechism.  There was no talk of a personal relationship.  Just check off your stuff and get confirmed.   There was very little, if any Bible studies for adults.  Once you were confirmed, you were "done".  Yes, the cake was done, hallelujah.  Really? 

The great preacher, Charles Spurgeon wrote this, " The sad fact is that when you enter many of our places of worship you will certainly hear the name of God mentioned, but except in the benediction, you will scarcely know that there is a Trinity.  In many places dedicated to the Lord, the name of Jesus is too often kept in the background."

Do you want to follow some great preachers of our day?  Check out Creflo Dollar and TD Jakes.  They will make your soul quake.  The will arise in you the Holy Spirit, if you are willing.  Jesus is knocking.  Please answer that door!!

I have heard and read of great stories of people saved during airplane and car crashes that shouted the name "Jesus"or "Jesus save us" during the impact.  They lived to tell that they were saved from fire and great injury while the ones who just screamed, "We are going to die" perished. 

As I grow in my relationship with my Father, it almost causes physical pain when I hear someone say the Lord's name in vain.  I have to tolerate this at work.  It just is painful for me.  I hear the Lord's name profaned in so many ways in this person.  "Jesus Christ", "God", "Jesus".  Our words are so powerful.  We cannot hide from our Creator.  How do we ever rewind all of this that spews from our mouths?

Let me tell you this:  I so enjoy blogging, bragging about the Alpha and Omega who saved my sorry soul.  I get energized to type these eternal messages.  It is an outlet for me to be heard.  It is in my bones to spread the Gospel, in any way possible.   As I told a few preachers, "Just give me a microphone, will ya?" 

I ask that you consider what the name of Jesus, spoken out loud by you, does to your inner being.   If it is uncomfortable, count that a blessing that you are reading my blog.  You are reading it for a reason.  Get on your knees (Yes, that is important) and ask the Father to reveal to you any hidden sin.  If you are not sure if you are filled with the Holy Spirit, get on your knees and pray for this treasure, essential for your salvation.  Find a Bible packing church.  Open up your Bible and pray that the Lord will take the scales off of your eyes to reveal its Glory.  You will notice that it is illuminated once you are filled.  The actual Word Of God will bounce off the page, take you down roads you never dreamed and make you starving for more.  The work of the Devil, especially for decades has hidden the Gospel from people who think they are saved.  If the Bible does not come to life for you, you need to realize that and take action.  Humility is key.  "Lord, open up the rooms in my heart that you need access to.  Reveal my Gods.  If they be even food, alcohol or sports.  I put them before You, and I am sorry".  Search and seek and get on your knees daily.  Read the Word daily, even if it doesn't make sense.  It will.  It took me about 4 months!  And, WOW! 

Blessings my sisters and brothers.  Keep searching and learning.  Praise His name always. 

Acts 4:12  Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.

Philippians 2:9-10 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. 

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