Sunday, August 28, 2011


I love Sundays.  I have found myself having alot of conversation with the Holy Spirit the last few months, finally in this point of my life, but Sundays and flowing into Mondays are a storm!  Electrical storm.  It is a wonderful place to finally be.  I have had the Holy Spirit knocking on my heart for years.  He has warned me of danger and at a couple of times in my life, I listened and acted.  This has saved my family from a continued bad situation.  And that HS was the only voice in my heart that said "Warning".  And I took action. There was no way to know of this danger going on in my life, but for that whisper. 

Now, the HS does that still (Yes, I feel I do have a powerful gift of intuition to danger and I will keep sharing these powerful stories through blogs), but now the HS plants things on my heart!  Statements.  And I go to the Bible and the internet to research these statements.  And I find fellow true followers of Christ who support me and tell me I am blessed with such electrical activity.  And on top of it, these sisters in Christ of mine (many at my workplace) tell me the same types of statements were planted on their hearts, or that they read that same biblical verse "just yesterday".  Or they tried to email me that same verse in the Bible, but their email wouldn't send.  (Satan, you always are trying). 

This continues into Mondays where I can't wait to do my devotion and journal before my coworkers arrive.  And I get the opportunity to journal my revelations that happened over the weekend when I attended worship, read my Bible or other great books.  And then the storm slows down just a little during the work week. 

I hope that you will check back.  I want to share the books I read that help me with my faith journey and also about my revelations and how I know God is using them to confirm what he did in the Bible.  I don't need a burning bush or to see Jesus walk on water.  I have him confirmed by planting statements on my heart over and over again his messages.  And lately, the most wonderful one was "Melissa, I will Fill your cup".  He stated this to me in my kitchen when I was crying about my sister and how can I help her to believe in herself, even to live outside of a nursing home.  Financially and emotionally, he said "I Will Fill Your Cup".  Amen to our most High Father!  Praise to Him above all earthly and heavenly things!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Missy---God has so many blessings for us if only we all would choose to put our trust and faith in Him, and of course be obedient to Him. I will continue to pray for you and your family.
