Sunday, February 12, 2012

Under faith.

God's Blessings to you on this Sunday.  You may have noticed all of my other posts have disappeared.  As I had mentioned in previous posts, I knew when the time came (God's time), I would be led to either quit blogging, edit previous posts and/or pull down the blog.

I have asked God to convict me, through Scriptures and other Jesus Follower's words, what to do with my journey at this point.

I have used the blog to somewhat heal my wounds of the past:  Wounds that were caused by religion, wounds caused by my bad choices and wounds caused by other people.

I have simply hidden the previous blogs.  I am convicted to just try for a period of time to just bask in Jesus' love.  I want to just relish the fact that He saved me recently, and I should not worry so much about the details.

I will be back with Act II.  You got to enjoy Act I with me, and it was hopefully as good for you as it was for me.

I will be baptized in one week.  I am preparing for that, spiritually.  I am going to go through 40 days of Lent and then a glorious Easter.  I can't wait, being so in love with the Gospel, and this will be an emotional ride, coming up.  Spring is on the horizon.  New hope.

I want to come back with Act II, after spending glorious time with other Jesus Followers, in person!  I have so many invites for coffee and supper, to break bread with those that completely and totally understand my new life in Christ.  I enjoy small group and it looks like I have a couple of invites for those as well.  These are cool people, these Jesus Freaks.

I want to free up my time to not hide out in the house and type (which I love to do), but to practice fellowship so that I can be comforted, renewed, enlightened, restored.

I encourage you to read your Bible daily.  Fast this upcoming season.  Love on people.  Tell them all about love through Christ, and how it has changed you.  Tithe and give your church your first fruits.

I believe I have written 57 entries since September.  That is incredible.  The Holy Spirit was in that.  Now, I want the Holy Spirit to humble me down further, to forget details so much and just make me enjoy God's love.  I want that love to come out through my future writings.

Praise and Glory to God, who has rescued me from the pit.  Praise the day I was saved!  Praise the day now I was born and praise the day I was born again.  Praise the day my guilt (shackles) were removed, lovingly.  Every day I wake up, I try to remember to thank God for another day.

Be strong against the warfare.  Be alert.  The best defense is the Word.  Daily Word.  Find a good church.  Keep searching for that church.  Fill your day with beautiful music and message.  Turn off the TV, the news, the trash.  Fill your house with good news.

Check back with me.  I am so blessed that you joined me from over 12 countries.  It amazes me how many have viewed this blog.   I hope to be back.  Better than before.  Better every day in Christ until the day I meet Him.

Revelation 22:20-21 He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon."  Amen.  Come, Lord Jesus.  The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people.  Amen.

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